26 photos; 4:02 video
Model: Mike
Photography By: Caitiff
Date of Production: 08/27/2009
Tags: nude, nudity, bare feet, cleave gag
35 photos; 4:28 video
Model : Danny
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 11/19/2023
Tags: blindfold, tape gag, socks, football, athlete
40 photos; 4:55 video
Bound Guy played by Kris
Bad Guy played by Dalton
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 10/16/2023
35 photos; 4:17 video
Bound Guy played by Rhett Tucker
Bad Guy played by Dalton
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 09/16/2023
TAgs: muscle, tape gag, hand gag, nude, naked, bare feet, hog tie, tattoo, dick tied, butt, bad guy
20 photos; 5:16 video
Model: Marko
Photography: Caitiff
Date of Production: 06/10/2017
Tags: twink, muscles, hog tie, bare feet, tape gag, jock strap
15 photos; 4:08 video
Gagged played by Dante
Gagger played by Remy
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 07/24/2017
Tags: gagable, twink, shortless, chair tied, bad guys
26 photos; 5:12 video
Model: Dean
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 05/25/2016
tags: bear, socks, cleave gag, hog tie
23 photos; 5:47 video
Model: Ezio
Photography: Caitiff
Date of Production: 06/01/2017
tags: cleave gag, twink, nude, socks, orgasm
34 photos; 3:38 video
Bound Soldier 1 played by Danny
Bound Soldier 2 played by Gaz
Bad Guy played by Dalton
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 04/14/2023
Tags: double, tape gag, blindfold, uniform, military, bad guy, grabbed
20 photos; 4:11 video
Model: Happy Heart Fellah
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 11/04/2023
Tags: stuff gag, otm gag, outdoors, groped, bad guy
28 photos; 3:05 video
Model: Adam
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 10/09/2023
Tags: shirtless, underwear, otter, cleave gag, hopping, outdoors
28 photos; 3:07 video
"So tell me Dr. Stephens why is it you've come to me"?
"Dr. Reynolds I've heard good things about you, and I felt the need to see a specialist to help me make sense of dreams I've been having lately".
"Tell me about them"."Ever since I began working the night rounds at the hospital my XXXX pattern has been completely out of whack. It seems as if I can never get enough XXXX. I spend my days XXXX till noon just to wake up and go and work an eighteen hour shift. Along with my poor XXXX pattern my subconscious has been feeding me wild dreams. The most bizarre of these seems to occur nearly nightly".
" Let's begin with that one".
"It always begins the same. I get home from a long night of work. I'm completely exhausted. My feet are sore from being on them all day. I sit on my couch and take my shoes off and peel my damp socks from my feet. I lie down and doze off."
"Sounds pretty textbook to me Dr Stephens". "I haven't gotten to the weird part. I wake up to find myself bound and gagged".
"Bound and gagged"?
"Yes bound and gagged. I can see every detail. Ropes are wrapped around my torso tightly cutting off my circulation. My wrists are crossed and rope binds them together. My ankles are wrapped so tightly it feels as if I have one leg. Worst of all I go to speak and surgical tape is wrapped around my head clenched between my teeth. I can still feel the tape pulling at my facial hair".
"Keep going Stephens".
"Well as I begin to try and get loose I realize my ankles and wrists are all of a sudden cinched together with even more rope. I struggle hard to get loose. I twist on the couch turning my wrists only to have the rope get tighter burning me. I wriggle my feet and vigorously try and loosen them. My soles are still wet with sweat and my ankles begin to ache. I fall off the couch to the floor and continue my struggle."
"I make it to my knees and pull with all my might. Sweat trickles from forehead as my struggle intensifies. I yank and pull with all my strength. The ropes pull tighter as if they have a mind of their own. I clench my reddened hands and try to pry my wrists loose. I fall on my back and roll like a ball on the carpet. I cannot get loose. I try to raise my voice above the surgical tape clenched in my teeth, but only inaudible sounds of mmmppphhh and growls escape. Saliva moistens the tape in my mouth but does not break it. The adhesive sticking to my cheeks moves with my face as if it were a second skin. As I struggle every muscle in my body stiffens, I flex my calf muscles as I try and get my ankles loose. I twist my shoulders up and down to loosen the bindings around my torso. It is as if I am an unwilling partner in a dance with the rope. Wrapped tight like a mummy, mute because of my gagged mouth it is an endless struggle".
"The funny thing is Dr. when I awoke the other day from this dream a roll of surgical tape was lying next to me". "What does this mean Doctor? Doctor Reynolds are you listening to me"?
"Of course I am I was just thinking about your dream. Listen Stephens it sounds to me as if you are struggling with yourself for some reason. We'll need to schedule a few more sessions to dig deeper. Make an appointment for next week so we can explore all the options".
"Do you think its something to do with work Doctor Reynolds"?
"Possibly, we'll tackle a little more next week. By the way bring the roll of tape with you next week".
The End
Stephen played by Todd
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 12/08/2005
tags: story, frog tie, bare foot, cleave gag
23 photos; 4:50 video
“Crap my f***ing car blew the tranny again uGHHH! This is the 3rd time this year DAMNIT!! What a piece of S**T!”
At least it’s still under warranty but not for long; it expires tomorrow, and the shop better fix it this time or else I dunno... Dick thought long and hard what to do; he didn’t know. Worse case he’ll have to get another car which is impossible cuz he rolled all his savings into fixing this piece of crap he bought to replace his nicer BMW that some dude totalled. His insurance didn’t pay and the insurance company screwed him over to settling for less than what the car was worth. Dick was fed up with bein’ used and not treated fairly.
Every time he visited the mechanic there he was, Troy, smiling away at him promising everything will be just fine. “It just needs another part then it will work” he says, but this is never ending as his crappy Volkswagen was for sure a lemonmobile in disguise as a “nice used car”. Apparently he didn’t run the history from Carfax before he bought it but what's done is done he had to have reliable transportation or he could lose his job.
Dick showed at the shop with his friendly wrecker service, $80 down the drain already making this 3 times bringing it here plus repairs...his losses were around $5000 plus buying the stupid thing in the first place. Dick was furious! If Troy doesn't fix it and the warranty expires, there be hell to pay one way or another...
Troy had it ready the next day as always but the car still ran like it did before shaky. What did he do to it? Just push the gear back in place and cleaned the oil? That thought was sticking to his mind that all this place was doing was patching the damage and writing it off as “repaired” Problem was he couldn’t prove it, or could he?
Late one night before close he installed a hidden camera in the shop when no one was looking then brought his car back for a check up and asked for Troy to flush the fuel system. Troy said “Sure it will be done by tomorrow.”
He watched from home and found out all he did was give him an oil change and that was it. Then on top of that he charged him for the cleaning, which was double in price for what an oil change was worth. Dick was outraged by this scam Troy was skimming on him. How dare he use me, now it’s time for me to put him to good use.
He picked his car up at close when only Troy was there. He wanted him to be alone for what he had in store for this punk ass kid; and yes Troy’s ass was mighty fine and his pecs are well built too! He must spend more time working on himself than his business which was pathetic since he cares less for others’ needs before his own.
Troy was about to leave work then the lights went out mysteriously? “What the?” As soon as he hit the switch a cloth instantly gagged him over out cold on the floor with the scent of a strange chemical.
Troy awoke all taped up to a rocky chair that barely held his weight. “Hey? What the F**K is this?! HELP! Somebody Get Me OUTTA HERE!!” Troy struggled vigourously to sXXXX the tape but it was wrapped so well tightly around his wrists. He couldn’t wedge himself out.
”HEEELLPPP!! HEELMMPPPHHHHH!!” Dick came outta the darkness and grasped the prep’s baby cheeks and reduced his yells to mmphs with a big beefy hand squeezing his jaw tight. “MMMMPYPYYOOUU?!” Troy was surprised to see it was Dick, and quickly chickened out as Dick was in full body spandex holding a roll of tape then watched in XXXX while he taped his ass up even more then ripped his shirt clean open exposing his hard pecs...
Sparing no mercy Dick clasped his nipples tight with a firm grip...”MMMMPPPPPHHHHHPOOOOWWWMMPH!” He wouldn’t stop and Troy began to blush all red with his nips stickin’ out all tender and beaten from all the exposure. Dick felt his body up squeezing his well packaged beefy frame until he couldn’t take it anymore...
”STOPPPMMMPHHH! PLEASEEEEMMPH!!” Troy cried. He was never abused like this before in his life!
”SHUT UP BOY!! UR MINE NOW! You intentionally screwed me over all this time now I’m going to use and abuse you just as long. Let’s go to my place I’ll make you all comfortable. Come, let’s get you all prepped up in the trunk...”
”MMPPHHNOOOOOO!! Troy cried which didn’t help matters once he was slammed shut in the darkness of the tight trunk. Then he heard movements as he was driven off to somewhere he never knew he was taking him. “OMG I’ve been XXXX and may never be seen again!” Troy panicked.
He awoke later in a foreign dark dingy garage all taped up then saw Dick comin’ toward him in rage. He slaps a buck on his chiselled chest and whispers in his ear..”I’ve put out millions for your ransom, but you’re worth a lousy buck for a lousy job you did! Thank you for fixing my ride so well, now I can ride you all night long mahahahaHAHA!”
The End?
Troy played by Matt
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production:08/20/2010
tags: muscle, story, tape gag, boots, taped, chair tied
26 photos; 6:09 video
Cadet played by Alex Stone
Bad Guy played by Remy
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 08/06/2018
Tags: story, bad guy, military, uniform, gagging, stuff gag, tape gag, chair tied, socks, groped
29 photos; 5:30 video
The Sheriff played by Jon Storm
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 05/16/2018
tags: otm gag, police, uniform, cop, socks, butt, groped,stripped
24 photos; 3:32 video
Bound Guy played by Patrick
Bad Guy played by Dalton
Photography by Caitiff
Rope Work by Dalton
Date of Production: 11/24/2023
Tags: bad guy, gagging, shirtless, chair tied, hand gag, cleave gag, tape gag, groped, twink, socks, underwear
20 photos; 3:18 video
Model: Gerard
Photography by Caitiff
Date of photography: 11-30-2023
Tags: tape gag, socks, hog tie, suit
20 photos; 4:12 video
Model: Cody Jonson
Phootgraphy by Caitiff
Date of Production: 11/29/2023
Tags: cleave gag, twink, hog tie, boots
30 photos; 5:34 video
Model: Tommmy Gunn
Photography by Caitiff
If you like what you read here, check out Humilited Guyz's Tumblr
Date of Production: 10/09/2017
Tags: story, cleave gag, underwear, muscle, tattoos, socks
24 photos; 4:45 video
Model: Jack
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 04/15/2013
Tags: cleave gag, hopping, socks
20 photos; 6:10 video
Gagged Guy played by Adam
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 03/29/2018
Tags: gagging, chair tied, tape gag, cleave gag
25 photos; 5:26 video
Football Player played by Evan
Fan played by Adam
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 06/02/2018
Tags: stripped, butt, bad guy, athlete, football, socks, tape gag, blindfold, bare foot
19 photos; 3:51 video
Cowboy played by Danny
Bad Guy played by Dalton
Rope Work by Dalton
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 11/19/2023
Tags: cleave gag, gagging, underwear, cowboy, spanking, stripping, dominated
18 photos; 6:59 video
Model: Dmitri
Photography by Marco Grieco
Date of Production: 09/17/2023
Tags: outdoors, ball gag, shirtless, twink, bad guy, hand gag