21 photos; 4:30 video
Model: Brian
Photography by ZCaitiff
Tags: tape gag, dominated, groped, stirpped, penis, bad guy, underwear
41 photos; 4:14 video
No one noticed Brad as he crept into the apartment complex. It was a converted warehouse and there were plenty of dark corners to hid in. No one saw Brad as he went up the stairs to the top apartment. And no one saw Brad as came to the door and pulled out a screw driver and began to work at the lock.
The security was no issue. Just a standard dead bolt. It didn’t take very long at all. The door barely creaked as Brad sneaked in. He had seen the owners leave for some fancy dinner half an hour ago. Brad knew that the couple had to have lots of expensive stuff and he would probably have a good hour to get it all. A nice looking digital camera was the first thing in the bag.
Brad was busy looking around for the next thing to steal in the darkened apartment. That might have been why he didn’t see the shadow of the man behind him until he had already been grabbed. Though smaller then Brad, the guy was really strong and before the thief could react, Brad found his arms pinned behind him in some kind of kung fu move.
“Well, look at what we have here.”, the man said a she held the struggling burglar.
Brad was by no means a weakling. But his captor was some kind of black belt. After a few punches to a nerve ending or two, Brad was easy prey. Black cotton rope appeared as if out of nowhere, used ot bind Brad’s hands and arms securely behind his back. Brad was now completely helpless and at the strange man’s mercy.
“Guess you didn’t know I was here, huh?” the man asked.
“Look, I don't’ want any trouble. You can have the stuff ba..MMmmmpphhh!!”, Brad’s attempt at pleading were cut off by the black rag that was knotted and shoved into his mouth, tied tightly behind his head.
“Mmmpphhaaa?!”, Brad protested but his captor didn’t seem to care what he had to say. Vainly Brad struggled against the ropes that held his hands. The ropes bit into his wrists and the knots held tight. brad wasn't’ getting out anytime soon.
Brad could only sit on his ass. He was a prisoner and there was little brad could do about it. Just to make things worse, the man took Brad’s nice new shoes he had bought with the money from the last score. What the hell?
“Don't’ worry, you wont’ be needing these.”, the man said. He then began to lash Brad’s legs together, thigh to ankle. More rope was tied tightly around his ankles and feet.
Brad gave the stranger a cold glare. Not that Brad looked particularly menacing while bound and gagged on the hard wood floor.
Brad was left ot his own devices while the man went ot another room. Seeing his probably only chance at getting away, Brad continued his struggles. Of course, he had no more luck then before. The ropes held him tight. Even the gag was impossible to wiggle out, as tight as it was. When the man returned, Brad lay on his side on the floor, jerking helplessly.
The man knelt down closer to Brad and gave his ass a nice hard smack.
“Since you have so much energy, I guess we had better do something to tire you out!
Brad did not like the sound of that. Nor the way his ass had been man handled though his jeans just then. Not that there was a damn thing he could do about it.
But Brad’s torment wasn’t to be sexual. It was to be far far worse. As if sensing his captive’s weakness, Brad found his sensitive soles attacked. Too late he understood why the man had removed his shoes.
“Mmmmm! Mmmpphhhaaa!! Hmmffafafafafafafaaaahahaha!!!!” The tickling became more and more unbearable. The thing socks actually made his feet more sensitive! Brad had no idea no idea how long he lay on the floor, bound, gagged and laughing uncontrollably through his gag. When it was over, Brad could barely breath. All of his energy was gone.
“Time ot take care of you once and for all.”, Brad heard the man say menacingly when at last the torture was over.
Brad was too exhausted to put up a fight. His legs were untied and Brad was shoved to his feet and out the door onto the patio. However, his hands remained tied behind his back. The gag stayed in his mouth.
Brad was made to sit and then had his feet tied up again. A note was taped to Brad’s chest. It read “I am a robber. Please arrest me!”
“Hello? Police?” , the man said as he talked on a cell phone, “Yes I think there’ s someone breaking into the apartment across the street. It’s 221 Cherokee. Thanks!”
“Mmmm!” Brad protested. Shit!
The man shoved Brad’s head into the pillow case Brad had been planning on using to loot the apartment. He had to stay tied up until the police came at which point Brad had a lot of uncomfortable explaining to do.
Brad never did figure out who that guy who had tied him up was.
Brad played by Taylor
Mystery Guy played by JMZ
tags: plot, story, cleave gag, bad guy, socks, tickled, hog tie
31 photos; 3:10 video
Model: Leo
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 06/11/2007
tags: underwear, hog tie. bare feet, cleave gag, muscle
24 photos; 3:05 video
Paul moaned as he regained consciousness. Damn, but he felt sick. Why was everything dark? Why was he in complete darkness? What was that horrible taste in his mouth, and why couldn’t he move his hands? So many questions to be answered.
Paul tried to remember what had happened. He had been on his regular beat, patrolling an area of what had once been filled with grand houses – an area that was slowly being gentrified. There was still a fair amount of crime, but the nature of the crime had changed. Instead of XXXX-dealing on the street corners, the biggest problem now was the theft of construction materials. Copper pipes were a particular favourite. A decision had come from headquarters that cops on foot would be a greater deterrent to this kind of crime than having cruisers on the street. Paul didn’t mind – he rather enjoyed patrolling the leafy streets, and some of the renovated houses looked great. It would be years before he could even think of buying a place in the neighbourhood, but in the meantime he could still dream about it. This evening had started out like any other, but now Paul was starting to remember what had happened to him .
It had started with Paul noticing a van outside one of the houses that Paul had watched being renovated. The work seemed to have been finished a couple of weeks ago – why was there van outside the house? Paul decided to investigate. He pulled out his flashlight and directed it towards the open door of the van. There was something bulky concealed beneath the tarps. This warranted closer inspection. He lifted the tarps to see what was under them. It was just as he expected – copper piping. Vandals must have broken into the house and ripped out the brand new pipes. Paul started as his movements caused some of the pipes to move, making a racket. He was so startled that he dropped his flashlight, which promptly rolled under the van.
“Shit” he muttered to himself. This wasn’t what he needed. He was going to call this in, but first he had to retrieve the damned flashlight. Paul got down on his knees, the clanging of the displaced pipes still ringing in his ears. He had just managed to grab the flashlight, and was about to rise to his knees, when something hard struck him in the back of head.
“GGGMMHEELLPPP!” Paul yelled into the gag which was filled his mouth. Something disgusting had been shoved into his mouth, and then taped in while he was XXXX. He was lucky that he hadn’t XXXXd to XXXX while he was out for the count. As his memory returned, he realized that the thief must have crept up behind him and whacked him on the head. He could feel cold metal biting into his wrists – his assailant must have used his own cuffs on him. Paul struggled in panic – he was claustrophobic and as it dawned on that he had been stuffed into a small and confined place his adrenaline surged. He pounded the opposite wall with his feet. Oh my God, this place was tiny. He couldn’t breathe. HE HAD TO GET OUT!
“MHHEEELPPGEEEMMMEOUTAMHERE!” Paul was on the verge of hysteria as he thrashed about in the stifling confines of his prison. He was on the point of passing out when the door opened and light flooded into what turned out to be a very small closet. Thank God, he was rescued.
“Keep it down, copper, or I’ll bash you on the head again. And it will be harder this time.”
Paul gulped. Hmmm, he could breathe now, but he didn’t like the look of the hulking figure that loomed over him. This wasn’t quite his idea of a rescue.
“Let’s get you out of that closet and take a better look at you pipsqueak. Up you go.”
Massive hands the size of hams grabbed Paul, pulling him to his feet and out of the closet. This guy was HUGE, and built like a brick shithouse. Still, the pipsqueak remark rankled. Now that he was out of that tiny closet, Paul was feeling a lot feistier – feistier and not as he careful as he should have been.
Paul lashed out at his captor as he yelled into his gag. The huge oaf just laughed as he moved out of the way.
“Those are big words for a little rookie cop all cuffed up and gagged. I KNOW that you’re an officer of the law, dimwit. The uniform kinda gave that fact away. You’re not a very smart officer of the law, are you? Making all of that noise and then dropping your flashlight like that. You were just asking for me to hit you over the head and tie you up.
Paul fumed, and then XXXXd as the well-built felon grabbed his tie and started to XXXX him.
“That’s a nice shiny badge you have there, rookie. That might come in handy one of these days. Why don’t I relieve you of it? “
Paul was incensed. How dare this criminal touch HIS gear? It was bound enough that his own cuffs had been used to shackle, but his badge? That was going to far.
I’m getting just a bit tired of you antics, rookie. Now, you stay there on your knees like a good little pipsqueak cop, while I fetch something to make sure that you don’t misbehave anymore.”
Paul, after having his own XXXX shoved into his face, thought it might be a good idea to do as the leviathan said. He would think of a way out of this sticky situation, once he had had a moment to gather his thoughts. He was still a bit woozy from the blow to the head.
“Gee, I would have thought that it would be quite obvious what I am doing, cop. I’m tying you up! There, that looks much better. Cops look good with rope and cuff and tape. “
Paul’s gagged tirade was cut short as the brute grabbed him by the throat and then threw him down on the ceramic-tiled floor. Damn, but that hurt. Paul moaned as he lay on the hard, unyielding tiles. Oh, but his noggin had taken another whack as he fell, and this time the blow hadn’t been cushioned by his uniform hat, which had tumbled from his head as he fell. He shook his head as his captor loomed over him, giving him an ungentle nudge in the ribs with his booted foot.
“You know, pipsqueak, you look kind of cute, lying there, all tied up like that. You’re starting to give me some ideas. I’m going to make you a little more comfortable, and then I’m going out to the van to get some beer. I think it’s just about time for a party time.”
Paul grunted in pain as his muscular captor straddled him, wrapping more rope about his wrists and ankles, putting him into an uncomfortable hogtie. This talk about him being cute, and having a party, filled him with trepidation. What could this brute have in mind for him? As the front door slammed behind the criminal lout, Paul struggled frantically to free himself. If only he could get free of the ropes, he could make a run for out, preferably in the opposite direction from that the felon had taken. But his time was limited. Before he had time to work up a good sweat, the door swung open.
“Mmmm, you are a sight for sore eyes, rookie. It is definitely time to party. Let me get rid of some of that rope and put you over here. Oh yeah, you look good enough to eat.”
Paul could only shake his head in XXXX and watch as the muscled hunk moved towards him. Things were not looking good for him.
The Rookie played by Niel
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 02/21/2007
tags: police, tape gag, hog tie, story
24 photos; 5:15 video
Model: Patrick aka Tynana Fox
Photography : Caitiff
Date of Production: 11/23/2014
Tags: nude, dick tied, twink, tape gag, blind fold, groped, fondled, bad guy
24 photos; 7:16 video
Model: Cody Jonson
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 01/20/2023
Tags: ball gag, bare feet, twink, hog tie, jeans
20 photos; 4:43 video
Model: JD
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 03/20/2023
tags: cleave gag, underwear, hog tie, socks
18 photos; 4:43 video
Model: Holden Cox
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 03/08/2023
Tags: chair tied, tape gagged, blind fold, hands behind back, groped
24 photos; 4:48 video
Model: Simon
Phootgraphy by Caitiff
Date of Production: 10/17/2008
tags: chair tied, underwear, tape gag, bare feet
26 photos; 3:17 video
There were times that Stewart absolutely hated what he'd let his life become. Like ever other bondage addict does at one time or another, he went online to find the perfect man. He was into Black tops and was overjoyed when Master Jed responded to his online personal ad, commanding him to report for duty one day as a bondage/XXXX slave. It was only a few weeks later that Jed informed him that he was the ideal applicant, and he quickly made Stewart move in to begin 24/7 training. But Stewart had begun to grow weary of Jed's commands. Just today, for example, he woke up to find Jed standing over him, "Let me guess. I did something wrong again," Stewart snarled at his keeper, giving him the sexiest look he could muster. He knew he looked hot in the blue shorts he XXXX in, and hoped Jed would want to take advantage.
"You're damn right you did," Jed replied, slapping Stewart in the face before roping his hands in front of him, deftly tying them to his ankles, then packing his sexy mouth with a balled-up handkerchief and taping it in securely. "Like that, slave? You're gonna stay like that all day until I get home from work." He left Stewart to struggle mightily and moan through the tapegag while showering and dressing for work, then planted a huge kiss on Stewart's gagged mouth as the young man worked as hard as he could for his freedom. "I'll be home in nine hours," Jed said, stroking Stewart's hair as he gave Jed the angriest look imaginable, "so have a good time." And within an instant, was out the door.
Stewart couldn't believe his predicament. He was as helpless as helpless could be. The closest he got to freedom was an attempt to rub his rock-hard cock against the mattress, which was not only a failure but only served to hike down his blue shorts, exposing his gorgeous ass and accentuating his humiliation. He couldn't believe Jed would make him go through nine hours of this; it was the longest he'd ever had to endure, and it was pure torture.
It seemed like an eternity had passed before he heard the key turn in the lock and Jed was home, clearly very upset from what had transpired at the office that day and in no mood for shenanigans. He took off his suit jacket in the living room and entered the bedroom in his shirtsleeves, removing his belt as he did so. "Did we learn anything today, boy?" he asked, as Stewart cowered from the sound of the leather snapping together in preparation for one of Jed's customary punishments. He seated himself on the bed next to Stewart's bound-and-gagged frame and began to read the newspapers, soon cracking the belt one more time. "This must have been awful for you today, boy," Jed said. "You must be hungry, you must have to pee, you must just be miserable." Stewart nodded his head furiously. "Well, first I want this." And raised the belt in the air. Stewart cringed and winced.
Jed suddenly dropped the belt and cradled Stewart in his arms from behind. "No," he said, "not this time. I'm not going to beat you."
Stewart breathed a huge sigh of relief with a muffled sigh through the gag.
Jed grinned. "I've had my fun. Tomorrow I'm selling you to a very generous gentleman." Stewart struggled and moaned all the more. "Hey, this is what you get for meeting people online. You wanted this. But don't worry. I'll come over every once in a while and give you a little discipline."
Stewart played by Mike
Jed played by Sammy
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 05/02/2006
Tags: story, dominated, cleave gag, frog tie, bare feet, shirtless
19 photos; 5:21 video
Model: Dean
Photography by Nick007
Date of Production 2-28-2015
tags: bear, tape gag
27 photos; 7:08 video
Model: Raphael
Photography: Caitiff
Date of Production: 11/12/2014
Tags: tape gag, butt, underwear, socks, spank, groped, bad guy
22 photos; 5:13 video
Model: Yeshua
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 01/14/2023
Tags: tape gag, hand gag, jock strap, butt, bad guy, dominated, plot, socks
19 photos; 4:29 video
Full Service Hotel
The Conceirge played by Trickster
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 02/24/2023
Tags: cleave gag, hands behind back, socks, chair tied
16 photos; 8:21 video
Model: Gustavo
Photography by Marco
Date of Production: 10/08/2022
Tags: tape gag, outdoors, bare feet
22 photos; 5:11 video
She was so sick of her cheating boyfriend that she told me to get rid of him.
Not that I was going to do anything violent. But I did know a guy with an isolated ranch who liked his "pets".
I figured the cheater would have time to consider hsi actions as he lay bound and gagged in a box beign shipped to his new home
The Cheating Boyfriend: Dante
Photography : Caitiff
Date of Production: 05/12/2016
tags: otm gag, socks, twink, story, bad guy, groped, hog tie
21 photos; 4:39 video
Model: Braxton
Model: Donovan
Photagrapher: Caitiff
Dat eof Production: 02/09/2016
Tags: double, shirtless, jeans, cleave gag, back to back, socks, chair tied
26 photos; 4:07 video
Corporal Lewis was in trouble. He had gone out to the bars in uniform thinking it would get him girls. Instead it had made him a target. XXXX a as skunk and none to bright, Lewis had gone to piss in the alley because the bathrooms were crowded and disgusting.
Lewis had barely managed to pull his dick out to piss before he felt the butt of a concealed item smash into the back of his head. Everything exploded white then black.
When Lewis came too the first thing he noticed was that it was completely dark. The second thing was that when he tried to move around his hands were tied behind his back
Lewis had no idea what was going on. He could feel himself moving and the sounds of an engine. He was in the trunk of a car. When the car stopped and he heard the driver get out and open the trunk, Lewis still couldn’t see. He realized he was not only tied up but blindfolded.
“ I don’t know who you are but you don’t fuck with a marine!”, Lewis shouted. The only response was a punch to the gut.
Lewis was pulled out fro the car and marched into what Lewis assumed was the basement of a house. Having regained some air, Lewis tried yelling for help but a hand clasped tightly over his mouth. Lewis could only moan helplessly. Lewis continued struggling, hoping to get free. His hijacker , losing patience, gave Lewis a hard punch in the gut. Lewis collapsed to his knees, gasping for air. But he wasn’t given time to recover this time. A knee connected with his chin.
“Don’t think just because I haven't ended you, I won’t change my mind Do what I say or else! You understand?”
Lewis could only grunt his compliance. He barely put up a struggle as a foul tasting rag was pulled tightly between his teeth and tied around his head. The hijacker seemed ot take pleasure in roughing Lewis up as he gagged his prisoner. Lewis could feel the rag bite into the sides of his mouth as his captor tied it securely and cruelly tight. Lewis let out a small moan, half pain and half anger, in protest.
“Oh you like that, Sunshine? Cause I have more. I’m gonna make sure that pretty little mouth of yours is well gagged. Don’t need to hear your whining.”
Lewis didn’t like the sound of that. He heard what sounded like tape and sure enough, Lewis found his mouth being sealed shut. Lewis then could feel his feet pushed together and bound.
“Ok princess. You stay here and get comfortable. You’re going to be tied up and gagged for a long while. Might as well get used to it. And don’t try making any noise. I gagged you for a reason. You’ll have plenty to cry about when the fun starts.”
“Mmmph!”, lewis moaned and got a smack on the head. Cowed, he stayed silent. Only when he heard no more movement and was sure he was alone did he try to move. Lewis struggled against the ropes that bound his hands and feet but they were mercilessly tight. The more he struggled, the tighter his bonds seemed to get.
Lewis had no way or knowing how much time had passed. Blindfolded, the world was only a hazy blur of light and shadows that intruded under the bandanna covering his eyes. Finally fatigued and hung over, Lewis gave up his struggles. He rolled about for a while, hoping ot find a way to get comfortable in his bondage. Eventually Lewis thought he fell asleep.
He couldn’t tell if he was dreaming at first. The sensory deprivation screwed with his mind. His head was filled with weird sensations. He couldn’t even tell when he was awake or asleep. But Lewis felt his body being lifted up and his hands untied. Was he being rescued?!
“Ok Petunia. Rise and shine. The fun’s about to begin.”, Lewis heard his hijacker say.
To be continued.
Corporal Lewis played by Mike
The hijacker played by Mitch
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 2/13/2007
Tags: story, tape gag, blindfold, military, bad guy, hands behind back
22 photos; 8:02 video
Leo had a crush on Tad, it was as simple as that. Leo had also been off his meds for about three weeks. He was usually able to keep his fantasies, most of which involved helpless men bound and gagged, separate from his boring everyday reality. But for the last week, the fantasies had started becoming stronger, so strong that for poor Leo they WERE reality. Luckily for Leo, Tad was best buds with his cousin Joey, and often worked out in Joey's makeshift basement gym. Leo climbed the steps down to the basement, and was delighted to see the object of his obsession lying prone on the weight bench with his hunky bare chest exposed.
Doing barbell reps, Tad grunted when he saw Leo.
"What the hell are you doing here, jerkoff?" Tad always had been a little mean, but Leo didn't care.
"I thought maybe I could spot you," Leo replied meekly.
"Spot this!", Tad replied, tossing one of the barbells towards Leo. Leo ducked, and the barbell clunked heavily onto the basement floor. Tad snickered cruelly, and sat up on the weight bench. Leo picked up the barbell and walked towards Tad, whose back was turned to him. CLUNK! Leo just barely swung the heavy weight against the back of Tad's neck, but it was enough to XXXX the stud out.
Tad fell back onto the weight bench, and Leo took out some of the rope he had brought with him. He quickly pulled Tad's arms above his head and roped his wrists together tightly, fastening the ends of the ropes to the legs of the weight bench. He stepped down to the end of the bench and tied Tad's ankles to it.
Then he sat down and watched the XXXX hunk. After about half an hour, Tad began to groan as he slowly came to.
"Oh...my...he....what the fuck??" He had suddenly felt the bindings holding him down to the bench.
Leo smiled and stood up, taking out his gagging material from his kXXXXsack.
By now, Tad was raging and cursing up a storm as he struggled to free himself.
Leo furled a red bandanna and stood over his prone cousin, who began shaking his head wildly in a vain attempt to avoid being gagged. Leo pulled the cloth taut into Tad's mouth and knotted it off, as Tad cursed and mumbled non-stop. Then Leo took out his roll of duct tape and plastered several strips over Tad's mouth and chin. By now, Tad couldn't form any words, but his muffled grunts were loud and abusive. Finally, Leo unfolded a thick white cloth and tied it over the cleave and tape gag, covering Tad's face from his nose to his chin. Leo was so turned on he couldn't believe it. Tad looked so handsome gagged and helpless.
But Tad wasn't in the least bit happy and continued to growl and grunt loudly. Leo tried to cajole him, but his words had no effect. He decided that Tad needed some convincing, and he took out a long rope and threw it up so that it looped around the pipes that ran along the basement ceiling. Taking the two ends in his hand, he pulled down Tad's sweats and quickly fastened the ends around Tad's ball sac, pulling a nice slip knot over his package so that it was just tense enough to keep Tad's 'nads slightly suspended from his groin.
Leo was having so much fun...Tad's eyes bulged as Leo played with the rope, giving it soft tugs so that Tad moaned piteously through the thick gag, begging for release. After an hour or so, Leo tired of the game and reached into his bag for the small can of ether he'd bought on the Internet. He doused a rag with a small amount and pressed it down over Tad's face. Tad struggled wildly, but in ten seconds he was out cold. Leo quickly unfastened him from the bench and flipped him onto his stomach. He bound his victim much more elaborately this time, and pulled off his sweat pants, exposing his round, virgin butt. With a few slaps to his butt, poor Tad revived at the mercy of his deranged attacker. He knew then that this night would give new meaning to the word "workout".
The End
Tad played by Mitch
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 12/28/2007
TAgs: agging, nude, butt, dick tied, cleave gag, tape gag, bad guy, groped, dominated, shirtless
16 photos; 8:06 video
Model: Gabriel
Model: Diego
Photography by Marco
Date of Production: 08/13/2022
Tags: OTM gag, double, butt, hands behind back, shirtless, underwear
20 photos; 3:12 video
Guest played by Brian
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 02/10/2023
Tags: socks, otter, tape gag, bad guy, groped, gagged
20 photos; 4:03 video
Model: Cody Jonson
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 08/28/2022
Tags: twink, gagging, hand gag, tape gag, socks, hog tie, suit
20 photos; 5:22 video
Ted was tired and wanted to go home. It had been along flight here. But the
requirements of his great aunt Martha’s will had said he had to be at the reading in
person. At least they had a nice hotel. Ted’s boyfriend Frank had insisted on that just as
he had insisted on coming along.
Ted had stepped out to get some food for Frank and himself. He took the elevator back
up tot the twelfth floor and walked into the room..
..To See Frank bound to a chair and gagged with black tape in the corner!
“What the hell?”, Ted gasped.
“Mmmmmpphhh!”, Frank tried ot warn Ted through the tight tape gag but it was too late.
The door behind Ted slammed shit.
“Hey Ted , long time so see.”, Ted’s twin brother Tommy said, a concealed item in his hand.
Ted hadn't seen his crazy twin brother for years. Every body had presumed he had died
in South America. But there he was, concealed item in one hand and coils of rope in the other.
Ted didn’t have time to ask any of the thousand questions running through his head. He
was roughly grabbed, his hands tied tightly together behind his back. Ted was laid on
top of the dresser. And hog tied.
Tommy smiled as his brother struggled in vain to get free.
“Just like old times, huh Teddy! Remember when I used ot tie you up and leave you and
everybody would forget about you! That was fun. And this guy “Tommy sat on the bound
and gagged Frank’s lap, eliciting an angry grunt from the helpless hostage. “We’ve been
having so much fun. He’s a little cutie!”
Tommy pulled out a bandanna and used it to blind fold Frank. Ted didn’t appreciate the
liberties Tommy’s hands took with his boyfriend’s helpless body . But tied up himself,
could do nothing about it.
“What do you want from us?” Ted asked.
“Why isn’t it obvious? To pay my respects to Aunt Martha. Unfortunately she wrote me
out of her will for some reason..”
You stole her prize cocker spaniel and sold it to a lab for XXXX money! And then
you..Mmmppphh!”, Ted was cut off as tape was applied ot his mouth, gagging him into
“Whatever. No sense living in the past. Not when there’s a few million with my name on
it. I mean ..Your name.”
Tommy’s evil plan was pretty obvious: take Ted’s place and claim the money for himself.
“Well you two take care. I think I’ll swing back around, spend some quality time with
your boy toy. “
“MMMPPHH!” Ted grunted.
“Oh don’t worry. I’ll let you watch! Hahahahahaha!”
Desperately both men began to struggle, hoping against hope they could free
themselves in time to stop Ted’s evil twin.
The End
Ted/Tommy played by JMZ
Frank played by Cliff
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production:05/25/2012
Tags: double, chair tied, blindfold, tape gag, hog tie, socks, story
19 photos; 2:10 video
The Nosy Detective played by Dylan
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production:03/03/2017
Tags: cleave gag, hand gagged, bad guy, gagged, tape gag