30 photos; 4:10 video
He was always better at everything than me grades, sports, even dating. I was just so tired of it. Our parents compared us in every aspect of our being. We are twins after all and comparison was inevitable. I just could not stand it anymore. I had my good points too, but compared to Robert I fell way below the bar.
I love my brother but I just can’t stand his complete arrogance. He is better than me at everything, which is why I saw red when I found out he had betrayed me beyond forgiveness. I had been in love with Melinda from my Literature class since the first day I saw her. I pined after her all semester but was way too shy to approach her. We had brief conversations regarding books and weekend plans, but I could never build up the courage to ask her out. Then I decided it was time to throw caution to the wind and ask her to the spring dance. I nervously approached her and stuttered out the question I had been waiting to ask her. I felt sweat trickle down my face when she said she had already accepted a date with my brother.
I walked home stunned and hurt. He knew how I felt about her. When I got home he was waiting with an apology and an explanation. I begrudgingly accepted his excuse about always liking her too, and how the question just came out. I once again fell below the bar.
The night of the dance I watched as he dressed in his suit and combed his hair. I sat watching with my heart in my throat, and then something snapped. I didn’t mean to do it but I had had enough. I tackled him the floor and we wrestled for a while as he screamed at me to stop. I dragged him into the family room by his legs and we continued our fight. As we huffed and panted rolling around the floor my hand reached back and found a length of rope from our Dads tool kit. I managed to wrap the rope around his wrists and tied them tightly. He struggled against me but I was fueled by adrenaline. I cinched the rope into tight knots, and then dragged him onto his feet. I pulled a roll of duct tape out and taped his big mouth shut. He screamed through the tape, and it was the first time in along time he had nothing to say.
I taped his eyes shut to keep the glares he shot at me from getting to me. He tried to get to his feet and tackle me but I quickly took control and tied his ankles tight with rope. He struggled and screamed through his gag. Then I panicked, what the hell was I doing? I lost my cool, and now I was going to have to let him go and explain and apologize. I took the tape off his eyes and listened as he screamed at me through the tape on his mouth. I knew this was going to be ugly. All of a sudden it became clear what I had to do.
I watched with a cautious eye as he struggled and moaned in the family room. I put on my best suit and combed my hair four times before I decided it was right. I grabbed the corsage from the fridge and went into the family room. He wiggled and jolted screaming through his gag when he saw what I was doing. I flipped him the bird and walked out to pick up Melinda.
A few hours into the dance my cell phone rang. All I heard was a muffled scream at the other end. It was the best night of my life.
The End
Model: Marco
Photography by: Caitiff
Date of Production 02/13/2009
35 photos; 5:49 video
Model: Stefano
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production:11/30/2012
28 photos
Jerry Quick-Step, all star shortstop for Rosie’s Coyotes was scared, very scared. One second he was loading his baseball stuff into his car, the next second something hard had exploded against Jerry’s head. Then he saw stars, and then blackness, and then—
Then he was here, but he didn't know where here was. There was some kind of cloth tied over his eyes and some kind of ball had been stuffed into his mouth. Jerry’s tongue didn't like this strange ball. It took up too much room inside Jerry’s mouth so his tongue kept pushing against it, but the ball was so tightly lodged between Jerry’s teeth that his tongue couldn't move it. It could only slip off the hard intruder again and again until the ball was all wet with Jerry’s spit.
And then there were the ropes, tight ropes wound all around Jerry’s arms and his hands and his body that were hugging him in a way he didn't want to be hugged. And then there were the rough hands and cruel voices. The rough hands moved him around and turned him this way and that and the cruel voices were laughing at him and that hurt almost as much as the ropes.
“So this is the great Jerry Quick-Step,” one of the cruel voices said.
“Have a seat, Jerry.” The cruel hands pushed him down onto the hard floor.
Then Jerry could feel their hands all over him again as they pushed and pulled his body whatever way they wanted it. And then Jerry could feel more of the biting ropes being wrapped tightly around his ankles and his wrists until he was sitting like an Indian and hardly able to move his hands or feet at all.
Then those hands suddenly tore the cloth off of Jerry’s head and the bright lights of the room stabbed into Jerry’s eyes. He had to blink several times before he could see anything at all, and then he saw the two men standing over him. Both of them were big beefy characters that looked about seven feet tall from where Jerry was sitting. And they both looked like the kind of men who enjoyed hurting people.
“Hello Jerry, my name is Spatz and this is Felix,” one of them said. “We don't mind if you know our names because you're going to get to know both of us real well.”
“We want to talk to you about your game Jerry,” the other one said. “You've been playing real well lately; batting average .302, fielding percentage better than 97 percent. We think it’s time you went into a slump.”
“Slump…?” Jerry slurped behind the slippery ball in his mouth.
“That’s right,” the one called Spatz grinned down at Jerry. “We'd like for you to strike out more.”
“Or you could hit a lot of grounders to second or short,” Felix put in.
“Yea and you need to get a real case of butter-fingers for awhile, drop the ball a lot, and that kind of thing.”
“Or you could throw it away sometimes. That’s always good for an extra base or two,” Felix laughed.
“I can't do that!” Jerry tried to squawk past the slippery ball-stopper in his mouth.
“Told you he wouldn't cooperate,” Felix sounded disappointed.
“That’s too bad,” Spatz sympathized. “I thought you were smarter than that.”
Jerry Quick-Step couldn't believe it! Did these guys think he was going to start throwing ball games just because they asked him to? Maybe Jerry was only good enough for semi-pro ball now, but he still had dreams of maybe getting a minor-league contract. And even if he didn't, Jerry had never cheated in his whole life.
“Okay Jerry, you're going have to wait here while we get something out of the truck. One piece of advice; the quieter you are while we're gone, the less lumps you'll get when we get back.”
“Yea and we really like giving out lumps!” Felix laughed.
Jerry watched the two bruisers go out of the room in a complete state of shock. Who were these guys? What did they want to hurt him so much? Then Jerry realized that he had better not be here to find out the answers. Somehow he had to get loose and get running before they came back.
But Jerry soon discovered that wanting to get loose and actually being able to get loose were two different things. Whatever else those two guys might be, they were both really good at tying knots. Still there had to be a way!
So Jerry twisted and squirmed and fell all over the floor, but no matter what he tried, he couldn't get his hands or feet free. He only made the tight ropes tighter. And then more trouble came Jerry’s way. Somehow in all of that rolling around on the floor, his pants had come loose, and now Jerry was feeling a definite draft as his pants slipped down lower and lower on his thighs.
Then Jerry heard a queer rumbling sound accompanied by the two bullies grunting, groaning and laughing. And then Jerry squirmed around on the floor until he could see something that he didn't believe. The two goons were rolling a pitching machine into the room! What were they going to do with that?
And then Felix noticed Jerry’s bare moons and his lucky pink jockstrap and burst out laughing. “Hey Spatz! Look at that!”
Then Spatz saw the sexy jockstrap and started laughing, too. “Hey Quick-Step, is that jock what they call regulation?”
Jerry started to blush. It wasn't bad enough that he almost naked. Now these two bozos had seen one of his most closely guarded secrets. The guys on the team didn't laugh at him. They all had their own lucky charms that they didn't want people laughing at. But these two guys—
The one called Spatz plugged the pitching machine into an outlet and then loaded a big bucket of balls into the hopper. “Okay Jerry, here’s the pitch—“
Felix broke up.
“Quiet Felix! This ain't supposed to be funny. I'm trying to be serious here.”
Jerry’s eyes became very big and his heart almost stopped when he saw Spatz turning the pitching machine until its maw was pointed right at Jerry’s defenseless body.
“I know you want to be stubborn about this so we're going to give you some time to make up your mind.”
“Yea, three strikes and you're out!” Felix started laughing again.
“I'm going to start you off with some change-ups, but if you don't come around pretty quick, I'm going right to the fast balls. Batter up!”
Jerry watched the machine come to life, saw the pitching arm pick a ball out of the hopper, and then the arm whirred forward and the ball shot out of the maw and headed right for Jerry’s—
Jerry Quick Step played by Mike
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 10/15/2009
32 photos
It was the middle of the day in the middle of nowhere and Harvey's truck had died. HE wasn't sure if it was the fuel injector again or something new but he did know there was no way he was going to get it fixed himself.
Harvey saw a house that looked like some one was home and went toward it. Hopefully he could use their phone and get a tow truck.
A handsome man in his forties answered. "Yes?"
"Sorry to bother you so late but my truck broke down the road. Could I use your phone?"
"Sure you can. Just give me a sec to get off the internet. I was right in the middle of downloading something"
"Thanks! No problem. Whew, what a day. I was supposed to be home right now."
"So no one knows you're even out here? Wouldn't they wonder where you were after a while?"
"Not really. I work late hours so much my neighbors rarely see me. "
"No family?"
"Divorced. Kids moved away."
"Ahh. Can I get you a drink or something? My computer should be done in just another few minutes."
"That would be great. Thanks. My name is Harvey, by the way."
"Gene.", said the man as he offered Harvey a cup of juice. Harvey took a big gulp. The walk up here had winded him a bit.
"I guess I was lucky I saw this place. Your's was the only house I saw that had a car in the driveway.."
"I like my privacy. When I need company, I figure I can always count of someone showing up. Like you."
"Harvey's head began to cloud. It was getting hard to focus. "What's that?" He asked.
" I like making new friends. When I meet someone I like, I let them stay with me. I even set up my basement to keep them in, so they stay still and quiet. I've had a number of 'friends' down there though I often loan them out to guys with similar interests once they are trained right. All my friends are with other people right now. So you'll be by yourself for a while. But that's good because I can concentrate on your training."
Gene said all this in a perfectly normal tone that belied his words. Unfortunately, Harvey couldn't quite catch the gist of what he was saying. His brain just couldn't connect the words he was hearing. Everything was getting blurry. Then it went black...
Harvey had a dream. He was in a jungle. He was covered by snakes and vines that wrapped themselves around his body, his hands and chest and legs. But Harvey wasn't scared. The snakes rubbed against his ass and crotch and Harvey felt himself getting a definite hard-on. A soft furry snake slithered between his teeth and squeezed his head. He felt warm and secure as the snakes and vines hugged his body tightly.
Suddenly Harvey woke up. His head was still a little foggy but it was finally beginning to clear. Still, it took him a while to notice Gene sitting beside him, staring.
"You finally woke up. Good." Gene said conversationally/
"Mmmaaff mmm mmpphht?" Gene replied groggily and suddenly noticed his words were coming out only as unintelligible grunts. There was tape over his mouth. Gene tried to take the gag off of his mouth but his hands were securely tied behind his back. In fact, rope was tied tightly around his chest and legs too. Harvey had woke up bound and gagged! What was going on?!
"Mmmm! Mmmmmm!" Harvey grunted as he strained against the ropes that bound him.
" I wouldn't bother if I were you. I've gotten pretty good at knots in the years I've been in this business." Gene explained.
Business? What the hell was he talking about? Harvey wondered. What the hell was going on here? Why would this guy take him for? He had no money for any ransom.
As if reading his mind, Gene said," I don't normally pick up merchandise your age but I had a request for someone like you. And I think I can make a fair profit off of you. You just need a little training is all. A little shaping up."
Harvey still didn't understand what Gene was talking about but he was sure he wouldn't like it. Desperately Harvey struggled against his bonds. But Gene was right. The knots held fast and no matter how hard Harvey bucked and rolled and stained and struggled, he remained tied up. All he could really do was roll around on the floor, grunting and cursing into his gag.
As Gene, meanwhile, sat back and watched as Harvey struggled in vain to get free. Gene's hand went to the bulge of his crotch and slowly and methodically he began to rub it as he watched Harvey intensely. This continued for a few minutes until Harvey's energy winded down. Harvey finally admitted to himself that he wasn't going to get free until this lunatic let him go. The thought sent shivers down Harvey's spine.
Then it got worse. Gene stopped rubbing himself and went over to Harvey. Gene then began to rub himself against Harvey's bound body. Harvey could feel Gene's massive boner through the fabric of his jeans. Gene's hands explored Harvey's body. Being bound and gagged, a helpless prisoner, Harvey could do nothing but lay there and let Gene do whatever he wanted.
Worse, Harvey began to shift uncomfortably as his body responded to the molestation with his own raging hard on that strained against the fabric of his jeans. Harvey had never let a another man feel him up this way before but suddenly Harvey needed to get off very badly. Harvey didn't want to be taken but at the same time, he desperately hoped that Gene would keep rubbing him just a little bit longer.
Unfortunately, just as Harvey was certain he was on the edge of coming, Gene got up. Harvey could only lay there, totally frustrated.
"Yep, " Gene said to his captive, " Like I thought. I can definitely spot potential."
Gene took out a short length of rope and soon Harvey was hog tied.
" Well, I'd better get rid of your truck just in case somebody does come looking for you eventually. This will make sure you stay put until I come back. Then we can begin your training in your new life".
Gene then left.
Hog tied, gagged and lying on top of a raging hard on that wouldn't go down, Harvey could hardly contradict his new master
The End?
Harvey played by Gene
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 12/07/2007
25 photos; 4:05 video
Model: Patrick
Photography: Caitiff
Date of Production: 11/25/2008
15 photos
Model: Tony
Photography by Caitiff
20 photos; 5:21 video
Model: Carl
Photography by Nick007
Date of Production 6-11-2016
23 photos; 5:10 video
Victim played by Mac
Bad Guy played by Rex
Photography: Caitiff
Date of Production: 05/22/2016
21 photos; 4:10 video
Jimmy Ritter – there he sat, the intrepid young star of the St. Louis Dispatch, caught
halfway between his worst nightmare and biggest fantasy. Everything happened in a
blur, too…
It was ten past eleven, and he was on his fourth and – hopefully – final draft of the latest
article in the Rottenberg case he’d been following for months now. Some big shot St.
Louis attorney involved in a massive sexual harassment scandal – gaining more and
more popularity by the minute as the public gobbled up the tragic downfall of a local
hero. Jimmy glanced at the time again. Way too late for a young stud like himself to be
trapped in the office, but this Rottenberg article was set for the front page, and he had
more than decided to make some social sacrifices in the face of his skyrocketing career.
Hunched over the computer with his Pandora channel blasting Foster The People,
Jimmy barely had time to react as an enormous leather-clad hand clamped over his
mouth and a beefy forearm pinned across his chest.
A voice, husky, whispered in his ear. Warm, fetid breath. “Listen, kid. I know this sounds
cliché, but stay quiet and nobody’s gonna get hurt.”
The man clamped his hand down even harder on Jimmy’s mouth, snickering in the
reporter’s ear. “Perfect, a witty maske man,” thought Jimmy, using sarcasm to block out
the fact that his manhood was rapidly stirring down below. He thought about breaking
the requested silence – perhaps by pitifully declaring, “If you want me silent, how about
a gag!” – but reconsidered. Talk about cliché. Plus, he had a feeling that highly anticipated
act-of-muffling would soon arrive, especially as he watched out of the corner
of his eye as the intruder – tall, beefy, black ski mask – hoisted coils and coils of rope
out of his sack.
Before Jimmy knew it, rope around his wrists. Biceps, then torso. Knees. Loops and
loops around his ankles. Helpless. Captive. And shamelessly hard. He could see the
headline now: “Taken Reporter’s Spirits Low, Cock High.” Jimmy’s mind was
ablaze, thoughts tumbling back to the early days of his adolescence, fervently watching
clips on the family’s computer of another Jimmy – Superman’s pal Jimmy Olsen –
struggling in bondage and grunting into a fat cloth gag. He still thought those scenes
were hot. Hell, maybe that’s why he entered the newspaper business anyway. An
homage to his “namesake.” Or a secret desire to find himself, like Mr. Olsen, all tied up
and silenced by the baddies.
But what about that token gag, the one Jimmy was craving so much? His mind raced to
say the perfect prompt. “You’ll never get away with this!” Jimmy uttered, looking his
captor in the eye as the man stood back to admire the handiwork. Jimmy groaned.
Really? That’s the best he could come up with? I guess this whole night was cliché.
“Ah, but I think I will, young Mr. Ritter.” The gravelly voice again, now coming from
behind him. Before Jimmy could even muster a reply, a long strip of black duct tape was
plastered against his mouth, the gloved hand pressing down hard again to make sure
his captive would, as he put it, stay quiet. “Aren’t you even wondering why I’m here?”
Jimmy leaned forward, his cock throbbing, a drawn-out moan escaping from his tapedup
mouth. This was almost too good to be true – but the mask man had a point. What
the hell was he breaking in for? As if reading Jimmy’s mind, the muscle-bound XXXX
started in. “You see, James – may I call you James? Keep grunting like that, boy, it
makes you seem even more helpless than you already are. Anyway, back to my story.
Mr. Rottenberg, my boss, if you will, hasn’t really loved all the things you’ve been saying
about him. He actually kind of hates the bad press – he never did anything to those
greedy ladies, as he’ll soon testify to in court. Pretty sure he’ll take home the victory –
he’s got good friends in high places,” the mask man said wistfully, patting Jimmy’s
shoulder and replacing his thick gloved hand over Jimmy’s mouth.
“You see, though, Mr. Rottenberg can’t take any chances. All of these reports and all of
this evidence you have here at the Dispatch need to go. Fast. So that’s why I’m here.”
The man finished his monologue, coming around in front of Jimmy, straddling his
captive in the desk chair. Jimmy could feel the weight of the man on his thighs; saw a
crescent of a smile emerge from the mouth hole on the ski mask.
“What Mr. Rottenberg doesn’t know, however, is that I’m also a real fan of tying up
young studs like yourself.” Jimmy’s eyes widened as the stranger leaned forward,
kissing him over his gag while simultaneously massaging Jimmy’s throbbing cock
through his pants. Jimmy bucked in the ropes, overcome by pleasure. Taken!
Really Taken! Suddenly, the captor jumped off the chair, Jimmy’s head whipping
around to see the man pull something else – a flash of white – from his sack of bondage
“And now, the best part of all.” Jimmy moaned deeply as the man tied a large, thick,
white cloth – from just under the nose to the base of the chin – over Jimmy’s already gagged
mouth. Perfection. “MMMGPGHGPGMGPGHHHH!!” Jimmy roared as best he
could through the gag, which was more than effective in silencing him.
“I’ll be right back, boy. Sit tight,” the man chuckled. Jimmy tried to crane his neck to see
where he was going, but didn’t even need to witness it. He heard the familiar coded
entry beep of the computer mainframe. Damn! The bastard had access to that. No
doubt he’d wipe out the mainframe and head for the information archives to snag more
precious data about that fiend, Rottenberg. A thought popped into Jimmy’s mind, as he
wrestled with his manhood – aching with ecstasy – and the thought of his career doing
down the drain. His computer! Email was up in another tab – he’d taken a break from
his last draft to start an email to his editor, but hadn’t sent yet. “If only I could try…”
Jimmy thought, his gagged face attempting to maneuver the mouse over to the email
tab. “Almost… almost… come on…”
He was interrupted by a cough. Still husky. “Just what do you think you’re doing now,
Mr. Ritter? Don't tell me trying to somehow send an email while all bound and gagged
up!” The man reached down, gave Jimmy’s cock another squeeze. “I like a struggle,
boy. You certainly know how to do that!” Jimmy gargled and grunted through the thick
cloth as the inevitable arrived. The mask man unplugged Jimmy’s computer and
keyboard and threw them in the sack, filling the now-empty void with their trussed-up
owner. “I hope you don’t mind, Jimmy, but before I go I just need to give you one last
test of struggling strength.” The captor removed Jimmy’s glasses and placed them on a
nearby shelf, before grabbing another length of rope and wrenching Jimmy into a tight,
effective hogtie. “There we go,” he said, patting Jimmy’s ass and clamping down that big
gloved hand – yet again – on Jimmy’s mouth.
Jimmy watched as the man hoisted the sack over his shoulders. “The mainframe is
ruined, and I have all the evidence and articles you’ve worked on in my trusty goodie
bag. I’m sorry to have ruined your night, Jimmy, but security should be here soon. In the
meantime, enjoy yourself, Jimmy Ritter.” Jimmy grunted. Rolled his eyes. The man
smiled. That crescent again. “Or should I say… Jimmy Olsen.”
Writer's Block: 2nd Place
Braxton in Distress.
By Zarbi 360.
"Mmmmm" Braxton moaned into the gags around his mouth, as he thrashed around on
top of his desk, trying to get free. But the ropes binding him were tied to tight, and would
not give. ìShut the fuck up.î Shouted a voice from the next office. Braxton stopped
thrashing about, he lifted up his head to see into the next office. But having lost his
glasses, Braxton could not see a thing. Lowering his head Braxton lay on the desk and
thought back to how all this had started.
9.45 P.M. Braxton closed the file he had been working on, and shut down his computer.
He looked around the office, the whole place was empty. For the past 4 weeks
Braxtonís boss had asked him to work overtime. The work had not been that hard, in
fact a lower member of staff could have had done it and Braxton had not had to work
too long after hours. But all that changed over the last week. The work had remained
the same put the time after hours had got longer, and longer. Tonight was the longest it
had ever been.
Braxton rubbed the top of his nose and pushed his glasses back up his nose. Braxton
heard a noise behind him, but before he could turn round to see who it was a strange
smelling cloth was clamped over his nose and mouth.
Braxton tried to struggle and scream, but he couldnít put up much of a fight. He tried to
remain conscious, as he felt himself getting light-headed. Finally Braxton fell senseless
back into his chair.
10.45 P.M. Braxton opened his eyes, he tried to move but found that he could not his
arms and legs would not work. Standing in front of Braxton were two men, his attackers.
Braxton knew both men.
One of the men was his boss Joshua, who was a few years older than Braxton. The
other was Thomson, the chief Security guard. Braxton tried to make sense of what was
happening. Joshua seeing that Braxton was awake spoke, but not to Braxton but to
Thomson. ìHeís come round. Youíll better get the ropes and bind him before the XXXX
wears off completely.
Thomson opened a large bag he was holding and took out some rope. While Joshua
reached forewords and grabbed Braxtonís hair, and pulled him forwards. Thomson
moved close to Braxton and began to tie Braxtonís arms behind his back. He wrapped
the ropes around and around Braxtonís arms, from his wrists to his elbows, and back.
Thomson then threaded the ends of the ropes through the layers of rope and tied them
tightly together. Braxtonís body started to tremble as the XXXX wear off, and he tried to
get free from the ropes binding his arms. Thomson then started on Braxtonís legs, just
like before Thomson tightly wrapped the strong ropes around him, this time from his
ankles up to just under Braxtonís knees and back down. Again the ends of the ropes
were threaded through the wrapped ropes and tightly tied. ìThat will do nicely.î Said
Joshua letting go of Braxtonís head.
ìWhat the fuck is going on?î Braxton yelled, as he finally got his face back. Neither man
answered, Joshua grabbed Braxtonís hair again and pulled his head up roughly. ìHay,
what the fuck you doingÖmmmmm.î Braxton cried. Thomson had pulled a roll of black
duck-tape out of the bag, and XXXXd tape tightly around Braxtonís mouth. Thomson then
tied a bandana over the tape. Braxton still tried to shout and scream, but only muffled
sound could be heard.
ìYou be a good boy and stay there, nice and quiet.î Joshua told Braxton. ìWeíll be back
soon.î The two men walked into Joshuaís office, but left the door open. As soon as he
was alone Braxton started to struggle and moan into his gags. After what seemed like
hours to Braxton, he stopped struggling. After a short rest Braxton tried something else.
He rocked backwards and forwards in his chair, and finally managed to get unsteadily to
his feet. Hop, hop hop went Braxton was he tried to get to the door. ìHay, none of that
you little fucker.î Said a voice behind him, Braxton stopped and turned his head. Joshua
and Thomson were standing in the doorway of Joshuaís office, watching him. Before
Braxton could do anything both men were back in the office and had tight hold of the
struggling Braxton. The two men as one picked up Braxton and throw him on top of his
desk, Braxtonís computer fell to the floor. While Joshua kept tight hold of Braxton,
Thomson hog-tied Braxton. Both men stepped back from Braxton, who started
struggling and moaning into his gags again. Both men went back into Joshuaís office
For over half an hour Braxton struggled, moaned into his gags and shook head, on top
of his desk. Once he shook his head too hard and his glasses fell off. "Mmmmm"
Braxton moaned into the gags around his mouth, as he thrashed around on top of his
desk, trying to get free. But the ropes binding him were tied to tight, and would not give.
ìShut the fuck up.î Shouted Joshuaís voice from his office. Braxton stopped thrashing
about, he lifted up his head to see into Joshuaís office. But Braxton could not see a
thing without his glasses. Joshua and Thomson came back into the office, and walked
over to Braxton on top of the desk. ìRight, hereís the deal arse-hole. Iíve taken a very
large amount of money from here. And Thomson and I are going to start a new life
together. And you are going to take the fall for us. Over the past 4 weeks Iíve made it
look like it was you who took the money. In an hoursí time some friends of ours will
came and put you in cold storage. By the time you reappear youíre by a XXXX addicted
simpleton ready to take the fall.î Joshua stopped talking and without another word he
and Thomson left. Braxton thrashed about, and struggled even harder. He had just
under an hour to get free, and report Joshua and Thomson, or his goose was cooked.
Braxton must have lost track of time, suddenly he heard the office door open. And he
was still well and truly tightly bound. THE END.
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 04/24/2012
26 photos; 6:32 video
Victim: Braxton
Bad Guy: Donovan
Date of Production: 06/10/2016
33 photos; 4:57 video
Model: Zac
Photography by: Zac
Date of Production:11/30/2012
14 photos; 5:41 video
(continued from XXXX)
After Dante managed to free himself, he thought of the perfect way to get back at Donovan. He could’ve easily called the cops and had Donovan arrested for what he did, but that wouldn’t be fun for him. No…not fun at all.
Even though Donovan and Dante had dated for three months before Dante broke it off, Donovan was unaware that Dante’s twin brother Devon was a huge fan of Donovan’s skateboarding career. Of course, that adoration subsided a bit after hearing what happened to Dante, but that made Devon even more excited to be in on his brother’s revenge plot.
Dante grabbed his video camera and hid in the closet as Donovan made his way to the front door. Devon stood behind it, rag in hand. As Donovan opened the door, he barely had a chance to realize that Dante had escaped before the rag was placed firmly over his nose and mouth. Devon pinned one of Donovan’s arms as he struggled. It didn’t take long before Donovan’s legs began giving out, and soon he was completely out.
Devon quickly went to work as he heard his twin chuckling from the other room. Before long, Donovan was bound to the chair just as he did to Dante before. As Donovan came to, he immediately knew what was happening. The tables had been turned…or so he thought.
“There you are,” Devon said with a wry smile. “I wouldn’t want you to miss the pleasure of being gagged.”
“What the f…mmmmph,” was all Donovan managed to get out before Devon wrapped the green rag around Donovan’s mouth, creating a firm cleave gag.
“You talk too much,” Devon said, “and I don’t like my idols talking back to me.”
Donovan looked at him quizzically. “Wha da fuc are you tawkin ‘bou,” he managed to utter through his gag.
“Don’t pretend you don’t know. You’re one of my favorite skateboarders, and now I have you all to myself.”
Donovan didn’t understand what was going on, and it worried him as Devon walked around making sure the knots were secure. He tried calling out Dante’s name, but his sounds were muddled and muffled through the gag.
“Oh, yeah…I’m not Dante,” Devon said, “I’m his identical twin brother…and I have a big crush on you. And when Dante called me over and told me what you did to him, I couldn’t pass this up. Right Dante?”
“Right, bro,” Dante said as he entered the room, camera in hand. “Guess you shouldn’t have messed with, Don. Now, Devon here gets to do whatever he wants to you.”
“Thanks, Dante,” his brother said as he grabbed another bandana. “Better make sure he doesn’t talk anymore. I don’t want the neighbors to hear what’s about to happen.”
Donovan struggled as much as he could, but it was no use. Devon wrapped the second bandana around his face, securing the already-placed gag even more.
“Dante, that car battery and cables are still in the garage, right?”
“Yeah, bro. I like what you’re thinking.”
“Cool. Let’s go get ‘em.”
Dante placed the camera down on a completely frightened Donovan. The brothers walked out, leaving Donovan to ponder his fate.
Victim: Donovan
Bad Guy: Dante
Photography: Caitiff
Date of Production: 06/09/2016
29 photos; 5:38 video
Model: Rick
Photography: Caitiff
Date of Production: 05/19/2016
26 photos
Kerry knew how lucky he was to get this waiter’s job at an exclusive restaurant downtown. He was making a very good wage which was helping him pay his way through his freshman year at college. But he just hated it when the last customer of the night sat dawdling over their after-dinner coffee instead of just going home so that Kerry could close up for the night. All the rest of the staff had gone home and the owner trusted Kerry to lock up, but Kerry still had some studying for tomorrow’s exams to do when he got home and it was already close to eleven o’clock.
“Is there anything else I can get you, Sir?” Kerry asked the beefy guy in the dark suit, hoping that the guy would take the hint and pay his check.
“No, but I have something for you,” the man drawled as he stood up to his full height.
Innocent Kerry began to smile, thinking that the customer was going to give him a nice tip, so he was completely surprised when the man suddenly grabbed Kerry by the back of his neck. The hard hand hurt as strong fingers began to squeeze Kerry’s tender flesh and Kerry opened his mouth to cry out, but that was when the man stuffed a ball of crumbled handkerchief into Kerry’s open mouth.
“Come on kid, you can show me where the bathroom is,” the man growled into Kerry’s ear.
Kerry was scared to XXXX and the man’s big hand really hurt where it was squeezing Kerry’s neck so he didn’t even think of putting up a struggle while the man picked up his briefcase and then started walking Kerry toward the bathroom in the back of the restaurant.
Inside the small bathroom the man pushed Kerry up against the wall and then showed him a brown leather blackjack-thing that looked like it would really hurt. Then the man pressed his beefy body up against Kerry so that Kerry’s chest was being pressed up against the wall.
Then the man’s garlic breath washed over Kerry’s ear. “All right kid, now I want you to stay real quiet and you want to avoid getting any really nasty bumps on your head. Do we understand each other?”
“Gghuhuh…” Kerry’s throat quivered behind the ball of cotton that was swelling to fill up the inside of his mouth.
“Good boy. Now don’t make any sudden moves and you won’t need to go to the doctor’s in the morning.” The man brushed the hard head of the blackjack across Kerry’s cheek so that the captive waiter could smell the tangy leather and feel the hardness of the heavy lead the blackjack was filled with.
Kerry nodded his head and closed his eyes while his heart started pounding in his ears and mental pictures of Kerry’s bruised and bleeding body scared the young freshman all the way down to his shoes.
Then he opened his eyes and dared to peek while the man started taking lengths of rope out of his briefcase and then began wrapping them around Kerry’s shaky body. Nobody had ever tied Kerry up before and he wasn’t prepared for the way the man’s ropes hugged his body tight and pinched through the thin cotton of his shirt to hurt his skin or the way those ropes made Kerry feel more and more helpless.
Then the man turned Kerry around to face him and pressed Kerry’s skinny frame back against the wall with his muscular body. And then in the brighter lights of the bathroom Kerry got his first good look at the man’s face. The face was aged with lots of craggy lines and there were thin scars over the man’s eye and on his chin, but it was the eyes that scared Kerry the most. They were the cruel eyes of a man who had enjoyed hurting people before and would enjoy hurting Kerry now if the young waiter gave him any excuse.
So Kerry didn’t move a muscle while the man plastered black strips of tape over Kerry’s lips and the ball of handkerchief. And he didn’t even think of resisting when the man pushed him down onto the toilet seat and then began tying lots more rope all around Kerry’s thighs and ankles so that his legs were being all squeezed together and pinched.
“Okay kid, now you sit here quietly while I find out how much cash you took in tonight.”
The man picked up his briefcase and opened the bathroom door. “I’ll be back,” the man promised and then he left Kerry all alone with his fear.
For several minutes Kerry was too afraid to do anything. But then the man’s promise to come back and see Kerry again popped into Kerry’s head and made him even more afraid. What would the man do to him when he came back? Kerry didn’t know, but he didn’t want to be here when that happened.
So first Kerry squirmed against the tight ropes; hoping that he could find some way to wiggle his hands free. But the ropes were tied really tight and the knots felt impossible to loosen. Kerry was really trapped!
Then Kerry saw the window. Maybe he could get some help from somebody outside. It wasn’t easy to get to his feet with the way those ropes were hugging his legs so tight, but Kerry finally managed to stand up and inch his body toward the window. Then he looked out and saw three people down in the street. Terry mmphed as loud as he dared and tried as hard as he could to attract their attention to his plight, but the happy people were all XXXX and they just waved and laughed at Kerry before they walked on into the night.
Kerry felt really helpless as his body sagged back down to sit on the toilet again. Nobody was going to help Kerry and he felt so alone.
Then the door opened and the man came back in with his briefcase. “You can tell your Boss that he had a really good night. You can also tell him that I’m taking that cash as a down payment on what he owes my Boss. He’d better come up with the rest of it pretty quick. Now hold still and close your eyes.”
Kerry saw the man take another wide strip of that black tape from his briefcase and then he started moving it toward Kerry’s face. Still very scared and wanting to get out of this mess with a whole skin, Kerry closed his eyes tight and tried not to move while he felt the man’s blunt fingers smearing the sticky tape all over his closed eyelids and eyebrows.
“Now I know a young guy like you is going to be tempted to be a hero and try to get out of here to call the police right away so I’m going to have to give you a little something to slow you down.”
What did that mean? What was he going to do? Kerry’s heart started beating faster and his breaths started whistling through his nose quicker and quicker. Then he felt one of the man’s strong hands on the back of his neck and a damp bar towel was being pressed over his nose. The bar towel stank of whiskey and beer and Kerry tried to twist his face away, but the man held him firmly until Kerry began to smell something else on the towel. Something really sweet that smelled like a very strong pina collada. What was that stuff?
Bright colors began dancing in front of Kerry’s blindfolded eyes and a warm hazy feeling began to spread all through Kerry’s body until he could no longer feel the hard ropes hugging against him. And then Kerry felt like his whole body was floating up off of the toilet seat just before he felt nothing at all.
Kerry played by Patrick
Photography by Caitiff
25 photos
”It will only take a minute.” That was what Steven had said as he
beckoned Ben to come down into the basement. Now he had
already been gone for longer than that. Not that Ben was
complaining, although he must present a slightly weird picture,
tied to a chair in full formal attire, bowtie and all, in Steven’s
derelict basement.
Ben couldn’t help smiling to himself. His neighbor Steven had
never been one to care about ephemeral things like paint. He did
look good himself, though, in those dirty jeans and t-shirt that he
used to wear when he was tinkering with the stuff he kept in his
basement, like today. So Ben hadn’t minded at all even when
Steven proposed to tie him to a chair. It was all good fun and he
did have a minute to spare. And especially he loved the feel of
ropes around his wrists and chest, and other ropes tugging at his
Ben was feeling strangely comfortable, although the clock was
ticking and he was supposed to be off any minute now. This
wasn’t the first time he and Steven played some rope games, but
it had been a while now. He felt at the ropes tying his hands
together. The knots were solid, as Steven’s handiwork was wont
to be. His feet were likewise securely tied to the back chair legs.
There was no way he was getting out of this without help.
Ben found the thought of being helpless oddly soothing, even
though he was going to be late for the dinner. He wasn’t in the
mood for bland food and idle conversation anyway. Strangely he
preferred being tied up in Steven’s dank basement. He smiled
again, thinking that he must be quite the sight, looking like some
kind of captured secret agent.
Oh well, that would be the day… the daring, handsome agent
lured into a romantic tryst and trapped by the devious enemy.
“You can torture me all you like, but I will reveal nothing....” He
tried to assume a suitably fierce expression and tentatively
weighed on the chair to see if he could topple it. He thought that
he could, but he would probably only hurt himself. Instead he just
relaxed and let himself drift off into the world of dreams.
Ben’s daydreaming broke off abruptly at the sight of Steven
coming down the stairs. “Dude, you need to release me”, Ben
smiled. “I should have been off ages ago.” There was something
about Steven’s expression that gave Ben pause. “Yeah, about
that”, Steven drawled. “I called them and said that you’re not
coming. That you had come down with some kind of stomach
bug.” Ben’s mind was racing, as several trains of thought collided
in his head. First he was angry, then relieved, then puzzled, then
a little bit scared. But he had known Steven since childhood and
while he could be a little quirky, he wasn’t really a scary person.
So the smile crept back onto Ben’s face, as he took in Steven’s
dirty t-shirt clinging to his lean, stringy body, his shaggy
strawberry blond hair and stubble and his wry smile as he picked
up another coil of rope. Ben’s smile faded as Steven methodically
tied his knees together, looping the rope meticulously around itself
and fastening it. “Hey man, what are you doing?” Ben wondered.
“You need to let me loose. And what was that thing you were
going to show me?”
“You’ll see soon enough”, Steven answered without looking up.
“You comfortable?” “Yeah, as comfortable as can be supposed
being bloody tied up”, Ben laughed. There was no way he could
take his predicament seriously. He’d known Steven all his life, and
the guy couldn’t hurt a fly. But he’d put up a fight anyway, if just
for show. And he certainly didn’t want Steven to know how
immensely he was enjoying all this, to the point that it was
beginning to show in his pants.
“Quit mucking about”, Steven growled. “You’re not going
anywhere and you know it.” “Oh yeah?” Ben quipped defiantly.
“Oh yeah!” Steven assured him, leaning over him with his hands
on his thighs, pressing him to the floor. Ben was reminded of the
games they used to play. He never used to be able to get out of
Steven’s bonds, while Steven usually got loose eventually. Maybe
that was in part because it always felt so good being tied up by
Steven, feeling his body close but not touching, with Steven
oblivious to the world while concentrating on getting the ropes just
Ben wondered what Steven was doing for a living nowadays.
They had kind of grown apart after Ben went off to university,
while Steven stayed behind, doing whatever he was doing.
Right now he was fiddling with some black rope, standing on a
chair and looping it over a pipe near the ceiling, affording Ben a
prime view of his crotch and even showing some skin as his t-shirt
parted company with his jeans. A string of dark hair curled its way
into the jeans, which showed a nice bulge. The realization hit Ben
like an electric shock. Steven was getting hard. The thought of it
instantly got Ben hard too, and by now he didn’t really care who
“You getting excited up there”, he called out to Steven, his face
cracking up into a big smile. “Shut up”, Steven growled, giving
Ben a murderous look. “So that's what you wanted to show me?”
Ben grinned, nodding in the direction of Steven’s bulging jeans.
“I said, shut up!” Steven repeated, jumping off the chair and
leaning once again over Ben, making him giddy with his smell of
sweat and excitement, that smell that Ben always had loved when
they were horsing about as boys, only this was very obviously a
man’s smell.
Ben wasn’t even scared as Steven looped the black rope around
his neck and tightened it by pulling the other end. Instead the
feeling of the coarse rope around his neck excited him. Somehow
he had never felt so intimate with Steven before, as he literally
was holding Ben’s life in his hands.
“How is our dashing hero going to get out of this sticky situation”,
he thought. “Join us next week to find out.” Steven looked
annoyed at Ben’s grin and tightened the rope just enough to show
he was being serious. “Do your worst, buddy”, Ben thought, also
suddenly serious and looking Steven straight in the eye. In some
deep corner of his soul he felt that it would even be alright to be
killed by Steven. There had always been an unspoken connection
between the two of them, like they were meant to be together
somehow. As the rope slowly tightened around his neck, Ben felt
strangely serene and exhilarated, and at the same time more
excited than he ever remembered, as he watched Steven’s grim
look as he pulled unrelentingly on the black rope. “I won’t scream
and I won’t beg”, was the last thought that passed through Ben’s
mind before all went black.
“I thought he’d never shut up”, Steven thought to himself as he
was untying the XXXX Ben. Steven wasn’t a man of many
words and had never been able to express his feelings for Ben.
But today was different, he thought as he stripped Ben of his
clothes and folding them neatly on the table. Today they had
crossed a line together, and they both knew it. Steven let Ben
keep his underwear on as he carried him upstairs, laying him on
the bed and stroking his body softly while waiting for him to wake
up. The night was still young.
Prom Night by Toldeo Ty (Writer's block 2nd place)
It had been a long school year and was glad to see "prom night"
finally arriving. Although I didn't have "a date" I still intended to go
as I enjoyed seeing all the hot guys and I knew James would be
there (who I secretly had a crush on). Always received "mixed"
signals from him and wasn't sure if he was interested in me or
not. I finished putting my tux on and headed out to prom. I greeted
all my friends as I entered including James. I tried to avoid Stan
as he had made unwanted advances towards me in the past.
While mixing with everyone I suddenly discovered a note had
been stuffed in my pocket which simply said..."meet me in the
basement". I wondered if this possibly was from James as I made
my way down into the basement.
I spotted a wooden chair in one of the corners just as someone
came up behind me with a ski mask on (who I thought was
James) telling me to sit down in the chair. Did James actually
know of my fantasy to be "XXXX"? I complied and he pulled
my hands behind my back and began wrapping rope around my
wrists. This instantly gave me a boner. WOW! How did James
know I was into being tied up? I couldn't help but smile as my
fantasy was coming to life. He took another rope and wrapped it
around my chest and arms, pinning my arms to my sides. The
excitement of this was incredible! I was so turned on, I wanted to
play with my hard cock but was unable to do so which only added
to the whole scene. I was sure that my "excitement" was showing
very prominently though by pants as I was tied up more. Next he
moved around in front of me and wrapped rope around each
ankle and then pulled the rope up to the center part of the chair
(pulling my feet up off the floor) and secured it. I continued
watching with a smile on my face.
Next, he took another long piece of rope and wrapped it tightly
around each leg (just below the knee) and then after securing
both legs tied it off to the front rung of the chair. I began to
struggle a bit and discovered I was very tightly tied to the chair
and it didn't feel like I could actually get free (even if I had wanted
to). Once he was sure I was secure he reached down and played
a bit with my hard cock. I moaned in ecstasy! Suddenly he
stopped and pulled his mask off. To my XXXX it wasn't James but
Stan. I began bucking in the chair to break free of his devious
scheme but he had tied me very tightly and I couldn't find any
knots to try to loosen. Stan looked at me and laughed. "I guess I
have you now, don't I?" He leaned over and kissed me but try as I
could I couldn't break free or stop him. "Stan, let me go." Looking
at me with a very lustful stare he answered..."I don't think so."
"I've told you before that I don't have any feelings toward you."
"Then why is your cock so hard?" he laughed as he once again
grabbed my cock and teased me some more. How could I
respond to that? For as long as I could remember I always got
hard just from the sight of rope and if I saw pictures of a guy tied
up that got me even hotter. Now, finding myself helplessly tied up
(even at the hands of Stan) I couldn't help but be hard. Try as
hard as I could I couldn't break free of the ropes holding me tightly
to the chair.
"Nothing to say?" Stan then produced a black strap and after
attaching one end to a hook in the ceiling he wrapped the other
end around my neck. "Maybe this will change your mind" he said
as he walked away and back up the stairs. "Why don't I let you
think it over." Although I wasn't "hanging" from this it was making
it increasing difficult to breathe. The more I struggled to get free
the more my air was cut off. I tried to keep from panicking but I
was afraid I was going to pass out. I tried yelling but the noise of
the music upstairs made it impossible for anyone to hear me and
yelling only used up more oxygen.
Just as I felt myself beginning to black out I heard James voice.
Quickly he undid the strap around my neck as he asked if I was
alright. I told him that I was as I sat there and caught my breath.
James said..."I saw you come down here and then I saw Stan
come back up but when you didn't return I thought I would see
what was going on." James began to reach for the rope to untie
me but I looked at him and said "No, don't." A bit puzzled he
stopped and looked and then he spotted the bulge in my pants.
"Hmmmmmmm...Looks like someone enjoys being tied up." I
shook my head in agreement. "Well then, why don't we have
some fun?" he said as he reached down and played with my hard
cock and then bent over and kissed me. I passionately kissed him
back and then I felt his tongue against my lips so I opened my
mouth and our tongues intertwined. After kissing for awhile James
said "You look hot all tied up helpless like that." All I could do was
moan as I was so turned on by this whole scene. Suddenly, I
thought about Stan. "What if Stan comes back down here?"
James simply smiled and said I cold cocked that son-of-a-bitch
and hogtied his ass up in the restroom; so don't think he will be
bothering us." I smiled and replied "Maybe you will hogtie me
sometime." James looked at me and smiled as he continued to
play with my stiff cock "You can count on it, stud."
Model: Jay
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 10/12/2008
25 photos; 3:51 video
That's me, I had a lot of things going for me great job, plenty of money, prestige; not to mention my pick of the ladies and even the guys on occasion. Now, look at me cowering on the floor trussed up like a Christmas present. I am going to die here or at least wish I had. I never had any real friends they cost to much money and my family forgot about me a long time ago. Now, there is no hope not for me. There is only the memory of how I wound up in this situation.
My name not that it matters now is Ronald, People at the office called me Mr. Thatcher. Clients called me Ronald, everyone else calls me Ronnie. I was the youngest CEO of one of the most up and coming, prestigious corporations ever. From the moment our name hit the market it was an overwhelming success. Everything we touch turned to gold. My businesses sudden and spectacular success was due in no small part to my own unforgiving, cutthroat outlook on life. No, sacrifice was to great, as long as somebody else was making it. I was corrupt necessarily just unforgiving if you were not bleeding for the company you were not working for the company. Those first months I lost almost all my staffing because the lightweights could not handle the rigors of a fast-paced and diligent workplace. Casualties were high. Business causalities like ulcers, stress, and nervous breakdowns were commonplace. But the point is that in just a few short years I had put my company at the cutting-edge of success. Now that the company was there I was gong to make damn sure it stayed there no matter what. Sure, I stepped on a few toes! Of course feelings got hurt!
I suppose that is what eventually landed me here. Bound and gagged by an assailant the said he was hired by an individual I had hurt. He would not tell my the name of the injured party but he assured me after tonight it would be the only thing I could remember. I had just gotten home from the office. As I was loosening my tie a meaty hand was clamped so hard over my mouth I couldn't breath. MMmmPPppHHhh! I hadn't even removed my fucking shades. I turned to glare at the guy but all I could see was a thick arm extending from a body composed of towering muscles and hatred from the way he looked at me.
"You are Ronald Thatcher." It was not a question so much as a plain statement of fact. All I could do was stand there nodding stupidly. I was to terrified to scream.
"You will not be hurt as long a you obey my every command. A moment of hesitation, a refusal or anything short of an instant compliance and I will break you." Again a simple statement of fact. My now captor was also unnervingly well spoken. Much more than a common thug.
"Kneel" came the command. It was so unexpected it startled me.
True to his word my brief hesitation earned me a bone shattering punch to the ribs. He had hit me so hard the world went out of focus as I felt my knees buckle."I said kneel."
Once on the ground the surprisingly deft hands of my attacker wound me up in so much rope; that he seemed to pull out of nowhere. He wrapped it around and around my chest cinched in one smooth knot and then continued to wrap it around first one arm then across the back and around the other arm. Then with the slack he brought the rope down the small of my back bound my hands ifin four or five loops and wrapped the rest around my stomach and secured it around my wrists with a series of complex knots. The ropes bit through my thin dress shirt and chaffed against the skin of my wrists.
"You know,.." I began because he had released his strangle hold on my mouth to tie me.
"Quiet", he said as calmly as if he was describing the weather.
I clamped my mouth shut so fast my teeth made a loud and audible click. Then almost on cue they smeared a sticky strip of duct tape over my lips.
"Face the wall. I do not want to see your face." I quickly twisted by body to the wall the tight ropes constricting alarmingly. As the ropes tightened little slivers of pain crept up my spine. My gut still aching from his punch I did not want to do anything to incur his wrath again. Then he did something unexpected he stood up marched through my living room to the bedroom phone. I twisted painfully against the rope and looked over my shoulder. He had called someone I had no idea who he was talking to but I heard one phrase clearly. "I got him come on up." Was I about to meet the person in charge of my mistreatment. Suddenly he hung up the phone and spun in time to catch me watching him. Fuck! I was in trouble now. It took the massive man only a few strides before he was once more towering over me. The blows rained down on me from all sides it seemed. I twisted and writhed to no avail his punishment was harsh and brutal. All solid body XXXX. Finally, I surrendered completely. The rope had cut so deep because of all my squirming that I could barely move. Helpless I let him strike me time after time while I just whimpered like a dog.
"That was very stupid. I told you I did no want to see your face.", he said after one final punishing strike that took what was left of my breath. I lay there panting, broken and defeated when a the lingering silence between him and I was shattered by a gently almost methodical rapping on the door. In walked a very distinguished looking young man. He was dressed in designer everything from his shoes which were perfectly polished to the matching pinky rings here wore. One on each hand.
"Wrap up his legs.", he said in a calmly assertive voice. Obediently his thug bound more rope around and around my legs pinning them against each other. I once again struggled futilely in attempt to free myself. All I managed to do was kick off my shoes and get another beating from the big thug for my efforts. The knots he had tied were so very secure.
"Mmpphh, MMpphhMmmm, MMMPPPHHH!!" I screamed into the duct tape. I was finally trying to yell for help but like an idiot in my panic I had forgotten about the duct tape over my mouth. While I tried and failed to break free of the tight ropes or at least manage to make a loud enough noise for someone to hear the distinguished gentleman merely smiled his almond skin striking a sharp contrast to his blindingly white teeth. I know I had seen him somewhere before but my memory came to me only loosely through the pounding of my heart and the pain of my bruised and bound body. Then just as recognition settled in I felt the distinguished man hand caress my face so very gently and pull my shades down so he could see my eyes.
"Your eyes were always so green." Then I knew who he was. My old college roommate. He and I were best friends he had a rich family and was one of the most brilliant minds in the Young Business Men's League. He and I had been such good friends. No, he and I were lovers. Shortly after I broke it off with him he got beaten almost to XXXX by a bunch of our frat brothers that had found out he was gay. Fuck, that’s right the business had been his idea and after I let it slip to the fraternity he was gay I stole the idea and become the man I am now. My plan was foolproof though how had he tracked me down.
Almost as if he had read my mind he spoke, "You were not easy to find. But your most recent anonymous investor was my dad. He had remembered me always talking about you when I went home for summer. He decided to help fund your rise to the top. After that it was a simple matter to watch as you inevitably succeeded and wait for the right moment to extract my vengeance. Don't worry though you will find your new accommodations on my private island very much to your liking. You may even grow so appreciative of my unique form of vengeance you will beg me to continue. Here is a hint it involves one of our favorite toys from our college days." Fuck! What was he talking about. What did he have planned.
"Hogtie him and lets go." My ex said as he walked out the door. "And just so you don't get any ideas about this being all because of you betraying me in college; you should know that early today my father bought the majority of your company's stock in open trading. Without the CEO there that makes my dad the lead stockholder and places him in charge of your business So, really its all about the money. But vengeance, yeah, that works too."
All I could do was stare helplessly into space while the thug contorted my legs behind me in a painful hogtie and continue to whimper like a baby. My God, how the mighty had fallen.
The End
Ronald Thatcher played by Mickey O'shea
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 11/10/2006
33 photos; 3:41 video
“OK, so all I have to do is get out of the ropes?” Zac asked his friends.
“Yep", Josh said as he tightened the ropes around Zac’s arms. "In ten minutes or else you go into a penalty round.”
“Yeah the penalty round", Ron laughed as he helped tie up Zac.
Sounded easy enough. Zac had been tied before. He was sure he could get out of these guys’ rope work.
Josh finished up the knots he was working on. “Ok, I’m all done.”
“All right, Zac”, Josh said as he began to struggle. All he had to do was get a bit of slack. Zac was certain they had tied the knots within easy reach of his hands once he could move his hands a bit.
Josh and Ron watched their friend for a few minutes. They had known Zac since high school, and he had always had problems thinking stuff through. They knew they just had to wait a little while to see if the trap had worked.
Zac meanwhile continued struggling. Five minutes passed. Then eight. And then ten minutes had gone by.
“Ok penalty round!” Josh announced.
It suddenly occurred to Zac that he didn't know what the penalty round was. He soon ignored out when Ron pulled out some green tape!
“What do you think you’re going to do with tha...UMMMPPHH!?” Zac grunted as the tape was wound around and around his head tightly. Soon Zac was unable to speak at all except for muted mumblings. Zac glared at his friends who stood laughing.
“Finally some quiet.” Ron said.
Josh agreed. “Well since we know he can't get out, lets help ourselves to his fridge. I saw some beer in there.”
“MMmmm!” Zac moaned in protest.
“Yeah. And hey we can watch some pay per view. I think the game is on tonight. Only fifty bucks to watch.”
Ron got the beer while Josh turned on Zac’s TV. Both ignored Zac’s pleading to be let go. They planned on eating Zac out of house and home from the start. Now Zac couldn't say a thing. He had agreed to get tied up. It wasn't their fault he had entered the penalty round.
They bound him up good MMPHed him silent and the boy is out for the count for a long hot while. Zac was breaking up a sweat doing absolutely nothing! "Let's keep him like this all weekend!" Ron shouted. "Hell yeah!" cried Josh.
"MMmmmpPPHhm!!" As strong as Zac was, tight ropes reduce any hulk into tightly packaged raw meat. Resisting was futile and Zac now knew he was owned. They knew exactly how to bind up beefy hot headed cocky boys! Zac's torso was sore and ground into. He wasn't getting out any time soon?
The End
Zac played by himself
Photography by Rawy
Date of Production:11/30/2012
25 photos; 6:24 video
Several weeks had passed since Dante broke up with Donovan, but Donovan still couldn’t get over it. In his eyes, he had been the perfect boyfriend. He did everything he could to make Dante happy, which is why he was even more devastated when he found out Dante didn’t want to see him anymore. As the weeks progressed, Donovan became more obsessed with the idea of getting back together with Dante…he was sure he could convince Dante if given the chance. However, after all of his texts and calls were ignored, Donovan decided to take matters into his own hands.
Once he was sure Dante was at work, Donovan went to his house. Fortunately, Dante’s hide-a-key was exactly where he knew it was, under the potted plant on the porch. Donovan let himself in and waited. When Dante’s car pulled into the driveway, Donovan pulled out a yellow rag and bottle of liquid. He poured the contents into the rag as the door slowly opened. Before Dante could react, Donovan pounced, grabbing Dante from behind and covering his nose and mouth with the rag. Dante struggled, but the smell from the rag took hold of him quickly, causing the world to blur around him. Within just a few seconds, Dante was out cold.
Donovan worked as fast as he could, propped his XXXX love in a chair. He grabbed some rope from the garage and tied Dante’s hands behind him to the chair. Next he secured his feet before finally wrapping a length around Dante’s chest. He stood back a moment to admire his handiwork. There was no doubt about it…Dante was at his mercy. Now it was time for Donovan to have some fun.
Donovan smacked his XXXX ex a few times until Dante began to stir. Just as Dante began to gather his bearings, Donovan shoved the yellow rag into his mouth, knotting it in the back firmly. Donovan stood behind Dante, looking down on him with pride. Dante struggled, but the knots were too tight. Fear started to creep in when he realized there was nothing he could do, and he had no idea what Donovan was planning.
“You thought you’d gotten rid of me, but there was no way I was gonna let you go without a proper goodbye,” Donovan said as he looked into Dante’s eyes. “Of course, you really don’t get much of a say in the matter since you’re all…tied up at the moment.”
Dante started to thrash about in hopes of loosening the rope. “Go ahead, it’s not gonna work,” Donovan said. “You aren’t the first ex I’ve tied up. Won’t be the last either. To be honest, you struggling like that is starting to turn me on.” Donovan knelt beside Dante and grabbed his shorts. Dante let out a muffled grunt of rejection that fell on deaf ears. He watched helpless and Donovan slowly pulled down his shorts, revealing his boxers.
“Boxers…really? You really don’t want to show off anything, do you,” Donovan said half-heartedly. “But you know what…I have a great idea. I’m gonna run to the sex shop and get us some…toys to play with. You don’t mind waiting for me, right?” Dante screamed through his gag as Donovan laughed at him.
“But before I go, I’m gonna make you a little more comfortable.”
Donovan went behind Dante’s chair and slowly tipped it over, placing it and his captive sideways on the floor. “There, you should be fine like that until I come back. Oh, and don’t bother screaming for help. We both know your closest neighbor is three miles away, and the police station is a forty-five minute drive. I’m sure you won’t mind if I use your car. See you soon.” And with that, Donovan was gone.
Seeing this as his only chance, Dante fought against his bonds with everything he had. He twisted, contorted and pulled every muscle in his body, but the ropes refused to yield. After an hour, he was covered in sweat and completely exhausted. Just when he was about to give up, he felt his wrists start to get a hint of slack in this rope, compliments of his sweat. He started to struggle again, and as the minutes crept by, he felt his wrists starting to work through the ropes. He was on his way to freedom, and all he could think about was how to get his revenge on Donovan when he came back…if he got out of the bonds completely, that is.
To Be Continued…
Victim: Dante
Tormentor: Donovan
Date fo Production: 06/09/2016
32 photos
Model: Zac
Photography by: Zac
Date of Production:11/30/2012
20 photos; 4:57 video
It was Saturday night and James was bored. There was nothing to do on the weekends; everyone went home from college and he was left there all by himself in his apartment.
“UGHHHH”! James screamed, sitting on the couch watching TV. “I am so god-damned bored!”
James watched TV for a few hours and realized that he couldn’t watch it anymore.
Flexing his muscles, he said, “Sigh, I guess I’ll workout then. Since, there’s nothing else to do”.
James went down into his apartment basement and began his workout with a machine he bought off ebay. At that same time James began his workout, the back door opened and a fellow roommate of James came home. Now, this roommate’s name was Chris and he was gay. James really didn’t like Chris because he was gay and expressed his hatred on more than one occasion. Chris knew this and hated James as well; the only reason he didn’t move out because every other apartment was too expensive so Chris couldn’t do anything.
Chris, tired from his long trip from home, went down into the basement for a cold beer. He descended down the stairs and noticed that James was lifting weights; he quickly ran to the top without James noticing.
“Oh great.” Chris sighed. “He’s home. Fuck.”
He looked down the stairs and was relieved that James didn’t notice him. Then, an evil thought entered Chris’s head. He realized that no one was home except for him and James and that James didn’t know he was home. With a devious smile, Chris ran to his room and grabbed his rope and tape he had; “I think it’s time that James learns to give me a little respect.”
Knowing that James was much stronger than him, Chris grabbed a butcher’s edge from the kitchen and slowly descended down the basement stairs. James looked over at the stairs when Chris reached the bottom.
“Oh… hey”, James said looking a little surprised. “What’s with the edge?”
Chris answered with, “Well, you little prick. I am tired of dealing with your limited thought capacity; I am going to teach you a lesson about hating gay guys for no reason.”
“Ok” James started to feel scared. “Just put the edge down and let’s talk about this.”
“Hmm. You know that I can’t take your word for it that you won’t try to hurt me the first chance you get. So, I want you to lie down on the bench and put your hands above your head nice and slow.” Chris said waving the edge.
Feeling the need to comply, James did what he was told and put his hands above his head.
“Good boy” Chris walked over with rope in hand. “Now just stay still for a minute.”
Chris took his rope and wrapped a few layers around James’s wrists. James didn’t want to make a move because he was afraid of the edge that Chris has so he just laid there until the tying was done.
“There, all done.” Chris said standing up. “How does it feel to be the bitch now?”
James tried tugging on his ropes, but was surprised at the fact that they were too tight to break.
“So, now what?” James asked. “What are you going to do to me now that I’m tied up.”
“Well, Hmmm.” Chris thought. “Originally, I wanted to teach you a lesson, but seeing you tied up like this has made me a little frisky.
“Whoa whoa whoa.” James shook his head. “Ok, I want you to untie me now. I am not a boytoy.”
Ripping a long piece of tape Chris had, “I don’t think you have a choice in the matter.”
Chris took that strip and forcibly gagged James.
“MMMMPHHHHH!” James screamed trying to break his rope restraints, but couldn’t.
“Ohhhh” Chris said as he slowly rubbing his throbbing bulge in his pants. “Now, what to do next.”
“MMMMPHHHH MMMM” James grunted as he struggled against the tight ropes.
“Oh!” Chris said stopping his rubbing, “What good is a tied boytoy without tying his feet?”
Chris kneeled down and grabbed James’ right foot and wrapped the ankle with rope. He was sure to hold James’ feet tight so he wouldn’t get kicked. After a minute, he took the rope and applied it to James’ left ankle then tied them together.
“That tight enough for you?” Chris laughed.
“MMM I’ll MMPH get MMMMMM out.” James managed to say.
Chris suddenly obtained a sudden mysterious smile upon his face.\
“Ohhh, I just got an idea.” Chris said whipping out his phone. “This’ll only take a second. Don’t go anywhere.”\
Chris turned his back and started dialing. James was curious and tried to listen in on the conversation, but Chris was speaking to low. After about a minute on the phone, Chris said, “Ok, can’t wait for it” and put the phone away.
“Sorry about that” Chris said sliding his hand upon James bare hairless chest. “Now, let me get ready.”
“Ready for what?” James thought. “I don’t like where this is going.”
Chris walked over to James’ hand restraints and only untied them from the bench.
“This is my chance.” James thought, preparing himself for an escape.
“Don’t even think about it.” Chris said grabbing the edge he set down on the floor.
James stopping moving and let Chris tie his hands to the front of the bench. After that, Chris stepped back and looked at the tied up James.
“Good.” Chris exclaimed. ‘You’re ready for them.”
James’ heart suddenly sank as he tried to ask what was going to happen to him.
“Well, if you really want to know what will happen…” *Ding Dong*.
“Oh, there’re here!” Chris excitedly said. “DOWN HERE GUYS!”
James started to really get worried and struggled hard, but was completely helpless.
Chris continued with his previous statement, “I thought it would be selfish of me to keep your tied ass all to myself so I invited a few… well, A LOT of my gay friends to share in the joy.”
James’ face became pale white.
“Hahaha.” Chris laughed. “That’s right, all of my gay friends have a bondage fetish too. I wonder how they will tie you first?”
James tilted his head up and closed his eyes as he heard the footsteps coming down the stairs.
The End
James played by Mike
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production 08/27/2009
29 photos
“Mmm, this is good steak!” Freddie the Ferret grinned around a mouthful of the tasty red meat. Then Freddie dipped a forkful of boiled potato into the rich gravy and crowded that tasty treat into his happily chewing mouth as well.
“Glad you like it,” Greg the Greek said in a real friendly way. “Have a little more wine.” Greg refilled Freddie’s glass with the blood-red wine and then watched with an amused smile on his face while Freddie swallowed the meat and potatoes to make room for a nice deep drink from his wine glass.
“Mmm, that wine’s good too!” Freddie raised his glass in a toast to his benefactor and then drank the rest of the wine right down before he began attacking the steak and potatoes again with his knife and fork. Life sure was good sometimes.
“You deserve it, my little Ferret. With my help you have become a very good thief, maybe the best thief I've ever trained. You did a very nice job on that museum last week. Greg the Greek ran his fingers over Freddie’s short dark hair in a friendly way.
Down at his feet Freddie could feel Chrissie the Cat rubbing herself up against his legs to thank him for the nice meal of fish he had given her earlier. Freddie smiled down at his only real friend and felt happy and warm all over. A month ago the two of them had been XXXX on the streets and pretty near starving. Then Greg the Greek had found them and took them in and now they were both so happy.
Freddie saw that his wine glass was full again so he took another deep sip from his glass and smacked his lips. That may have been a mistake. Suddenly he felt a wave of light-headed dizziness wash over him and then he began to feel these strange tingling sensations running down through his arms and legs.
Then a confused Freddie looked over at Greg the Greek and saw that his big boss was smiling at him in a strange way. Freddie blinked his eyes and now he could see two Greg the Greeks sitting beside him. He blinked again and suddenly the two smiling Greg’s became three, and then all three of those Greg’s began spinning around and around his head until finally everything went really dark.
Some time later Freddie opened his bleary eyes again and looked all around in confusion. Now he was sitting on the couch, his nice shirt was gone, and now his hands and feet were tied for some reason. What was going on here?
Freddie looked up to see a smiling Greg the Greek standing over him and he tried to ask him what was going on. That’s when Freddie discovered that an old cotton rag had been tied between his lips and now that thick band of cotton was pressing his tongue down into the bottom of his mouth. Fear started crawling around in Freddie’s stomach.
“Feeling comfortable Freddie?” Greg the Greek purred. “I hope those ropes aren't tied to tight. You may have to wait awhile before my friends come over to get you.”
His friends…? What was Greg talking about? Freddie started to squirm against the tight ropes.
“Don’t waste your time, kid. I know how to tie good knots. Too bad that we had to come down to this. You see there were twenty-eight gold coins in that collection you took from the museum, not twenty-four. You thought I wouldn't know if you took four of those coins for yourself. Just like you thought that you could sell those coins without my finding out about it. I guess you didn't know that I know every crooked dealer in this town. Too bad for you, well I hope that you enjoy your moonlight swim.”
"But I can't swim…!” Freddie cried as loud as he could into the thick cloth dividing his drooling mouth.
“Don’t worry kid, you won't have to.” Greg the Greek chuckled as he wrapped and tied another thicker folded rag cloth tightly over Freddie’s spread lips.
“There, now you just sit here quietly. There are a few things I need to take care of before it gets dark so that we can all drive out to the lake together.”
Freddie the Ferret watched Greg the Greek walk away with eyes that felt like they were going to bug right out of his head. Already he could feel his young heart drumming up against his chest and there was a real funny squishy feeling way down in his stomach. A moonlight swim; they were going to drown him!
Greg the Greek walked out of the room and then Freddie listened intently until he heard Greg close the door to his office and then he could hear Greg’s muffled voice while he talked to somebody on the phone. Freddie had to get out of here!
At first young Freddie panicked and began pulling and twisting on those tight ropes every way that he could, but that didn't do him any good.
Then he managed to calm down a little and began to think. Maybe if he could get his face close enough to his hands, maybe he could pull the XXXX rags off of his mouth, and then maybe he could use his teeth on the knotted ropes, and then maybe—
“Meowww…!” Something was wrong with Chrissie.
Freddie twisted his head around, trying to see what was wrong with his furry friend until he fell over onto the floor. Then he looked up and saw big Greg towering over him.
“You just sit tight here,” Greg commanded, “And don’t make any noise. My friend’s car broke down so I've got to go and pick them up, but that won't take long.”
Greg the Greek stalked out the room.
Freddie froze and listened hard until he heard the front door close and then he heard the sound of Greg’s big car driving away.
Chrissie the Cat knew that there was something very wrong with her human friend and she rubbed her head up against Freddie’s head in a sympathetic way. “I know Chrissie,” Freddie hummed into the muffling mouth cloths. “We're in a lot of trouble and we've got to get out of here somehow. Anybody who would drown a nice boy like me probably won't be very nice to you once I’m gone.”
Freddie the Ferret was afraid for himself and he was afraid for Chrissie the Cat. There just had to be a way out of this mess. Freddie tugged at the tight ropes in frustration, but they wouldn't come free. There had to be a way! Freddie struggled and strained until he managed to sit up on the floor, and then he looked all around until he saw—
“Scissors…!” Freddie cried into the muffling gags so loud that he was afraid that someone might have heard him. But he didn't see or hear anyone, so—
Slowly and painfully with the tight ropes cutting into his tender skin every inch of the way, Freddie managed to crawl across the room and then to stretch his tied hands up until he was finally able to grasp the scissors with his fingers.
Then, very carefully so that he didn't cut himself, Freddie maneuvered the sharp scissors around until he was finally able to slip them under the ropes binding his wrists and to cut himself free.
How much time had passed now? How long before Greg the Greek and his friends came back? Freddie didn't know. He only knew that he had to hurry as he frantically cut at the ropes binding his ankles together. At last his feet came free!
Then his frenzied fingers clawed at the tight knot holding the muffling cloth over his lips. The stubborn knot finally let his fingers pull it apart and then Freddie pulled the hot XXXX cloth off of his face and took a deep breath of fresh air. One more to go.
The second cotton rag was tied tighter than the first and so it took more precious time before he was finally able to claw the knot open and then pull the soggy band of rag cloth out of his mouth.
“Come on Chrissie! I don’t know where we're going or how we're going to live, but I’m not taking any swimming lessons tonight!”
Freddie the Ferret and Chrissie the Cat hurried out the door and then disappeared, never to be seen in that part of the world ever again.
Freddie the Ferret played by Cain
Chrissie the Cat played by Persephone
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production 06/15/2005
20 photos; 5:13 video
My neighbor was always talking shit to me.
He would play music as loud as he could at all hours. He would throw parties and leave trash all over the neighborhood. HE had three cars that would be parked so tey took up all the space on the street.
Finally, I had had enough of his shit.
"What you going to do about it, old man?", my neighbor shouted at me.
So now my neighbor is lying on my bed, bound and gagged.
I guess he'll know what I will "do about it" soon enough.
The Bad Neighbor Rick
Photography: Caitiff
Date of Production: 05/19/2016
26 photos
Chad jumped as he turned around to peer over his shoulder. This place was really giving him the creeps. He looked at his watch for the 20th time in the past hour. This watch would never end. He wished that he were back in the nice, bright new shopping mall, where the hardest thing he had to do was to scatter the kids in the food court. This nasty old factory was a completely different environment. His boss had abruptly reassigned him here, without giving him any reason.
"Don’t you worry about a thing, Chad. All you have to do is walk around every now and then, just to make sure all the doors and windows are shut. It’ll be a piece of cake. There’s nothing to it. You can do the job in your XXXX."
Chad wasn’t so sure about that. The guard he had replaced had been clanking with hardware – pepper spray, nightstick, whistle, the works. He had given Chad a pitying look, but had said nothing. All Chad had was a flashlight and the new cell phone the boss had given him, to use "only in case of an emergency."
Chad was turning into a nervous wreck. This old place was full of scary shadows and odd noises. For the 21st time he looked at his watch. He still had 7 hours to go. Chad whimpered to himself. He didn’t like this place, not one little bit.
OK, Chad thought, that isn’t the sound of an old building settling. That is the sound of glass breaking. He thought that this could be legitimately called an emergency. With shaking hands he pulled out the cell phone, mumbling the number he had been given to call in case of trouble. Damn, it was dead! Chad shook it violently. How could it be dead? It was supposed to be a brand new phone! Ooops, no battery in the phone would explain its not working.
"Hey, kid. Drop the phone, put your hands up, and turn around, really slowly. Yeah, just like that!"
The phone fell from Chad’s hands. Nearly petrified with fear, he raised his hands in the air, and turned around. He found himself facing a figure dressed entirely in black, including a black ski mask. The said figure was pointing a huge concealed item right at Chad’s head. Chad wished that he had gone to the can before he started his shift. His bladder suddenly felt extremely full.
"That’s good, kid. Very good. Don’t try any heroics and you’ll get out of here with your skin in one piece. Now go through that door to your left. Yeah, that one. Switch on the light and go down the stairs. Don’t forget I’m going to be right behind you."
Shaking with fear, Chad did as he was instructed. When he hesitated at the top of the stairs, he felt that big concealed item shoved into his back. He didn’t need any further encouragement. He stumbled down the stairs.
"OK kid, get down on your knees, and put your hands behind your head. Remember, no funny business and no noise."
Chad had no intention of disobeying any orders that he was given. He was just a poorly paid, unarmed security guard.
"Oww, ooww, owww!"
"Ah, shut up and stand up."
Chad staggered to his feet with difficulty. The man with the concealed item had pulled Chad’s hands behind his back and bound them with sticky tape. Then he had wrapped some more of that tape around Chad’s chest.
"Please, please mister. Don’t hurt me! I won’t do anything, I promise. Just don’t ..OUCH!"
Chad yelped in pain. His captor had shoved him, and Chad had sat down rather abruptly, right on top of a big splinter.
"I thought I told you to shut up, kid. I don’t want any noise!"
"I’ll be quiet, mister. I promise. Oh no, please don’t do….MMMMMPHHH!"
"There, that’ll shut you up. When I say no noise, I mean no noise."
"Kid, you don’t seem to understand the meaning of no noise. Do I have to clobber you over the head to make my meaning clear to you? Just nod your head as if you understood."
Stifling his sobs, Chad nodded his head. The bad guy had taped up Chad’s legs and ankles really tight. Now Chad couldn’t move or talk. He really, really wished that he were back at the food court in the mall. He sat there in the cold, dank cellar, shivering.
"OK kid, listen, and listen good. I want you to stay here, and not make a peep or move a muscle. You understand me now?"
Chad wondered how he was supposed to respond if he wasn’t supposed to make a noise or move a muscle. He just stared at the masked figure and blinked his eyes. Maybe this guy was some kind of mind reader.
"Oh, for fuck’s sake, just nod your head, you moron!"
Chad bobbed his head, up and down, up and down.
"OK, OK, you understand me. Sheesh, what a dimwit."
Chad sat there sniveling. His feelings were hurt. That guy had called him a dimwit! That wasn’t very nice of him. He tried not to make any noise, and he tried not to move, but the big splinter in his butt was killing him. He had to lean forward, just a little bit, to remove the pressure. As he did so, he heard a scurrying sound, and out of the corner of his eye he something move. He turned his head just in time to see a big, long scaly tail disappearing into the shadows.
RATS! There were RATS in this place!!!!! Chad didn’t mind mice, in fact he had a cute little white mouse at home as a pet, but rats were an entirely different story. Chad was completely and totally terrified of rats. He completely forgot about his orders to sit still and not make a noise.
Chad went berserk. He tossed himself around on the dirty wooden floor, bucking in his tight tape bonds and screaming into his gag. Now he wanted the bad man and his big concealed item to come back. Maybe the bad guy would take care of the rat. In his frenzy, Chad slammed his head against the wall and XXXX himself out cold.
Chad moaned as he regained consciousness. He remembered where he was and what had happened. He immediately started looking around the cellar, searching for any signs of the vicious rats. He heaved a sigh of relief when he saw nothing, and heard no nasty little scurrying, scratching sounds. Whew. No rats! But then he noticed a rather peculiar smell. Hmm, what was that smell? It was so familiar. It made him think of the bonfires that his family had had when he was a kid. Hmm, roasted marshmallows. He could do with one of those right now. He was feeling a bit hungry. Oh boy, now Chad knew why that smell reminded him of bonfires. The old factory was on fire! The bad man had set the place on fire and Chad was going to be roasted into a cinder!
Chad was working up quite a sweat as he tossed himself about frantically. The smell was getting stronger and the air in the cellar was getting quite hazy. He could hear crackling noises and the sound of glass breaking. It was getting hotter and hotter down here. Suddenly one of the cellar windows shattered and a great stream of water hit Chad, soaking him to the skin and nearly drowning him as he lay on the floor. He saw a helmeted head pop through the broken window.
Help had come! Chad was rescued. As the burly firefighter picked Chad up and tossed him over his shoulder, Chad vowed to find a new line of work immediately.
The End
Chad played by Hunter
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 09/23/2005
23 photos; 7:16 video
It was just a normal Friday night like any other. Joey was sitting at his computer, dressed in his red turtleneck sweater, jeans and socks and surfing the Web,looking for a date to satisfy his whims to be bound and gagged for sex, when an unusual noise surprised him. His dorm-mate was away for the weekend, but it sounded suspiciously like someone breaking the chain that latched the door closed. Seconds after he looked up, a very large guy burst into the room. Joey vaguely recognized him as a member of the campus fraternity comprised of the college football players but whose name he didn't know.
"What the hell...?" Joey started to say.
"Zip it, queer," the guy said, pushing Joey onto the bed on his stomach. "You took the bait, bitch. I posted a profile on the BoundGuys website that you contacted, and now I know what you're into. I'm just here to take what's mine."
"Wait, I...what? What are you talking about? Who the hell are you?" Joey asked, his eyes growing wide with fear.
"Just shut the fuck up," the guy replied, as he quickly tied Joey's wrists behind his back and then bound his ankles together.
"I'll scream for help, man. I'll do it."
"The fuck you will," the guy said, quickly fingering a handkerchief into Joey's mouth before ripping a strip of black tape off a coil to plaster on his face and making sure Joey couldn't say an audible word, then hogtying him. Now he was undoubtedly helpless and hopeless, Joey could only writhe in the tight bonds and grunt wordlessly.
"Just struggle for me for a while, cocksucker," the guy said. "Go ahead, I want to watch you. And if you try to scream, I swear to God you're gonna get hurt. I've got a concealed item in my pocket and you don't want to fuck around with me."
For the next twenty-minutes or so, Joey rolled around on the bed, desperately trying to free himself and making delicious "mmmph" sounds from his thorough gag, while the guy sat at the computer chair and watched. Ultimately the guy stared to typing a note to someone on the computer. "Hey, you also visit Recon Bondage," he said. "I'm on there too. I'm just telling a buddy of mine how much fun we're having. Hey, maybe I'll invite him over. Wouldn't you like that?"
Joey's eyes widened in even greater fear. The idea that he'd been put into this kind of peril by a relative stranger was bad enough, but then the thought of this guy inviting someone else over was almost too much to take. What would happen next? Would he be taken for real? Sold, even?
The guy laughed, pulled out his enormous dick and started stroking. "You're cute when you're scared," he said. "But don't worry. Tonight it'll just be you and me and some alone time. We can always have some friends over for a party some other night." He kept jerking and looking as though he was ready to cum, but it never quite happened.
"Ah, shit," he said. "If I hadn't already cum before when you responded to BoundGuys profile, I might have had something left to shoot. But lets try this. It usually works."
He walked over to the bed, lay Joey on his side, unzipped his jeans and then took out Joey's pecker, rock-hard from the intensity of the restraint and restriction, and he fiercely tried protesting through his gag. "Yeah, this is nice," he said, stroking himself anew at the look of Joey's futile attempts to get free. Finally, after about four more minutes, he came in an eruption of jizz.
"That was great," he said, after mopping himself off with a towel from the bedroom. We are so gonna do that again. But first I'm running over to Taco Bell. I'm starved. But I'm coming back afterwards. Don't go anywhere." He readjusted his clothes, gave Joey a definitive spank on his ass which was greeted by groans, and was out the door in a practiced minute.
For the next hour or so, Joey lay like that on the bed. And wondered what might possibly happen next.
Joey played by ZackT
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production:12/05/2009