23 photos; 7:36 video
Model: Chad
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production:12/19/2011
35 photos; 3:59 video
Model: Hunter
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 11/28/2020
21 photos; 4:16 video
Never let Slade get you alone
Victim: Axl James
Photography by Slade
Date of Production: 10/26/2020
25 photos; 3:51 video
Model: Wolfric
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Productionj: 10/25/2020
30 photos; 7:23 video
Model: Derek
Photography: Caitiff
Date of Production: 10/22/2014
22 photos; 7:18 video
Cont'd from "All Taped Up"
Garrett slowly drifted back and forth while XXXX. He eventually got sore and moved his body around, but he couldn't move much at all. He tried to get up but that wasn't possible either. Then his nose was itchy, and he tried to scratch it, and suddenly he got scared because something was wrong with his arms? What's wrong with me! Garrett couldn't see well in the dark and started to panic! "HHEELLLPPFFF!!!!"
Now Garrett was really panicking when he couldn't speak. Nothing made sense at all, and he couldn't comprehend that he was tied up. Garrett thought he was XXXX and immobile, but it was pitch black in his room, and he couldn't do anything about it. Has his body had a stroke? No that couldn't be. A huge muscle spasm? Garrett thought of all the odds at once, and it overwhelmed him with clouded judgment.
A really bright light came to his eyes and he couldn't see, even know it was dark just earlier. Garrett was really freaking out now, and he thought he was dead. Please save me Lord! Help, I'm trapped! Slowly his eyes began the focus, and when he lifted his head, he saw a bright glarry silver strip of tape across his chest, and he moaned as loud as he could!! That's when Chad walked around the corner and stared at him, grinning like a mad man!
Just like long ago in a distant memory, Garrett remembered he was once tied up before after wrestling practice with his friend Craig. He remembered Craig loved duct tape and seeing the tape wrapped around him, Garrett was really scared, especially with Chad not doing anything about it?! "Have a nice beauty XXXX my sweet Garrett?" Chad asked in a sinister way. Did you do this!? Garrett tried to mumble through his tape gag, "MMMphyofffdphthiipph!!?"
"I know you've been training hard in the off season, and you're all doing something different than normal wrestlers do. How in the hell do you think your team is beating us all the sudden, because we've been winning for years. Your team always sucked, and now suddenly, you're winning; you must be cheating somehow? Tell me Garrett, tell me, or I'll keep you like this a very long time." Garrett tried to reply, "MMMmmmmmmppppphhh...", but the thick sticky tape made it no use!
"Craig told me you were hot tied up, and that taping you up would be his ultimate fantasy. He wanted me to grab specifically you, so he could keep you as his hot little pretty boy hehe; he even supplied me this extra industrial strength duct tape, perfect for taping up young hot boys like you." Chad smiled. "UUUUMMMMMPPPPPHHH!!!! Uuummmmffff!! mmmphff!" Garrett cried and begged to be cut free. Please! Get the scissors, I beg you!" But he was well stuffed and only said soft moans that cannot be heard well or understood, not that Chad cared. "You're not so strong now, are you?"
He called Craig, and Garrett heard him laughing in the background from Chad's cell phone. Then he was told he's coming over, to role play. "He wants to tickle the hell outta you, to see you really moan, until you tell me why in the heck Illinois is beating the crap outta Missouri? That's just plain wrong!" Garrett tried not to laugh haha it sounded way funny! Garrett glanced at himself in the mirror, freshly gagged and taped tight!! He hated to give Chad credit, but he looked so handsome!
The End
Garrett played by Himself
Chad play by Zac
Photography by Zac
Date of Production: 10/22/2014
28 photos
The set up was perfect. He was going to come over for a drink and that’s when we would strike. Jim was as arrogant son of a bitch and he needed to be taken down a peg or two. He thought of himself a bit of a ladies man and flirted with every woman he knew. He was the only one of my husband’s friends who wasn’t married and there was a reason for that. He was a jackass.
He began to really cross the line when he began flirting with all his friend’s wives, including me. I complained to my husband constantly, but he kept defending him saying he was harmless. I was so infuriated with this man I needed to find a way to show my husband this guy was a total creep. I called him and let my husband listen in on the other end. We talked a bit about his flirting while he laughed and snickered at my complaint. He said he didn’t mean any harm but that I wanted him.
“Sure Jim I do want you”, I said sarcastically. He didn’t hear the sarcasm.
“Really Jill?” he said.
I was about to cuss him out when I noticed my husband waving at me. I covered the receiver and my husband said to lead him on, he was going to destroy this jerk. I got back on the phone and began hesitantly to flirt with him. “Yeah Jim I really like you. Listen Ted is out of town this week and I was wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner?”
“Hell yes, listen Ted is my good friend but how can I pass you up?”
We set a time for him to come over and hung up. “Okay Jill this is the plan, when he comes over I am going to beat the living shit out of him”, he screamed.
“Ted, no that won’t accomplish anything, we really need to shoe this guy what’s what”, I said I told him what I thought we should do. Ted agreed slyly. At eight the door bell rang right on schedule. I opened the door to find the creep standing and smiling at me. I invited him in and Ted jumped him from behind. At first he seemed scared but then realized it was Ted under the mask and seemed to calm down, at least until we pulled out the rope.
“What’s going on guy?”
“How could you do this to me Jim, you’re my friend. Do you really think Jill would even consider being with you?”
“Ted I was only joking, we weren’t really going to do anything. I knew you were here.”
“Shut you bastard”, Ted screamed. With this Ted pushed him to the sofa and held him down while I tied his hands and feet.
“Guys what the hell are you doing”, he yelled. “We are going to school you a bit about what its like to be treated like an object and a friend.”
“Guys I’m sorry I’ve just been a little lonely lately”, he said. “Come on guys untie me this is ridiculous”, he laughed.
“Shut up Jim, right now”, Ted screamed. Ted walked over to him and shoved a handkerchief between his teeth to shut him up. He tied his feet and hands together to keep him from taking out the gag. We walked out of the room as he began to try and break free. What are we doing? I thought about how much trouble we were in, why didn’t I let Ted just kick his ass. We talked and decided there was no turning back now. We walked back into the room as he cussed and grunted through his gag. We decided we needed to keep him quieter. We secured another piece of cloth over his mouth as he fought against us. This seemed to silence him effectively. Then we began our lecture. He struggled hard and long as we began our speech. He fell onto the floor pulling and yanking at the rope that tied him. He tried to speak but only muffled grunts escaped his gag. He seemed exhausted and scared when his struggle came to nothing. He was infuriated at us. He glared at us with puppy dog eyes pleading to set him free.
We informed him that what he was doing was not right and that he would no longer be welcome in our house, once we untied him of course. We also threatened him with certain information about his business dealings we had recently been informed about if he went to the police. After it was all done we untied him and he ran out of the door. He moved to New York the next month, we have yet to hear from him.
The End
The Model played by Arturo
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 02/20/2008
25 photos; 5:08 video
Model:Mitch Kupertino
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production:08/14/2014
21 photos; 5:02 video
The Sarge played by Ron Jeffries
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 11/19/2020
21 photos; 8:01 video
Model Steve Thompson
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production 09/24/2020
23 photos; 5:50 video
Model Jesse Daniels
Photograph by Caitiff
Date of Production 09/1/2020
21 photos; 4:30 video
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production:10/01/2014
29 photos; 5:37 video
Jamie whimpered as he was pulled down into a basement. His hands were being held tightly behind his back and a large hand was clapped over his mouth, keeping him from screaming out. The man holding him was his teacher, Mr. Emmerson, and an hour ago, Jamie would never have seen himself in this sort of position.
He had been waiting after class to talk to Mrs. Kinley about a project, and while he had been passing Mr. Emmerson’s office, he had seen him making a pass at one of the girl’s in the class who had seemingly stayed late. Mr. Emmerson’s eye had caught Jamie’s, and before he had a chance to get out of there, Mr. Emmerson had told the girl to leave and had asked Jamie to walk to his car with him, claiming that he wanted to explain that what Jamie had seen wasn’t what he had thought.
However, there had been very little explaining, and without any warning, Mr. Emmerson had grabbed Jamie and thrown him into the trunk of his car, driving off with the boy weakly crying for help, banging his fists against the top of the trunk. Now he had been pulled from the trunk and dragged into a windowless cellar. Mr. Emmerson threw Jamie roughly to the floor and closed the door, locking it behind him.
“Please,” Jamie whispered, sitting up and scooting backwards, trying to get away from the teacher. “Please, just let me go, I promise I won’t tell anyone what I saw!” He sniffled, quiet tears rolling from his wide brown eyes, staining his cheeks.
“You’re right, you’re not gonna tell anyone anything, Jamie.” The man walked over to him, grabbing a fistful of the boy’s shaggy blond hair and yanking tight. “You’re not going anywhere.”
Jamie cried out as his hair was pulled, more tears spilling from his eyes. He tried to struggle, but the grip on his hair was painful, greatly restricting him. He whimpered, trying to calm himself as best he could, though it wasn’t working very well.
“Please,” he begged. “Don’t do this to me! Let me go, I swear to god I won’t tell anyone anything about this or anything else!” He looked up at his teacher, his eyes full of fear.
“I’m sorry, Jamie.” Mr. Emmerson spoke with a tone that indicated he wasn’t really sorry at all. “But you’re going to have to stay here with me until I can think up something else…if I think up something else. I can’t have you wandering free, not knowing what you know.”
Mr. Emmerson’s words terrified Jamie, and as the man let go of his hair, he found himself unable to move, petrified with fear, quiet tears slipping down his already wet cheeks. Mr. Emmerson moved away from Jamie for a moment, returning with a large bag. He turned bag over, dumping the contents out with a loud clatter. Several lengths of chain of varying thicknesses and size fell to the concrete floor along with multiple padlocks. Jamie’s eyes widened and he tried to back away, but the man grabbed him.
“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked, laughing as he grabbed Jamie’s wrists, yanking them behind his back once again.
“You don’t have to do this!” Jamie pleaded. “Really, I won’t talk, I swear to god!”
Mr. Emmerson ignored Jamie, crossing his wrists before wrapping a length of chain around them four times. He pulled the chain tight before padlocking it tightly. Jamie whimpered as the chains dug into his skin, and he tried to struggle, to kick his captor, but again, his attempts were useless. He was too shaken and weak to do much good, and Mr. Emmerson had no trouble at all grabbing his ankles, wrapping them in chains and padlocking them just as he had his ankles.
With the boy’s ankles and wrists bound, the teacher was confident that his captive was going nowhere, so he began to slow down. He carefully selected a length of chain and began wrapping it around Jamie’s shins, just below his kneecaps. Once he padlocked the chain around Jamie’s shins, he preformed the same action with the boy’s thighs. He then selected a longer length of chain and wrapped it around the boy’s torso several times, pinning his arms to his chest.
“Please,” Jamie begged yet again. “Y-you’re hurting me!”
“Do I look like I care?” Mr. Emmerson growled. He locked the chain around the boy’s torso and grabbed him by his hair again, pulling him to his feet. He dragged the boy backwards towards one of the beams supporting the room, and XXXX Jamie to his knees. He took a fairly short length of chain and ran it through the padlock securing the boy’s ankles before looping it around the beam and locking it, securing the boy’s ankles to the post. He then grabbed a long, thick length of chain and XXXX Jamie’s back up against the beam. He wrapped the chain around the boy’s chest and stomach seven times, securing the boy tightly to the beam, before locking off the ends of the chain.
“Why are you doing this?” Jamie looked up at his teacher, wriggling against the restraints. He was held fast, and his shoulders were moving just barely as he struggled. Tears stained his cheeks as he continued to cry. He hated how weak he felt, but he had no way of pulling free, and he knew it. The chains were incredibly painful, and he knew that the pressure on his knees was really going to hurt soon. He was sure that, once he got free…if that ever happened, he would be bruised all over. His only hope was to gain favor with his teacher and manage to get free.
“I’m doing this because of what you say,” Mr. Emmerson stated, his voice irritable. “You know that, and it’s time for you to obey, do you hear me?”
“Please!” Jamie begged again. “Let me go!”
“Alright, I’ve had enough of your begging.” Mr. Emmerson stood, returning a second later with a clean, thick, black rag. He ran the rag through the boy’s mouth and tied it tightly behind his head. “That contrasts nicely with your hair,” he teased, looking at his captive. He held up a roll of tape, looking at Jamie. “If you make a racket, this goes over the rag, do you understand?”
Jamie whimpered, but nodded. He wasn’t going anywhere, and crying out would get him nowhere. He looked down, tears still falling, trying to forget both the way the gag pulled at the corners of his mouth and the way the chains were digging into his skin.
“You’re mine now, Jamie.” Mr. Emmerson dropped the tape, placing his hand on the boy’s cheek. “Enjoy your stay.” With that, he stood up and shut the light off, leaving Jamie alone, bound, gagged and crying, in the pitch black room.
The End?
Model: ZackT
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 3-30-2011
21 photos
“Did you think you could fool us?”, Tony Lorazado spat at Guido.
Guido smirked with bravado, “Yeah. I kinda did think that”, and was reward for his candour with a punch to the gut. His arms tied behind him, Guido could do nothing to stop the blows.
Guido had thought he had it all planned out. He had already cut a deal with the cops to turn in his buddies for immunity. Too bad his gang had found out about it. Now just as Guido was waiting for The Detective ot arrive to take Guido into protective custody, he was already surrounded by his former comrades.
‘”Shut his dumb ass up.”, Tony said, throwing a roll of tape to Lenny, “Gag that smart mouth and gag it good.”
“Hey..Mmmph!” Guido didn't’ mind the beating but he hated being unable to give a smart ass comment. Undoubtedly that was why Tony had made such a point about gagging him.
“Watch him. I got to get something ready for when this asshole’s new police friends show up”, Tony said to the gang. “And don't’ feel you got to be gentle about it.”
They weren’t. Guido was roughed up, felt up and because he was bound and gagged, had to endure it.
Eventually Guido’s guards spent their aggression. Deciding their charge was quite helpless, they turned on the television. Taking advantage of the break, Guido tested the ropes. Unfortunately while his partners were incompetent in many way, they were quite good at tying a guy up. Those guards at the security depot would have agreed. Though he twisted and rubbed his wrists raw, Guido didn’t make any headway in his ropes.
Damn, he thought, the one thing these morons are good at.
Guido figured it took Tony about 15 minutes to get back holding a brown sack.
“Where’d you go, Boss?” Lenny asked.
“Hardware store. And don't’ ask me what for. That’s a surprise for the stool pigeon here. I figure we got another half hour before the cops arrive. Put his ass in that chair there”
Guido was shoved into a rickety chair. His legs were then tied together. Damn, why didn't’ I try to run? Guido cursed himself for his own stupidity though chances were he wouldn’t have got ten far.
Tony, satisfied that his prisoner wasn't’ going anywhere, went to work on the stuff in the bag. Guido saw a clock, some wires and.. was that gelignite?!
It was indeed gelignite and Tony seemed ot take special glee in seeing Guido sweat it out.
“I was saving this for another job but I think you deserve it more.”
Panicking, Guido began to struggle and moan. Guido didn't’ think Tony had it in him ot kill anyone. But he was obviously wrong.
Tony set the device on a chair next to Guido and set the timer.
“Ok Guido. I figure your new cop friends should be here soon. So I set this for ten minutes. They get here in that time and you get to live. Otherwise, you get just what you deserve. As for us, we already have our way out of the country. They’ll never catch us even if you do survive to talk. See ya.”
And with that last good bye, Guido’s old gang left him to his fate. Guido could only stare at the clock as it slowly counted down. Though he struggled liek crazy, he couldnt’ free himself. Beas of sweat ran down his face as Guido prayed the cops won a race they didn’t even know they were in.
Unfortunately, the cops were twenty minutes late.
Fortunately Tony really hadn’t had it in him to kill anyone. The device was fake.
Though they never did catch any of Guido’s old gang. Which meant Guido’s immunity deal went out the window.
The End
Guido played by Nathan
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 03/18/2008
28 photos; 6:24 video
Spanked played by Donovan
Spanker player by Dean
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production:08/19/2014
20 photos; 7:51 video
Model: Andy
Photography by Caitiff
Special thanks to Slade
Date of Productiopn: 10/26/2020
22 photos; 4:15 video
Bound Businessman played by Isaiah
Photography by LAShyGuy
Date of Production: 10/08/2020
18 photos; 5:06 video
Model Dante
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production 09/21/2020
26 photos; 6:00 video
Model: Hank
Photography: Slade
Date of Production: 11/12/2014
22 photos; 3:34 video
It was getting late and Garrett was tired. His sophomore year ended with a huge win for his wrestling team, and they won the state champs. That's huge for Illinois, and the promising up and coming team had much to thank for their newly elected team captain, Garrett. He won most of the matches, and he even beat the award winning Chad from Missouri, who often won the state titles. The two were both very well liked, and they became good friends. When they had play matches, Chad would often win, but Garrett was getting stronger every time and practiced well in the off season.
He pushed his fitness all summer, and this was going to be an exciting year. Illinois hoped to beat rival Missouri again this year, and Chad worked hard with his team for a quick come back. It was a classic rivalry, but it's harder when you're competing with your best friend at the same time, doing what you love; you just want everyone to win, but sadly, that isn't how the world works, and there can only be one victor.
Garrett was meeting Chad's team tonight in St. Louis, for a best out of three. The young men matched well, but surprisingly, the most wins were awarded to Illinois for the big new moves they were using. The object was to stay firm and don't let the other one XXXX you down. It was kinda like street fighting, but Garrett & his team trained more with their legs and core vs the traditional upper body strength common in wrestling. All you had to do was defend your stance, and the opponent would either tire out or lose those balance and be XXXX into a pin.
Chad, who never saw this at first, was surprised his team was so easily beat by the new wrestling opposition. This was getting kinda weird. Are they taking steroids or something? Chad thought. I better meet with Garrett to shed some light on this, if he could get him to talk..yes, for the good of the team, I must reveal his secret weapon.
Garrett just finished dinner and watched TV to relax before ending the night. He had 3 finals to study for and was just exhausted! Heck I can't do this. I can wrastle 10 hot boys at once and never get tired, but man he was XXXX deprived. Chad came over to visit, since he was in the area. Neither brought up the team; when they were together, they were like normal best friends hanging out. They laughed at a silly show where two kids get taped up for being obnoxious, and this gave Chad a kinky idea..lets tape up Garrett, and XXXX him to talk...
Chad has played with tape before, and he waited for Garrett to fall aXXXX, and then he would pounce..when Garrett would least expect it. Garrett was so tired he fell aXXXX in his clothes; about an hour later, Chad held a scented cloth over his nose to stop his annoying snore. Once Garrett fell deeper aXXXX, he duct taped his wrists and ankles several times around, for he knew Garrett was very strong. He was turned on by each pass of tape he wrapped young Garrett in, until his chest was nicely squeezed together. He stuffed his mouth shut with a sock and taped Garrett's head like a muzzle. He made sure he wasn't going to make a peep when he came to. Both his knees were taped up like his torso. Garrett's legs looked awfully tight, Yum!
To be Continued...
Garrett played by Himself
Chad played by Zac
Date of Production: 10/22/2014
25 photos; 3:41 video
The captain of the Wayne Highlands High School Wrestling Team was tough, but wondered if he could take being tied up as he felt the rope begin to circle his wrists. “Hold still muscle boy. It’s never every day I get to tie up the town champ!” “Fuck you,” Jake replied, only getting punched in his gut. “Quiet, and relax your arms boy, I have to neutralize your bicep muscles nice and tight.” Jake had been flexing, hoping he could make some space to escape the ropes after they finished binding him, but relaxed his arms as his biceps and triceps were covered with rope, pulled together behind his back so tight his shoulders felt they were being ripped from their sockets, and lashed in place with rope circling his chest and back.
“Where’s your cell?” “On the table there,” Jake said. “You have your brother Josh in here?” he asked, flipping the directory. “There.” “Now, when he answers you explain to him that we will beat the shit out of you if he does not get back home in 30 minutes – ALONE!” The goon hit SEND.
“Josh, listen, these guys took me and tied me up, if…”
The phone was pulled away from Jake, and one shoved a rag in his mouth and slapped duct tape over it while they other explained how Jake would beaten unless big brother got home, ALONE, in 29 minutes and 30 seconds!!!!
Jake was livid with anger and wondered why they wanted his brother as he watched them get ready to jump his brother when he came through the door. He knew Josh was tough and built, a champion college wrestler, Jake’s idol since he was a boy. “When he get here we plan to beat the shit out of him – then he’ll miss the final championship match and I’ll win thousands by default!” “So that’s it,” Jake figured. “They are going to rough up Josh so he can’t wrestle and loose the match!” Jake flexed his numb arms and rotated his hands in the ropes looking for any chance of getting free. None.
He waited.
Josh opened the door, and Jake lunged, body slamming one of the goons with his roped torso. He lost his balance and fell to the floor. Josh had two goons holding him by his powerful arms while another lashed his gut. Jake struggled to get up, but it was all happening fast. Josh was panting for breath as his arms were being roped behind his back, another binding Jake’s feet and legs. Dumped on a couch, he watched as they dragged his brother down the basement stairs. As one guarded him, he heard the sounds of “thumps,” and prayed that Josh could endure being beat up.
“We strung him up by his arms nice and tight and he made a great punching bag,” the goon said as he hogtied Jake’s ankles to his wrist…, “like this,” he explained as he lashed at the teen’s gut. They took his cell and left him bound and gagged, panting from the gut punching.
Jake could hear Josh grunting in a gag. He knew he had to get to him. He fell to the floor and struggled like a wild man bucking and fighting his bounds. He realized it was impossible. It took him an hour to roll his body to the basement door, turn on his back, and slide his hogtied body down the stairs, trying to avoid breaking his neck. Josh was slumped, standing on his tied feet, knees bent, arms bound behind his back and hoisted up to a hook by a rope under his shoulders. His head was taped, gagging and blinding him. Jake slid to a workbench, struggled to reach a bottle of Budweiser, and smashed it on the concrete floor. Taking a piece of the glass in his numb fingers, he worked at slicing himself free of the hogtie. One he could wiggle to his feet, he got to the bench, positioned a box saw with his tied wrists and hands, and sawed through the ropes, Once his hands were free, he brought his arms in front of him, flexing with all his might, expanding the ropes, and wiggles free. He sliced through his leg bindings and cut his brother down. He noticed his rope burn and that of his brother. “Fucking too tight,” he thought.
Josh was black and blue from his beating. Jake got him in his car and drove him to the ER. The wrestling matched was canceled, the goons arrested, and Josh played a month latter and won the championship.
And now, there was a new family ritual on the weekends. The two brothers would tie each other up and bet if they could get free. And man was their lot of rope burn!
Jake played by Van
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 08/15/2008
20 photos
Model: Braxton
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production:09/25/2014
20 photos; 2:15 video
Model: Allen Silvas
Photographer: Marco
Date of Production: 11-10-2020
27 photos; 7:41 video
Model Rick
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production 09/19/2020