30 photos; 12:09 video
Model:Anthony Wolf
Photography by Caitiff
Date of production: 02/24/2021
Tags: rugby socks, stuffing gag, sock gag, OTM gag, nude, ass, hands behind back, frog tie, ass, bad guy, fondled, dick tied
23 photos; 8:14 video
You broke yoru promise.
So now you have to pay.
Horny Dude played by Felix Adonis
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 12/14/2020
Tags: muscular, bodybuider, nude, butt, dick, dick tied, dick leashed, spanked, groped, fondled, plug gag, dominated, punished, grinding, locked in closet
1 photos; 5:20 video
Model: Dean
Bad Guy: Slade
Photography by Nick007
Date of Production: 7-22-2015
tags: bear, hand gag, cleave gag, bad guy, groped, gagged, chair tied
22 photos; 5:48 video
Lane looked around himself nervously. They couldn't be serious. What kind of fucked up fraternity was he pledging?
He knew that his Pledge Master Ron had some kind of weird thing for him. He was always paddling him the longest, and with the most swats. When it came time to wait on the Big Brothers in his underwear during parties, Ron seemed to always focus on Lane. Making him constantly fetch Solo cups of beer when Ron wasn't even done with the beer he was XXXX, XXXX him to do jumping jacks and deep knee bends in his tighty whities with PLEDGE written on the seat to amuse the other Brothers and make their sorority girl invites laugh. Lane's pledge name was "Tebow" because he bore a striking resemblance to the incredibly hot pro football player, and don't think Lane didn't notice that not only had Ron given him that pledge name but had a giant Tebow poster on his bedroom wall.
And now he was tightly bound and gagged. And completely at the mercy of Ron. Alone.
"This is what we call the Test Of Struggle. A Phi Delta HAS to be agile, dexterous, and quick-thinking. I've tied you, gagged, and rendered you almost completely helpless."
Ron stopped flapping his gums for a second to give the helpless Lane an incredibly chilling smile. A smile that made Lane wonder where the other pledges were. Why was he being hazed alone and by only one brother? He came to some conclusions and unwittingly moaned into his gag. He couldn't even form anything close to words. Ron had rolled up another bandana and stuffed it into his mouth. The cloth was so big and round that it filled his entire mouth, held his tongue down, and was then secured by the second bandana. All he could do was "mmmpphhh" into his gag.
"Aw, Tebow...don't be upset. I'm sure you'll find it in you to pass the Test of Struggle. Because if you dont...."
Ron suddenly picked the bound and helpless Lane up by his elbows. He stood him up on his feet, and took a step back to let Lane sway there. Lane wobbled. Staying upright when your hands and feet were tied was really hard! He had never felt so helpless. His hands were stuck behind his back. His ankles were firmly lashed together. And this stupid gag! Everything felt so constricted. Even his sneakers, jeans and t-shirt felt ultra-tight. This sucked. And then Ron showed him what was going to happen to him if he didn't pass the Test of Struggle.
Lane moaned and squealed as Ron began running his hands over and under Lane's tight t-shirt. He tweaked his nipples, and massaged Lane's muscular pecs and torso. He turned Lane around like he was a toy, ignored Lane's muffled protests, and began kneading and squeezing Lane's buttcheeks through his jeans! Lane writhed like mad. He couldn't do this! This was sexual assault!
And the worst part? When Ron began rubbing up on his bulge. And the very worst part? When Lane began to get hard and started to hump the air and wish Ron would unbutton his jeans. It was all so confusing. He was humiliated, terrified, and...horny? The fuck? Ron began to accompany his manipulation of Lane's package by subtly rubbing his finger up and down Lane's asscrack. And just as Lane began to get into the rhythm of Ron's hands massaging his denimed cock, Ron stopped...
"You have 15 minutes to pass the Test of Struggle. Or you're fucked. Good luck, pledge."
Ron pushed him over, laughed at his helplesness, and left the room. Lane landed in a heap. OOOFFF. He was a roped steer waiting for branding. And he he thought he knew what Ron had in mind for branding. He began to struggle. He had 15 minutes to get out of these horrible ropes, and kick Ron's ass.
But did he want out?
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production:09/24/2012
tags: cleave gag, sneakers, hands behind back, jeans
28 photos; 3:05 video
Model -Reggie
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 04/07/2007
tags: cleave gag, twink, bare feet, hog tied, shirtless
26 photos; 4:56 video
Model: Patrick
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 03/13/2008
Tags: nudity, twink, tape gagm, dick tied
25 photos; 5:56 video
XXXX Guy played by Brian
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production 11/22/2021
Tags hand gag, bad guy, shirtless, hairy chest, hog tied, hands behind back, cleave gag, socks, beard, groped
29 photos; 3:34 video
Model Cliff
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production 11/27/2021
Tags: hog tied, tape gag, suit, socks, groped
32 photos; 6:54 video
Bound Guy Reilly French
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 06/01/2021
Tags:cleave gag, tape gag, hog tie, underwear, nude, twink, bare feet, gfroped, fondled, penis
28 photos; 4:31 video
Model: Simon
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 08/22/2007
tags, stuffing gag, otm gag, hog tied, underwear, shirtless, bare feet
28 photos; 4:46 video
“You mother fucker! You had better let me go you prick!” Danny’s threats didn’t mean much. He had been caught red handed breaking into Tony’s house. Danny hadn’t known that Tony was home or that he knew karate. Danny woke up with a splitting head ache and his hands tied behind his back
“Shut up, moron!”, Tony yelled back. “Unless you would rather I use you as a practice dummy again.”
Danny stopped his idle threats. Fact was, he was scared shitless. Tony should have called the cops, not played bondage games. What was his plan?
Tony twisted his bound wrists, trying to gain some slack. But the rope binding his hands behind his back were too well tied.
Tony shoved his captive onto the futon. He knew he had Danny right where he wanted him. It had taken a while for Danny to fall into Tony’s trap. For weeks now the thug had been breaking into and robbing houses all over the neighbourhood. Everybody knew it was Danny. But there was never enough evidence for the police, not that they cared what happened around here. Fortunately, Tony was a proactive kind of guy.
Realising that empty threats would get him no where, Danny tried a different tactic. “Look, I got some money. I can give it to you if you let me go.”
“I am getting tied of your mouth. Time to shut you up.”, Tony produced a purple bandanna which he used to gag Danny.
“Mmmpphh!”, Danny groaned through his gag. Now he couldn’t even beg.
Worse, Tony obviously had plans for his hostage. His hands lingered over Danny’s bulky chest. Bound and now gagged, there was nothing Danny could do.
Tony groped his captive, squeezing and handling Danny’s buff body, despite Danny’s groans of protest.
“Mmmpphh! Mmmmmm!” Danny moaned as Tony gave a hard pinch to Danny’s nipple’s.
“You don’t learn, do you? I gagged you for a reason. Well if at first you don’t succeed, use tape instead.”
A black piece of sticky tape was plastered over Tony’s mouth. He was then shoved onto his stomach.
“Mmm?!” Tony felt his pants being pulled down, exposing his bubble butt.
“Well, look at that! I thought so.” Tony rubbed his hand over Danny’s bare ass. “Yeah, this gives me an idea for your community service.
Community Service?! Danny did not like the sound of that.
Tony took out some more rope and tied Danny’s ankles together so he couldn’t escape. He then left Danny alone .
This might be my only chance, Danny thought as he struggled against his bonds. He strained and twisted but the ropes around his hands and feet didn’t give an inch. He couldn’t even work the gag loose. As if the cleave gag was not bad enough, the tape had somehow plastered itself to Danny’s mouth.
By the time Tony returned, Danny knew he was defeated, totally at the mercy of this asshole. He planned on doing whatever Tony wanted of him. Maybe he could get his captor to take pity on him. Better a boy toy then a dead man.
But Tony just laughed at Danny’s attempt at a puppy dog face. He seemed to enjoy Danny making pathetic moans though his gag.
“Oh so you want to do whatever I want, I guess?”
“Mmmmm” Tony nodded.
“No matter what it is?”
Danny didn't even hesitate. He knew he had no choice anyway.
“Good! Because I’ve been making some phone calls and some of the people you’ve robbed before would work on that that sweet ass of yours as compensation. I think that’s 20 or so, right?”
Oh Shit! One perv was bad enough. But Danny had made his bed. Tony flipped him over onto his stomach. He ignored his captive’s now frantic mumblings.
“Don’t worry. They only get your ass. I’m saving your package for myself. Ahh, I think the first one is already here.”
The End
Danny played by Mickey O'Shea
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 12/16/2009
tags: tatoos, shirtless, hands behind back
26 photos; 3:41 video
Dennis pulled the utility van to the last house of the day. Number two twenty three Oak street. The order said they needed their stove installed. well , as long as they didn’t have some weird ass model, this should only take a few minutes and Dennis could go home.
“Three three twelve, this is dispatch. You at Oak?”, The radio cackled.
“Yeah I’m here. Should only take a minute and I am out.”
“Call in when you’re done.”
“No need. If you don't’ hear from me, then consider me off.”
“Uhh, that’s not ...”
“I’ve been working all day. Cut me slack. IF I need you, I’ll call.” Dennis cut off the radio. he didn't’ mean to be an asshole. But he really was tired. And this was a simple installation. What could go wrong?
“Get in there, asshole”, the burly thug commanded as he threw Dennis on to the mattress in the basement of the house. His hands tied behind his back, Dennis could only fall on his ass, grateful that he at least has a soft place to land.
“Gag him” another thug ordered and Dennis found his mouth sealed with tape. Silenced and bound, Dennis could only stare angrily as his captors as they finished the job. They brought out more clothesline and quickly tied his legs together.
“Mmmph!”, Dennis moaned angrily as he rolled around on the filthy mattress. Dennis was so angry he didn't’ even care if the Masked men saw him as he tried ot escape. But they just grinned. They knew full well that Dennis wasn’t getting loose. Dennis continued to struggle until one of them kicked him in the ribs.
“Enough of that. Be glad we didn’t just kill you. All we need is your van.”
His van? Oh shit, Dennis almost forgot. With his van and his pass, anyone could go right into the service center. And tomorrow was the day receipts came in.
“All right. We don’t need this guy getting any ideas. Tape his eyes. ”
Dennis had tape put over his eyes. When he resisted, he got another kick from a thug.
“Mmmmpphh!”, Dennis protested as he was rolled on to his stomach. With his mouth taped, he had to inhale deeply and he got a good whiff fo the foul smelling mattress and carpet as he rolled around bound and gagged on. Though he continued to struggle Dennis knew that he would be tied up for a very long time
And he did stay bound and gagged on that mattress for a long time. Long after his masked men had left to do their robbery and when the police finally tracked down the van they used and the last house it had been at, they found Dennis, still tied up , grunting through his gag.
The End
Dennis played by Gene
Photography By Caitiff
Date of Production: 12/07/2007
28 photos; 5:41 video
Model: Ryan
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 05/18/2008
31 photos; 3:35 video
Model Dixon Storm
Photography by Caitiff
Date of production 11/22/2021
tags socks, underwear, hog tie, tape gag, shirtless, twink
30 photos; 5:16 video
New Guy played by Ian Amorous
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production 12/05/2021
Ian Amorous
Only Fans
Ian Amorouse
Tags rugby, athletic socks, cleave gag, beard, frog tie, hands tied in front, sports, athlete
35 photos; 6:18 video
Athlete played by Gerard
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 04/07/2021
Tags: nude, butt, penis, tape gag, groped, dominated, bare feet, hands behind back
32 photos; 4:12 video
Model: Nick
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 08/07/2008
14 photos; 5:06 video
Monkey decide that XXXX while a intruder sneaks into his home was a good ideal. I have to say The RED rope looks good on him.
I think he will make sure his doors are locked next time.
27 photos; 6:26 video
Rex was IT Specialist for the company known as Nerd Herd. The company mainly works out of Worst Buy, an big electronic store. Rex got a call from a client, who was having problems with his computer. Rex knew the guy from the store counter and his name was Greg.
Greg seemed to have the worst luck when it came to his computer so he came in multiple times to get it fixed. Most of the time, it was the simplest of things that was causing the “problem”. The two would chit chat while Rex would have his computer fixed with a couple of minutes.
Rex could tell that some of the problems on the computer were self inflicted. It seemed that Greg had a crush on Rex and just wanted an excuse to visit him at his store. Of course Rex didn't mind. Greg was cute and enjoyed his company. They even spoke with each other online late at night. They would talk about a lot of things including personal stuff, like how much Rex enjoyed bondage.
So when he got a call from Greg, he was happy to hear him. Normally Greg would just come in and get it fixed, but this time he was now having car problems and couldn't leave the house. So he scheduled an at home appointment fro Rex to come and fix his computer.
Rex grabbed his equipment bag and headed out. After about a fifteen minute drive, he was at Greg's house. He walked to the door and rang the bell. A minute later, the door opened and revealed Greg.
“Hey Rex! Thanks for coming! Come on in.”
“Thanks. So what seems to be the problem this time.” Rex said as he walked in.
“Well mainly, I seem to be missing something off of my computer.” Greg said as he usher Rex to the room with the computer in it.
“Like what?” Rex asked as he walked.
“Pictures of you!” Greg said as he grabbed Rex from behind and covered Rex's mouth with a damp cloth. The two struggled, but soon Rex was XXXX. “Now the fun can begin.”
Greg started tussling up his prisoner. Soon Rex's hands were tied behind his back and the rest of the rope was wrapped around his chest. Greg had just enough time to do that and get a bandanna out to blindfold Rex, just as Rex was waking up. He pulled Rex up and walked him into the spare room and XXXX him to his knees. Then taking another bandanna, gagged Rex.
“I don't want a word out of you!” Greg said. Then he pushed Rex over. “We're going to play a little game.” He then tied Rex's feet together. “Now you stay there, I'll be right back.” Greg got up and walked out the door.
Rex struggled on the ground trying to get out. Trying to ignore how turned on he was, he thought to himself that Greg must have had this all planned out. Rex's pants got tighter and tighter till he just wished for the release of his member. However Greg had other plans in mind. By this time, he was able to move the blindfold down his face so he could look around.
Greg walked back into the room. Rex struggle as hard as he could to get away but it was to no avail. Greg rolled Rex over on to stomach, concealing the bulge in Rex's pants. At least now he could use the ground to at least rub it some.
Greg pulled the extra rope off the ground and put Rex into a strict hogtie. “Don't want you getting away now do I? This game is going to be fun.” Greg gave Rex a nice swat on his butt. This of course just made things harder down there for Rex. Add in some tickling on his feet and Rex's excitement was through the roof.
Doesn't look like Rex is getting back to work anytime soon and he did not care at all!
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production:12/20/2013
23 photos; 4:36 video
The Victim played by Donovan
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production; 04/16/2017
Nude, hog tie, cleave gag, groped, butt, twink
25 photos; 4:21 video
Model Dante
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production 12/21/2021
tags cleave gag, tape gag, socks, athletic socks, shrtless, twink, jock, butt, taped
30 photos; 5:34 video
Rugby Guy played by Pup Swizzle
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production 10/28/2021
Tags tape gag, socks, athletic socks,
35 photos; 5:46 video
Model Rhett Tucker
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production 08/13/2020
24 photos; 4:12 video
Model: Tommy Gunn
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 10/09/2017
Hands behind back, otm gag, uniform, military, boots