5:27 video
Model: Donovan Model: Rex Photography by Nick007 Date of Production: 5-31-2015
27 photos; 3:56 video
26 photos; 3:44 video
The plan was in motion. I needed to focus and not make stupid mistakes. I had planned this for months. I had worked for Mark for several years. We were good friends at one point, and worked side by side for years. We worked the trenches together and always had respect for one another. Then after all our hard work our opportunity came, we going to be promoted.
We were so excited. The powers that be decided to split the managerial position into two jobs to alleviate some of the stress. Our former boss decided to quit and spend time with his family. I had waited for this opportunity for three years. Then the unspeakable happened, management informed they had changed their minds and decided due to costs it was not economically sound to pay two salaries for one position. They decided to go with Mark for the position. I was beside myself with anger. I had lead most of the projects we had collaborated on, and it seemed that I should be the obvious choice. However after a couple of weeks of stewing I accepted the decision and stared my new project with Mark as my manager.
Throughout the office rumors began flying about Mark’s dictator style of managing. I was one of the few that defended him. I knew he was nervous about the added responsibility and knew he was drowning. Then after one of our weekly meetings Sandra approached me with some gossip. She began to tell me that the reason I was not picked for manager was that Mark had gone to management and trash talked me. He told them he was responsible for all the work we had produced and I was simply his assistant. I was furious. I could not believe he did this to me. After confronting him my worst fear was confirmed. He admitted everything and told me he panicked when he heard managements decision and didn’t mean what he said. He promised to get me into a managerial position as soon as he found one.
Three months passed and nothing, He never made good on his promise. Instead he proceeded to chastise me for every mistake I made. I was furious. I decided I was not going to take this anymore. If he was making the big bucks for my ideas and work I decided I deserved at least a cut.
I hatched my plan out of anger, but I was so stubborn I could not let it go. One day after I asked Mark to meet for happy hour for old time’s sake, he agreed. We met at one of old spots where he proceeded to get XXXX. After several shot and a few too many, I walked him to his car. As we approached his car he XXXX in my arms. I knew he could never hold his liquor. I dragged him to my car and through him in the back seat. I quickly bound his hands behind his back and blindfolded him.
I drove fast to where to my parent’s lake house. We approached the driveway and he began to come to. I dragged him out of the car and into the house. He began to struggle and yell and he realized what was happening. I through him onto a chair and tied his feet and upper body to a chair. He screamed at me to stop, he was still XXXX and panicked. I pulled the blindfold off and he stared at me glassy eyed and lit.
30 photos
In The Field
by Fidelis
Senior Airman Dennis Reilly moaned with pain. What the hell had happened to him? He had just finished dressing for work and been ready to head out to the car and now.... his head felt as if he had run into a brick wall and his stomach was turning over. He tried to rub his aching head, but he couldn't move his hands. They were behind his back, something cutting into his wrists! His eyes flew open, but they saw nothing, only darkness. He could feel that there was something tied over his eyes. His mouth was filled with something foul tasting. He shivered. He was so cold. Something was definitely wrong here. He coughed and tried to speak. "MMMMMPHHH."
He felt a hand on his thigh. "Relax, D. You're not going anywhere." The voice was so familiar. Dennis squirmed as he realized what sort of situation he was in. Someone had him tied up, gagged and blindfolded. He was in a car, that much he could tell, and the car was driving along a road that was in bad condition. Each bump made his head ache even more. And he was so cold! What had happened to his service coat and overcoat? Didn't this car have any heating? He shivered, his nipples hardening under his shirt. What was happening to him? He tried to shout through his gag, and received a slap on the face as a reward. "Quit the bawling, Dennis; it isn't going to help you." His head rang with pain.
Finally the car came to a stop, swerving as if it had come to rest on gravel. "This is the end of the road for you, Dennis, let's get out of the car." He felt something cold and hard being pressed into the side of his head as he was dragged from the car.
"GGGMMMMMPHHH". His blindfold was removed and he squinted at the figure in front of him, his eyes adjusting to the sunlight. "MMSTEVEEMMM?" Why did Steve have him tied up and gagged like this?
"You've stuck your nose into my business once too often, Dennis. I know that you found the files containing the information that I was selling. Too bad you're such a snoop, poking your nose were it doesn't belong. But your snooping days are going to be over very soon."
"MMDONNOUTALKINGBOUTMMM". Dennis shook his head frantically - what the hell was Steve talking about? What files? What information? His co-worker was crazy! Dennis had to get away from this maniac. As Steve bent down to pick up the bandanna which he had used to blindfold Dennis, Dennis took off. He managed to get a few feet before Steve XXXX him to the ground.
"Where do you think you're going, Dennis? I told you that this was the end of the line for you. I had better make sure that you don't try to take another stroll like that one." As Dennis lay on the ground, half stunned, Steve tied his victims' feet together. Grabbing Dennis by the shoulders, Steve dragged him across a frozen field until they had reached an old wooden pole.
"Kneel there, while I get you ready for your unfortunate demise. Poor Dennis, so distraught over his girlfriend breaking up with him, sits up XXXX all night and then takes his car out for a spin. The car crashes and the poor guy, XXXX and disoriented, goes stumbling into the fields and dies of exposure. They'll be lucky if they find your body before spring. And if they do.....there are so many hungry wild animals around here, there won't be much left after a few days. Now, be a good boy, Dennis. That's right stand up for me. You must realize resistance is futile. You're already nicely trussed up, and...I have the XXXX, don't I?"
MMMNNOOGIRLFRENMMNDONDRINK". "Yes, yes, Dennis, I know that you don't have a girlfriend and you don't drink. But.....once the police read that note from your girlfriend telling you that she is leaving you because she can't stand the perverted things that you make her do to you, everyone will realize why kept quiet about her.I took over your cover and your coat and tie and left them on the kitchen floor,so that it will look as if you had just got home instead just leaving. There is a half empty bottle of Scotch on your kitchen table next to the note, and while you were out, I took the liberty of pouring a few XXXX down your throat, just in case they do forensic tests. You see I have this all planned out so well. I couldn't poison you or shoot you or stab you, all of those things would show up in autopsy. Killing someone in a car accident is so chancy; what would happen if you survived? This is perfect. No one comes around here, so you won't be found trussed up to this pole. I'll nip over first thing in the morning and dump your body in the woods. Now, stop struggling!"
Dennis couldn't believe what was happening to him! Steve had tied him so tightly to the wooden pole that he could barely breathe. The ropes were cutting into his body. He shook from a combination of fear and cold. This had to be a joke! No, Steve was walking away.
Steve turned around, blew Dennis a kiss and waved goodbye quite cheerily. He got into his car and drove away, leaving Dennis alone, tied to a pole in the middle of a desolate, frozen and wind-swept field. Dennis didn't like this situation one little bit. He started frantically twisting against the ropes that bound him to the pole. He tried to ignore the discomfort as the ropes bit into his body. He had other things to worry about! At least his struggling was warming him up a bit.
After what seemed hours, Dennis managed to get free of the ropes that had bound him to the pole. He fell to the ground and lay panting. Boy, was he getting cold. He noticed that the shadows were lengthening. He had to get his hands and feet free before nightfall; but he was already exhausted. As he lay there pondering his options, he heard howling coming from the woods that bordered the fields. His heart jumped. What could that be? He redoubled his efforts to free himself. What was rustling that he could hear in the underbrush. What was that he could see emerging from the woods? Big wild animals that would chew him up alive? His heart was in his throat. Wait, the creatures that were emerging from the woods were on two feet, not four. It was deer hunting season! Dennis screamed through his gag as loudly as he could, and the two hunters came to his rescue. Steve was caught and sentenced to a long prison sentence.
The End
Senior Airman Dennis Reilly played by Mark Wolf
Photography by Caitiff
25 photos; 5:11 video
Model: Wolfrric
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 10/19/2012
24 photos; 7:58 video
Model: Craig
Photography by Zac
Date of Production: 01/10/2015
35 photos
22 photos
“Get over there!” One fo the masked men told Josh, pushing the young man to the far wall. ‘What are you going to do with me?” Josh asked. He had been grabbed from the street while jogging only a few moments before, driven to this abandoned warehouse. He was supposed to be getting married the next day. How could this happen be happening to him? “Give me your arms!”, a shanghaier said and took out some rope. Josh’s hands were tightly bound together in front of him. Then the length of the rope was tied far above Josh’s head to a pipe, XXXX the young man to lift his arms high above his head. Vainly Josh struggled against the ropes. He couldn't[ twist free. Worse the warehouse was incredibly hot. Beads of sweat ran off of Josh’s half naked body. “I don't’ have any money. You won’t ...mmmmpphh!”, Josh found himself gagged by some duct tape over his mouth. He could now only glare at the kidnappers as they clustered around him. “He looks a might hot!” “Yeah, maybe we should help him cool off.” “Mmmm!?” Josh exclaimed as his sweat pans were pulled down to his ankles. It being so warm outside, Josh had gone commando. He certainly hadn’t planned on this happening. The men laughed at Josh, pointing to his junk and slapping his ass. Josh hadn't’ been tied up like this and man handled since... ..since his days in the fraternity. “MMMPhaamm?” One of the shanghaiers came forward and took off his mask, revealing himself to be David, one of Josh’s brothers from the frat. “We couldn’t let a brother get hitched without a proper bachelor party.” The rest of the shanghaiers took off their masks as well. All were from Josh’s old frat house. Unfortunately they were not untying Josh. “”Mmmaammmpphh mmmm?”, Josh motioned at his bondage. David shook his head. “Sorry bud. Gotta keep you bound and gagged a bit longer. The strippers still haven’t arrived. “ “MMM!” “Just pretend you’re a pledge again!”, another frat brother suggested. The End Josh played by Chad Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:07/15/2012
22 photos; 3:45 video
Model: Patrick Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:01/12/2012
24 photos; 5:19 video
Model: Diego Photography by Nick007 Date of Production: 7-31-2015
20 photos; 5:49 video
Bradley liked his job at the hotel. He was a room-service waiter on the night shift, and he made pretty good money in tips. It really helped with his college expenses, and it wasn't hard work. Most of the guests were loaded, and for the most part, they were pretty good tippers. Sometimes, he got stiffed, but his happy-go-lucky personality helped him get over it when it happened. The hotel had a room in the old wing where the waiters came to change into their uniforms. You could also hang out there on your lunch break if you wanted, grabbing a quick XXXX. Brad arrived early, because his last class was 2 hours before his shift began. He entered the changing room, and was glad to see he was alone. His buddy Greg wasn't due for another few hours, so Brad stretched out on the bed, and opened his Philosophy 101 book. Within five minutes, he felt himself drifting off to XXXX. Brad heard a XXXX and jumped up with a start. He glanced at his watch. DAMN! Only 20 minutes before his shift began! That must be Greg XXXXing on the door..he was always running late. Brad jumped up and ran to open the door. "Greg, come on, we're gonna be...WHAT THE...??" Brad's words were cut off as he stared the concealed item held by a tall figure standing in the doorway. The hand not holding the concealed item rose up quickly and clamped over Brad's mouth. "Shut your trap, kid," he growled. He pushed forward with his thick hand, propelling the startled, handgagged waiter back into the room. Brad's eyes widened as he saw another man follow his attacker into the room. "You gonna be good, kid? I'd hate to have to slug you," the stranger growled menacingly. Brad shook his head Yes, and the man removed his hand. "But...what...", Brad muttered sheepishly. "Shut up, and put these bracelets on!" The first man tossed a pair of handcuffs at Brad. Without a word, fearing for his life, Brad clicked the first cuff over his right wrist. "Now, hands behind you!" Brad obeyed and soon the second cuff was locked tightly around his left wrist behind his back. "Sit in that chair, punk. Frank, gimme the tape!" Brad sat down and decided to try to talk his way out of things. "Mister, look..I'm just a waiter..I'm broke!" "Yeah, yeah, kid, I know," his assailant said, as he wrapped strips of silver duct tape around his jean-covered legs, fastening them to the chair legs snugly. "We just need some uniforms to pull off a sweet heist. Sit here quietly and everything will be fine." "I will...ow, that tape is so tight!" "I meant 'sit quietly' metaphorically. Gag him, Frank!" "No...please...gugggghhh!" Frank stuffed a bandanna in Brad's mouth, then began to relentlessly wrap his mouth with the wide duct tape. After it was wound 5 times around Brad's mouth, he wound it up over his head and ball cap, and down around under his chin. The tape wrappings sealed Brad's jaws shut, and all he could do we emit a muffled "Mmmpphh!" Brad sat watching in stunned silence as the two invaders pulled uniforms from the cabinet until they'd found the right sizes, stripped out of their jeans and t-shirts, and re-dressed. Although his arms were not bound with the tape, the tight cuffs kept him from moving them at all. The tape around his mouth and head was unbearably tight. "See ya later, kid...don't go anywhere! HAR!" The two bandits slammed the door, leaving Brad in the dimly-lit room. He immediately began to struggle and grunt as loudly as the massive, tight gag would allow. Surely, someone...a guest, an employee...would hear him and save him. In all the excitement, Brad forgot that Greg was due any minute. Finally, he heard the doorknob jiggle. "MMMPPHHH! MMMMMPPPPPPPHHH!" Brad put every ounce of energy into his grunts. The door creaked open, but instead of Greg, it was one of his captors. Brad moaned in disappointment. "Just checkin', kid. Wouldn't want you gettin' loose and botching things up. BWA HAHAHAHAHA!" The End Brad played by Charlie Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 08/11/2009
27 photos
Model: Matt2 Photography by Caitiff Date of Production 11/24/2008
33 photos; 5:19 video
Model: Dante Photography by Nick007 and Caitiff Date of Production: 5-19-2015
25 photos
Our soccer team needed some help. For the past three years we had come in dead last in our division. It was just a secondary activity for most of the guys, but I took the team and the game seriously. I've always had a competitive streak a mile long, and when I joined up with the Red Devils I was excited to exercise it. I soon found out that this weekend team of soccer players preferred beating each other at XXXX games rather than our opponents. I was furious. I could not continue to be humiliated time and time again at each game. I was the best player on the team and attended every Saturday practice I deserved more. After work I spent a couple of hours working out techniques at the local park, much to my lovers dismay. However he understood my need to be the best. One evening I was in the park maneuvering through my usual routine when I noticed a kid practicing at the end of the soccer field. "Hey there", I shouted. "Hey kid your good, what's your name?" "Michael, who's asking?" he replied "Jerry". "Nice to meet you Jerry, your pretty good yourself", he shouted. From that day forward we began practicing together. He was a local kid, twenty years old and was the best soccer player I had ever practiced with. It wasn't long before I talked him into joining my team. Usually it was frowned upon to bring on a new member in the middle of the season but not seemed to care seeing as our team was last in the division at that point. My team members embraced him right away. He was a gem; with he and I on the team we were able to pull ourselves out of the last place spot. He even managed to motivate the other members to work a little harder. It was too late to be number one this far in the season, but at least we wouldn't be last. Finally I was on a team I could be proud of. Then it happened. The season had four games left in it, and we were on our way to not being the worst. I realized that Michael wasn't practicing as hard as he use too. He began to come to practice late and even missed one. I figured it was just fatigue, until I realized the truth. Michael had become so involved with the team that he began to share their bad habits. XXXX hard after each practice and each game. He hung out with me less and less, and began to accompany my lackluster team members to outings not involving soccer. He was my protégé; I would not let this happen. I became infuriated. Talking to the other members of the team would be pointless. I had to take drastic measures. I called up Michael one evening and asked him to practice with me, he agreed. We met at the local park where I had my intervention set and ready to go. When he arrived I began by telling him he would have to change his attitude. He rolled his eyes and smirked. After a brief conversation with him I realized I would indeed have to proceed with plan B. I told him I'd by him a drink so we could talk so some, he agreed. We got into my car and drove. I began driving to my house; my lover would be out all evening working. " I thought you said a drink", he said. " There's been a change of plans". He proceeded to cuss at me in an angry tone. Michael stepped out of my car and headed for the street. I couldn't let him go. I tackled him in the yard and dragged him into the house. " I just want to talk", I yelled. " Let me go now man your crazy", he whined. If he had listened, I would not have done what I did. I began by subduing him and wrapping rope around his wrists. I tied them tight, his hands reddened with the cinch of the rope. " You are crazy Jerry, it's just a game asshole get over it". I couldn't believe my ears, my protege speaking to me so rudely. I just could not listen to him anymore my teammates had corrupted him. I reached into the desk drawer and pulled out red duct tape I used when wrapping my ankle when I practiced. I swiftly ripped apiece off and taped his mouth shut. " MMMPPPHHH!" I finished him off by tightly wrapping lengths of rope around his torso. I knew he would try and run again so I removed his shoes and socks. The rank smell of his feet almost made me forget the whole thing. I wrapped a length of rope around his neck to prevent him from trying to get away. I led my young friend into outside shed and into the basement. After another attempt to reason with him, I decided I was getting nowhere. I secured the rope around his neck to the banister and left to find a tool that had served me well. I walked back down to find my soccer buddy struggling in vain. His blonde tussled hair was wet from sweat and struggle. " MMMPPHHH!" The smell of the basement air drowned out his smelly feet. I undid the rope from the banister and pushed him to his knees. "MMMPPPHHH!" I began to enjoy my little hazing practice. I scolded him for his irresponsibility. I told him I would not tolerate anything but the best from a teammate I brought on board. I was going to make sure he got the picture. I fastened his bound struggling wrists to the banister. He fought hard against me, but his incapacitated state prevented anything more from him. I pulled out the paddle and yanked down his pants. Fear illuminated his innocent eyes. I pulled back and slapped his ass hard and quick. Muffled cries escaped the corners of his taped mouth. "You" (SLAP) " Will" (SLAP) " MMPPHHMMMPPHH" "Begin" (SLAP) "To" (SLAP) "Do" SLAP "Better" (SLAP) "MMMMMPPPPPPHHHHHMMPPHHMMHHPPMM". His red ass clenched with fearsome anticipation. My job was done. After I released him ran collected his shoes and slipped out the door. We came in 3rd place that year. THE END Michael played by Noah Jerry played by Rod Photography by Caitiff
35 photos
One of the things that clinched it for me when I was buying my house was the view from the kitchen window. It looked out over a skaters paradise; ramps, lots of flat concrete and open space. As I looked out of the window at the hot dudes with their baggy jeans, baseball caps & attitudes the estate agent said, "Yes, that is one disadvantage of the property..." "I'll take it", I interrupted, eyes probably bulging out of their sockets, my mouth probably wide open! My dishes were so clean for those first few weeks there, I was hardly away from the kitchen sink! That's when I kind of got a bit obsessed, I got completely drawn into the fantasy of XXXX one of the skate boarders. I quit my job and every day after that I was getting closer and closer to performing the act. I grew to know what time each of them would roll by and determined when the best time would be to grab my favorite ! Spencer used to arrive earlier than the rest of them on a Sunday morning, he'd be alone so that would be the best time. The Saturday night before I did the grab I hardly XXXX, tossing & turning, making sure I had everything in place. At 8.30 am Sunday morning like clockwork Spence rolls by. I was sweating. "You are really gonna do this?" I kept asking myself. "You are really gonna do this" I kept answering. I crept up behind him as he sat on the ground, doing something to his board. I put my hand over his mouth tight and said "I've got a concealed item at your back, just do as I say and you won't get hurt", this was so cool, I'd always wanted to say those words while hand gagging a skater!! My dick was so hard. Spencer kept making "mmmmmm" sounds into my hand. I got him inside and told him to sit down, I'd never used the old concealed item my dad had given me before, it wasn't loaded of course, but it was pointed at him all the same. He obliged and took a seat in my kitchen. "Take off your shirt", I ordered, again he obliged, looking perplexed & a little scared. My kitchen chairs were perfect for bondage, in no time I had his legs and arms and body roped securely. "You're my skater dude now, man!" I said. "Why are you doing this, man?" he asked, then, "What the fuck do you want with me?" "I've been watching you posing and acting like you're all that, out there on your board, for awhile", I said, gesturing out of the window. "And you know, when you behave like that you're just asking for trouble, just asking to be taken.... and kept..... and admired!" I think my eyes had kind of glazed over a little at this point and probably had a devilish twinkle in them. "What?" he said, his brow all twisted. Ignoring his remark I picked up his shirt and held it close to my face, breathing in his scent. "You're a freak, let me outta here, HELP, someone HELP ME...MMMMMMNNNNNGGGGGGRRRRFFFFF!" I gagged him with his own t shirt. "Oh look, here come your friends" I said, looking out the window. He started struggling in the ropes and mmmpppfffing into the gag like mad for his friends to hear. "It's no use, dude, that's double glazing", I said, "they'll never hear you." "Finally I've actually got one of you skater boys in my kitchen with me", I said. Spencer carried on struggling and squirming while I got on with the dishes. "What do you fancy for dinner, Spence?" I asked FIN Spencer played by Nick Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 02/26/2002
27 photos; 3:36 video
This was the last straw. John had put up with the weird hours and the odd noises and strangers coming and going at al hours. But now his credit card was missing and there was only one person who could have taken it. At first Dan had seemed like a cool guy. And John had been trying to rent out that basement room for months. But now John realised he should have asked for references or something. Dan never seemed to go to the job he said he had at the factory. But he was never lacking for money. And his “friends” coming at all hours. John should have been more suspicious. “Hey Dan, we need to talk... what the?”, John stared at the weird lab set up and what he was certain was drugs. Well this explains a lot, John thought. Then everything went black. John could hazily feel his hand being XXXX behind him and then fastened together with rope. He was then picked up and put onto a chair. Unfortunately, though John was dimly aware that this was happening, he was still too stunned to do anything about it. John could feel himself being slapped over and over. Slowly he regained awareness. Standing over him was Dan holding a roll of duct tape. More rope was tying him to the chair. Before John could say a word to his captor, Dan pulled off a long strip of tape and wrapped it around John’s head, tape gagging him. “I guess I should have been more careful.”, Dan said, gloating over his bound and gagged prisoner. “But at least i made enough between my business and your credit card that I should be long gone before anyone finds you.” “Mmmmmmmm!!!”, was the only response John could make. Though livid with rage, he was helpless to do anything. “I’m afraid I will need to cover my tracks. So I did a little last minute chemistry. That stuff is pretty flammable if you mix it the wrong way. I figure you have about ten minutes. ” Dan laughed as he ran upstairs. Already John could see the chemicals in the make shift lab bubbling with more and more violence. desperately John struggled against the ropes but the cord was too tightly tied, the knots out of reach of John’s hands. “Mmmmm!”, John tried yelling for help. But if anyone could hear him through the gag, they didn’t respond. “No one is going to help you!”, Dan said coming back down the stairs with an armful of John’s valuables. He then added insult to injury by taping John’s eyes. Now blind as well as gagged and bound, John could only continue struggling. But he knew it was no use. He wouldn't’ get free in time. no one could hear him and that bastard Dan was going to get away! He could hear Dan leaving. “See ya. Oh and you can keep my security deposit!” Suddenly John heard a crash from above and a voice yell out “Freeze! Police!” Ina few minutes John could feel hands untying him. Fortunately for John, he handn’t been the only one suspicious of Dan. The police had been staking out the house for weeks. The End John played Jason Starr Dan played Ted Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 12/12/2007
29 photos; 6:02 video
As soon as Cid closed his eyes, he heard the Black Rope Bandit walking away. So Cid did all he could to get himself up and the hell out. But without warning Cid was pushed back down and landed roughly on the futon. "Where do you think your going, cute stuff?" the bandit said. By this time Cid knew it was hopeless for escape but maybe he could bank on his roommate coming home to save him. It only took the bandit a second to get his bound and gagged guest to his knees, so he could have some more fun. The bandit has a nipple fetish and began biting and licking Cid's nipples. "MMmPPphhh..mmppphhhh....!" was all the could be heard from Cid. It was music to the bandit's ears. "Nothing's a bigger turn on right now, then hearing your moans and screams though that gagged mouth. Hahaha.", the bandit said. "But, lets not forget about your hot feet!", said the bandit. As he pushed Cid back down on his side and began rubbing his toes. He loved the way his feet looked in his flip-flops and didn't want to take them off, but wanted Cid's feet to stay up. So he came up with the idea of hogtying his ass. Cid fought him off the best he could but in the end the bandit won again. "See cute stuff, I always get what I want. And aren't you lucky, tonight I want you." Said the bandit. By this point Cid was so frustrated with the situation that he stayed silent and stopped fighting the Black Rope Bandit. Now the Black Rope Bandit only uses white rope on people that surrender to him. Cid continued to stay motionless till the bandit stated to pull his pants down more, then he began rolling back and forth to avoid the bandit. But that only got the bandit, more excited and began to rub Cid's crotch through his underwear and rubbed his own as well. It was now getting late and the Black Rope Bandit doesn't like getting caught, so it was time for him to flee the scene. Even though he was having a lot of fun with his cutie. The bandit got out just in time, only a few minutes later Cid's roommate arrived home and found Cid. Now the Black Rope Bandit was on to his next new friend, but thought to himself that he may need to come back and play with Cid again....... The End? Cid played by Cliff Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 08-14-2010
20 photos; 3:53 video
Cid was XXXX on his own couch tired from a long day of working his boring legal department paper pushing job. He literally XXXX on the couch when a mysterious scratching noise came from the back door; it was the black rope bandit. This guy was no novice to the burglary world; he would strike a person’s home and if that person was there, that person would get tied up with black rope. The bandit made his way into the house and snuck into the living room. “Oh…” he thought. “This is unexpected. I thought he would be gone.” He brought out his infamous black rope, “Oh well.” As he approached, Cid started to stir awake. “Hey…” Cid mumbled. “Who are you?” “Quiet.” The bandit held out a concealed item. “Ok. Take whatever you want; please don’t hurt me.” “I want you to put your hands in front of you now!” Cid had no choice, but to comply so the bandit quickly tied his hands nice and tight. “Now, I want to lie down on the couch ever so slowly…” Fear pulsed through Cid, but he managed to suppress it enough to lie on his back. The bandit took his time carefully wrapping Cid’s bindings to the couch arm. “Come on man… please stop MMMM!” Cid’s words were sadly cut short due to a black bandana shoved into his mouth. “You know… I never noticed, but you have nice feet.” The bandit smiled as he kneeled down to inspect them. “Mmmm?” “You heard me… I like your feet.” The bandit wasted no time tying up Cid’s ankles to the other side of the couch. “Now, I have you right where I want you…” “Mmmmm? MMM!” The bandit undid Cid’s belt and start to rub his fragile package. “MMPH!” Cid tried to shake him off, but the ropes held too strong to break. “Oh yeah boy…” The bandit started to rub himself. “I’ve been stealing and tying up people, but you are the cutest guy I met.” “MMmmm…” Cid mildly groaned. “Now now.” The bandit smiled. “The best yet to come…” The bandit took another black bandana from his pocket and blindfolded poor defenseless Cid. “Here comes the best part. Are you ready?” Cid closed his eyes and hoped for the best. Cid played by Cliff Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:08/14/2010
28 photos; 5:51 video
Model: Dylan Photography by Nick007 Date of Production: 7-2-2015
29 photos; 5:25 video
Model: Charles Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:06/04/2013
24 photos; 6:08 video
Model: Matthew Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:12/19/2011
24 photos
He was such a player. The kind of kid everyone wants to XXXX with. Not because he was so strikingly good looking, don't get me wrong, he was definitely cute, but it was his personality that charmed everyone he met. He was flirtatious to the point of nausea and he used his charm to get whatever he wanted in life. This kid's name was Chris and he was sort of a buddy of mine, we hung out with the same group of guys, but weren't really close. His infectious smile and cock sure attitude had got me the first time I met him and I guess I was a little shy around him at first. But of all the guys I hung out with, he was the hottest. He was the one I wanted to get bound and gagged. I'd often fantasised about how I could orchestrate the scenario, until one day the perfect opportunity presented itself. We were alone together, nothing to do, just hanging at his place when Chris says he's got all this cool coloured duct tape free from the store where he works but he doesn't know what he's gonna use it for. My eyes must have lit up. I said, "well how bout we tape your ass up?" To my delight the dude's eyes also lit up, "sure, man, go for it", he replied "This tape is good, strong shit, dude! You won't be getting free in a hurry!" I said as I wrapped Chris's wrists together tightly, over his sleeves. "Now let's secure your upper body dude" I said next. "Ok, man, u da boss!" He was being so compliant, I couldn't believe I hadn't suggested this before! I bound the sturdy orange stuff around his upper arms and chest. I was so hard in my pants. "Dude, you really enjoying this aint u?", Chris said. "Yea dude, you bet", I replied, "but next up is the best part..." "What's that then?", he asked. "Taping your mouth shut of course!" And I sealed his lips tight with the red tape, muffling his protests. "Better wind the tape around a couple of times, just for security", I was loving this, my dick was so hard. Chris didn't seem to enjoy having his mouth taped much, but what the hell, I was having an awesome time! I stood back to admire my handiwork. "Looking fly, dude!", I said. "MMMM HMMMM" was all he could reply. "Ok, now lets put this yellow tape to good use", I said and started taping his legs together. I stood over him, tossing the tape in my hand, savouring the sight. I patted him on the head and said, "Bro, you look pretty as a picture all taped up! Now try and get free!" Chris struggled against the tape binding him and rolled around on the floor, mmppfing all the while. "Not making any progress, bud?", I taunted. "MMPFF, MMMPPFFF" "And we still have more tape to use!" "MMMMMM!!" "Now what colour should I use this time, hey? The red or the yellow?", I teased, sitting over my hot bound boy. Chris's face was a picture, he hadn't anticipated getting taped up quite so efficiently it seemed! "Let's go with the yellow for now", I said, bent his legs up into sitting and taped them like that, wrapping the stuff around his legs and back. "Cool, that looks awesome, lets add the red now!" Chris's MMMPPPFFFS were getting ever louder, haha. "Ok, that just about finishes the job", I said. "Oh, and I forgot to mention one thing, I aint untying you, the challenge is that you gotta free yourself. I'll be back to check on your progress in an hour or so. Bye" Hahaha! "MMMMMMPPPPPPFFFFFFFF", was all I heard as I walked out his door. The End Chris played by Danny The Narrator played by Sammy Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 01/03/2006
26 photos; 6:35 video
Model: Donovan Photography by Nick007 Date of Production: 7/16/2015 And check out Donovan's web-cam show for more sexy Donovan goodness by clicking here.
20 photos; 5:51 video
Model: Raphael Photography by Nick007 Date of Production: 5-30-2015
23 photos; 4:32 video
Model: Christopher Rotten
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 02/26/2025
Tags: gagging, chair tie, cleave gag, tape gag, hand gag, grope
23 photos; 5:29 video
Model: Brian
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 02/23/2025
Tags: plug gag, bad guy, fondled, groped, jock strap, hog tie, socks, otter
30 photos; 4:14 video
Bored Worker played by Holden Cox
Intruder played by Dalton
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 12/04/2024
Tags: grabbed, hand gag, bad guy, hog tie, gagged, tape gag, cleave gag, gagging, socks
20 photos; 4:02 video
Librarian played by JD
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 01/15/2025
Tags: cleave gag, socks, hog tie
20 photos; 4:02 video
Librarian played by JD
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 01/15/2025
Tags: cleave gag, socks, hog tie
17 photos; 8:22 video
Cow Boy played by Dmitri
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 04/12/2023
Tags: Otm gag, cowboy, boots, exposed, outdoors
11 photos; 5:33 video
Model: BitchmanSP
Photography by Marco Grieco
See More of BitchmanSp Here
Date of Production: 05/28/2024
Tags: OTM gag, muscle, nude, nudity, tattoo, ankle tie, bare foot
26 photos; 5:19 video
Model: Adam
Photography by Caitiff
Date Of Production: 02/08/2025
Tags: Exposed, plug gag, hand gag, dominated, stroke, twink, socks, hog tie