33 photos; 4:34 video
I needed a place to run to for a while. The cops were being a little too nosy for my tastes. Fortunately I knew just the place. It was a farm house off the beaten track. Only one guy lived there from I what I had seen. He would be easy pickings. I XXXX and made up some excuse about needing the phone. That got me in. When I grabbed the guy around the neck and wrestled him to the ground, that got me control. Young guys like this were always easy. They never thought that someone could over power them. I had planned ahead. It was hardly the first time I had had to take control of a guy. I had rope ready and before my young victim even knew what was happening, I had his hands tied bound tightly behind his back. I tied off the rope around his waste so the knots would be out of reach. Next came the tape. I preferred my prey in silent. So I taped his mouth up nice and tight, layers and layers of tape over his mouth. “MMMPPHH!”, The guy moaned pitifully. He struggled against his bondage for all the good it did him. I knew how to tie up a guy so he wouldn’t get free. I could keep him bound and gagged for as long as I wanted. My stomach was growling though. There was no food in the house. Typical single guy. Well, I would obviously have ot go out. But I also needed to keep my new friend from wandering off. A closet door was my answer. My prey tried jerking away when I unzipped his fly and pulled out his man hood. I needed him hard and fortunately he was already halfway there. I stroked his long dick until it grew big enough for what I needed. I could hear the guy making little moaning noises. I supposed he expected I was going to get him off. And if I got bored maybe I would do that later. But right now I needed his dick hard for another reason. I looped some rope around the now swollen organ and pulled it just tight enough that his dick couldn't’ be pulled free. I then tied the other end of the very short rope to the closet door knob. One knob attached ot the other. My hostage now had a leash that would keep him right there. He couldn't’ move very far without yanking on his junk. The rope was so short that he couldn't even try to undo it with his bound hands. The guy gave me an angry glare as I left him like that but I didn't’ care. I grabbed his credit card from his bed room dresser and got some junk food. When I came back, as expected he was still there. Poor guy. His dick was looking a bit sore. It hadn’t gone soft at all. So I undid the rope and then tied up his legs at the knees and ankles. I would be staying for a while so this would let him be a little more comfortable during my visit. I didn't’ want to be a bad guest. My young hostage would of course have to stay bound and gagged the entire time. There was no helping that. I taped up his eyes, put a bandana over his mouth to secure the tape and sat his ass in a chair in the closet. I then closed the closet door so I wouldn’t have to hear his moaning too much while I watched some tv. The End The Hostage Host Uriah Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:04/20/2011
25 photos; 3:40 video
"XXXX, XXXX. Anybody home?" "GGGMMMSTTOPPMMFUCKINGNOISE!" Grant was getting really, really tired of this little game. If Frank banged on the hard hat one more time, Grant was going to…he realized that his options were somewhat limited. Frank had managed to overcome him with ease, and now here he was, half-naked and tied up and gagged. Perhaps it hadn’t been such a good idea, constantly ragging the company’s accountant. Frank had turned out to possess a powerful set of muscles, evident now that he had stripped off his suit jacket and tie and his starched white shirt. He had seemed like such quiet, wimpy kind of guy, the kind who wouldn’t fight back. Evidently Grant had made a gross miscalculation. "What’s the matter, big boy? Cat got your tongue? Here, maybe this will make you more talkative." "GGGGGAAHNNNNOOOO! MOOUCCCH!" Fuck, the bastard had nearly ripped off one of his nipples. Damn, but that hurt. Grant raised his bound hands towards his face, getting ready to rip off the tape that sealed his mouth shut. He was going to give Frank a piece of his mind. "You touch that tape, and I’ll beat you to a pulp. I’ll start off using this, and then who knows what else will catch my fancy after that. You don’t know what I’ve got stored away, do you, Grant my boy?" Grant flinched nervously as Frank sXXXXped Grant’s own heavy leather belt, the one with the big Budweiser belt. He didn’t relish the thought of Frank using that on him. Of course, Frank wouldn’t dare try to beat Grant with his own belt if he hadn’t been all tied up and gagged, but…since he was tied up and gagged, Grant thought it prudent to obey his captor. "Now stand up." "GGGMMHEY! WHATMDOING?" Grant yelled through his gag as Frank XXXX him to his knees. "How does that feel, Grant. I bet you really like that, don’t you?" Grant tried to protest, but since his face was mashed against Frank’s groin, his protests were inaudible. Grant could feel something large and hard pressing against his face through the fine wool fabric of Frank’s suit trousers. Crap, the guy was hung like a horse! Grant felt a faint stirring of envy. It wasn’t fair, why should Frank be so well endowed, while Grant, the macho construction boss, wasn’t quite so generously blessed? "Come on, asshole, show me how you can move. Give those muscles a real workout! Move!" As the belt whistled through the air, Grant rolled and squirmed, trying to evade the huge belt buckle. It kept on missing him by just centimetres. Grant could feel himself working up a sweat. Damn, he was going to buy a new belt, he thought, as the corner of the buckle caught one of his bulging pecs. "Get those legs up in the air, you big wuss. Yeah, don’t you look like a big idiot? Let me take a few pictures, Grant. I don’t think the guys will think you’re such a big tough stud when they see you like this. Grant whimpered in humiliation. Frank was a real bastard. Why, Grant would rip him apart once he got rid of this damned tape. Then he wouldn’t have to worry about those pictures showing up anywhere. Yeah, he would beat him to a pulp, and then take some pictures of his own. He should the guys how they should take care of fairies like Frank. Hey, what was he doing now? Grant really started to sweat bullets as Frank came towards him, scissors in his hand. "You know, I think the guys should see a bit more of you. I know that I want to see more. Let’s get rid of these jeans. You really wouldn’t need them any more. "MMNOOOO!NNOOO!GMMDONT!" "Oh, that is much better, Grant. You are a real dickwad, but you sure do have a nice butt. I can’t wait to get a taste of it. Come on, lean over and give me a better view. If you don’t, you know what is going to happen, don’t you?" Grant whimpered into his gag as he obeyed the orders barked out by Frank. He gasped as he felt Frank fondling his buttocks. Sweat was streaming down his muscular body. Tears came to his eyes as he watched Frank take more incriminating photos. He had to get his hands on that camera. Once he had beaten Frank to a pulp, he would grind that camera into dust. "Just one more shot of you, this time on your knees. Look at the birdie and say cheese. Good boy, Grant. I’m glad that you have shown yourself capable of taking orders. You take a little rest while I download these and start sending them off. " "MMMOOOMMMPHHH!" Grant lay on his side, where Frank had pushed him. Ouch, he had hit his head. He could only lie there, fuming with impotent fury as he watched Frank downloading the pictures and sending them speeding across the Web. Frank was keeping an eye on him, and every time that Grant made a move that indicated he was trying to free himself, Frank would slap Grant’s thick leather belt against the floor in a threatening way, telling Grant that if he didn’t behave himself his bubble butt would be reduced to a mass of raw meat. "There, that’s all finished. Aren’t you lucky that I have access to all of the employee email addresses? All of our customers too! You’re going to be famous, Grant. Now, you look just tempting for words, lying there, all naked and gagged and bound. I think that it’s time that we got friendly, a lot friendlier." THE END Grant played by Tony Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 04/05/2002
27 photos; 4:58 video
Puppies Need to be Trained Model: Derek Photograper: Caitiff Date Of Production: 10/22/2014
22 photos; 5:04 video
When "Bad People" offered to buy Rex's business, Rex flat out refused. So they gave Rex some more time to think it over. Model: Rex Photographer: Caitiff Date Of Production: 10/20/2014
25 photos
Wrestler Garrett By Zac Garrett fought hard to become big and strong for his college wrestling team. Since high school, he loved the sport for it's exercise and strength. He often worked out on the side to improve his strength to easily meet his matches in competition. Garrett used very few supplements, but one he always took was whole whey protein & pure sources of food with well balanced carbohydrates and fats. Garrett was a picky eater & made sure he never binged too much on sweets to satisfy his cravings. Fruit was his sugar and an appetite for winning! Garrett worked through the ranks in his team and was awarded a wrestling scholarship at his college that covered most of his expenses on campus. On the side he also loved to run & would often job shirtless down the streets near his dorm. People loved his nice friendly laid back character and some thought he was sexy. Sexy is more like it as the young man was quite the hairy beast! Garrett never shaved, so his body sweated like a dense forest full of thick fogged sweat that ran down his strong toned body. One day, while Garrett ran after class, he was followed by other runners. It was a busy day and pretty out too. One man jogged behind him and followed Garrett well behind to the gym, where Garrett had wrestling practice. He watched him from above every day from the indoor running track that went around the gym below. He admired how strong Garrett was, and he rarely lost his wrestling matches. Hmmmm, Craig thought, I wonder if Garrett would beat a match with tight roped tied all around his fit body, so tight, that his muscles would get harder and harder with every struggle. Craig loved to play with ropes and duct tape at home and had tied up a few friends along the way for fun. Garrett and he knew each other from class, and Craig invited him over to study for that EEKY calculus test on Friday. When Garrett came over, the two talked and studied for a couple hours, and then Craig brought up wrestling. Garrett had no idea that Craig wrestled, and Craig described a story of how he used to wrestle his older brother before he died in a car crash sadly after graduation. Garrett felt sorry for Craig for his loss, and Craig showed a picture of him. He looked just like him and taller! Garrett said I was always short, and that's why I wrestle to build more confidence that I can tackle anything, and win! That's when Craig asked if he can wrestle Garrett for old times sake. He wanted to see if he still had it in him. Garrett agreed and they both arm wrestled; of course Garrett won. Then they did leg wrestling, and boy were his legs strong, and Garrett toppled over Craig haha! Then it was man to man, and it was tough, very tough, to see the match maker. Garrett barely won and was amazed at Craig's strength. Then Craig asked one more thing. "Could I tie you up and see if you get out of my ropes? I always wanted to see if a strong man like you would feat against my thin ropes, and if you do, I'll take you out for dinner afterward." Garrett was surprised at first but trusted Craig; he was a sweet caring young man. As Craig wrapped rope all around his chest, Garrett watched and stayed still. Craig tightly roped ip everything and tied it securely around his chest arms and wrists. Then he squeezed rope between his armpits and pulled tighter. Garrett was getting quite hard unexpectedly! His lil dude was poking though his tight blue suit! And then Craig saw it, and Garrett felt embarrassed. "Have you ever masterbated before?" Garrett awkwardly said "Yes." Craig replied "I do too, to relieve stress. It's really relaxing, and you fall right asleep." "Really." Garrett nodded, and Craig said he would do it whenever stressed out, and he always felt better. Once his legs were tied, Craig tied them to his harness and suddenly young hot Garrett couldn't move..anything!! Craig watched as he thrashed around and pulled tight to free his hands, and his chest got really sweaty! Mmmph! Uuuummmffff!!! Craig held his hand over Garrett's mouth and listened to his moans. Garrett's eyes were looking back, completely helpless, but tried to remain in control and struggled more while Craig held him tight. It was turning Garrett more aroused, and his lil dude poked out of his suit! "uuuuUUUUMMMMPPPPHHH!!!!" Garrett's friction and stamina thrust his penis back and forth under his suit, and he wet all over his pretty blue suit with one big thrust! He was spent. Craig laughed and said, "You're one strong hot young man G. It was a real pleasure holding you in my arms while you fought my 'strength' and pushed yourself to the end. Rest now, my boy; let me pet you." Garrett laid in Craig's lap and adored his attention. Craig petted his beautiful black hair and hairy pecs dry. Garrett felt quite warm and relaxed all trussed up like a Spring chicken; more like a well dressed Thanksgiving turkey hehe! "Uummmph!! mmmphff!" Craig laughed and said "you talk too much boy. Just relax and let your worries pass." That's when Craig taped him up hehehe.. "MMMPPH!?!" Garrett didn't know Craig was so very turned on by duct tape. He was! The End? Model: garret photographer: Zac Date of Production:10/22/2014
34 photos
I peered through my binoculars. There he was – sitting on the couch, happily watching TV. Totally unaware of what was going to happen to him. I wouldn’t have any trouble getting into the house – Richard was so careless with his keys, especially for a man in his position, and it had been a cinch to pinch his house key and have it copied. This carelessness with his keys had already allowed me to search his office; I was sure what I was looking for was somewhere in that big cluttered house. But where? I was going to have to ‘persuade’ Richard to tell me where he had hidden it – a task that I would enjoy. I picked up my bag of supplies and made my move. It took me just seconds to unlock the kitchen door. Tsk, tsk. One would have thought that Richard would be more security conscious – just a simple lock. It had been barely worth my while to have new key cut – I could have had this lock picked in 10 seconds flat. The canned laughter of an inane sitcom drowned out any sound that I made. Such a pity that such a good-looking and intelligent man like Richard had such low taste. However, it was convenient for me, allowing me to creep up on him unannounced. I could just see the back of his head. Perfect. I would just reach over and…. "MMMPHHH" Richard cried out in pain as I yanked his arm up. The poor boy couldn’t make much sound as I had my other hand clamped over his mouth. The remote control for the TV fell to the floor as he struggled to escape from my iron grip. The more he struggled, the more I twisted his arm. The element of surprise was on my side. But I couldn’t keep my hand over his mouth forever. I needed both hands free. I had brought something with me that would keep him very quiet. I managed to squeeze both of his nostrils shut, using my thumb and index finger. With both his mouth and nose covered, Richard was having a little bit of difficulty breathing. I twisted his arm even harder – I knew how to cause excruciating pain without causing any physical damage. He went XXXX. I knew that this wouldn’t last long; I had to work quickly. "GMMMUMWANTM?" Poor Richard. He looked so uncomfortable, and so tempting. A neat little bundle, all tied up. My favorite leather plug gag was keeping him nice and quiet, while the rope that secured his upper body kept him from wandering off. I shoved him back on the couch. "You know what I want, Richard. Where the hell is the bloody Verney file? It’s nowhere to be found in the office – you must have it here. I want it NOW!" "MMMFUCKMMU. GGMTRAITOR." He tried to get up from the couch, getting ready to butt me in the stomach with his head. I pushed back down on the couch. "Now, now, Richard. Is that any way to talk to your buddy? Just tell me where you’ve hidden the file, and I’ll be out of here. Be a good fellow, and tell me where it is, and nobody will get hurt." I couldn’t resist chucking him under the chin – he looked so sexy lying there on the couch, all tied up and gagged and helpless. "MMMNEVERMFINDMIT. GMFFUCKMINGMASSHOLE." I grabbed him by the hair. I was getting really ticked off now. "You want to be Mr. Tough Guy? Fine!" I took more rope and had his feet tied together in a minute. He looked up at me, his blue eyes spitting hatred and defiance. This really was going to be fun. I was getting all hot and bothered, and the evening had barely beXXXX. I didn’t really want to hurt Richard, and I knew something about him that I was sure would make him talk. I am really a kind and gentle soul, and violence of any type, unless absolutely necessary, is abhorrent to me. Luckily, Richard had this one weakness……. His eyes bulged out as I began pulling off his socks. "MMWATCHADOING! MMMNNOOO! GMDONT!!!!" Even with his mouth full of the leather gag, his shrieks and screams were truly piteous to hear as I worked on his feet. Just the slightest brush of my little finger sent him into convulsions. He squirmed and thrashed about on the couch, but he couldn’t escape from me. "Talk to me, Richard. Just tell me where that file is, and I’ll go and leave you alone. Come on, you can tell me where it is. There will be no real harm done – just a few bucks in my pocket. And I’ll be out of here for good once you give it to me. Come on, tell where you’ve hidden it." "MMNNOO. MMNEVER!" Hmm, the dear boy was showing a lot more stamina than I had expected. What to do next? I had really thought that the tickle torture would make him break down. I had to think about my next move. In the meantime, Richard was showing remarkable recuperative powers. He was mmmpphhing away through his gag, and trying to roll off the couch. I don’t know where he thought that he was going to go, tied up hand and foot the way he was, but all of this movement was getting on my nerves. Luckily, I had brought a great deal of rope with me. It took me just me a moment to put him into a secure hogtie. He looked terribly uncomfortable, but that was his problem, not mine. If he was going to be so stubborn, he was going to suffer. Even hogtied, Richard was still trying to get free. He seemed to be putting a great deal of energy in rubbing himself against the couch, and he was getting a very odd look on his face. The tenor of his gagged moans seemed to have changed. They were no longer frantic cries for help, but softer, like little whimpers. This was intriguing. What was going on here? I walked over to the couch and flipped him onto his back. My, my, my. What did we have here? He pulled his legs up in a futile attempt to hide the huge bulge in his crotch. It seemed that my buddy was enjoying being tied up and gagged. I looked at his well packed jeans, neatly framed by rope. Hmmm. I thought of a way of getting him to talk. "It’s getting awfully hot in here, Richard. Do you think that I should turn on the ceiling fan? "MMMHMMPH?" "Yes, I think that would be an excellent idea. You seem to be all hot and sweaty too. But first, let me make one or two adjustments." I rummaged around in the kitchen until I found a stepladder. Just the thing that I needed. I sat down on the edge of the couch and unbuttoned Richard’s jeans. "It looks like someone here is a happy camper. That’s an impressive set of family jewels that you’ve got there, Richard. It would be a terrible shame if anything happened to them." "GMMMFFF? NNOOOOO! MMSTOPMMM!" Richard seemed to be quite upset as I roped his cock and balls. I couldn’t resist stroking his cock to make it just a little bit harder. It was already dripping like a leaky faucet; I didn’t want him to cum. I needed him to be nice and hard for what I had in mind. Once I had him trussed up just the way I wanted, I took the end of the rope and pulled on it. He moaned and arched his back. Good. Now for the crowning touch. I pulled over the stepladder and climbed up on it, the end of the rope in one hand. I attached the rope to one of the blades of the fan and climbed down. "Gee, that was awfully hard work, Richard. I’m just dripping. I really think that we need that fan on. Don’t you agree?" ""MMMNNOOOOO. MNNOOOOOOO!!! GMDONTTURNMON! MPLLEEEZZ." "Are you going to tell me where you’ve hidden the Verney file?" I could see that he was torn. Tears stood in his eyes. I was going to have to give him a little more to think about. "Is this the switch that turns the fan on, Richard? If I flick it this way, will the fan start turning? I’m getting warmer and warmer, Richard. I think that if I don’t have that file in my hands very soon, I might start to melt. What do you have to say to that?" "MMLLLTALK. GGMMHINVIDMMCASE. GMMDUMBDUMBER." Ah, success. There was what I had been looking for. Time for me to go. Another mission successfully accomplished, and once again, no blood shed! THE END Richard played by Troy Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 09/05/2003
24 photos; 2:57 video
“MMMPPHH!!!” was all Joe could get out through the gag. He awoke and found himself gagged with a bandana. As he looked down he found he had tape wrapped around his chest and around his wrists behind his back. Plus for some reason he was wearing a prison uniform. Joe is on the board of trustees of a big international department store. Now whoever did this to him did not tape his feet together. He thought to himself that he didn't want to find out who did this. Better to get away first. Joe got to his feet and moved to the only door in the room, only to have it open, unexpectedly, and XXXX him over. When he looked up at who opened the door, he couldn't believe what he saw. It was him! Whoever this guy was, he could have been a twin of Joe. In fact he was wearing Joe's best suit. In his best muffled voice he asked “Who the hell are you?!” “Why, I'm you.” the man said. “You see, you've made some enemies in your company. And they want you gone. So they hired me.” The man picked Joe up off the floor and pushed him against the wall. “Now stay put while I make you more comfortable.” The fake Joe began wrapping more duct tape around Joe's ankles and thighs. Fake Joe decided to feel up Joe and look him straight in the eye. “It's not gay. It's masturbation!” Then Fake Joe realized that Real Joe's pants were getting tighter. “Oh you like this sort of thing! Well where I'm sending you, you'll get a lot of this!” Muffled, Joe said “Why do you look like me? Why are you doing this? What are you going to do with me?” “That was a little too understandable when you got a gag in your mouth. Better make that more effective.” he said as he began wrapping more tape over Real Joe's mouth and around his head. “There much better. Now you are probably wondering, why I look like you, why I'm doing this, and what am I going to do with you. I can tell that's what you are thinking since I'm you.” he said mockingly. “Well it's simple really. Your company couldn't get rid of you. One of your colleagues has a brother in prison where I was held. He saw me and realized that I could replace you. So he set it up so I could 'escape' only to be captured and placed back in prison. Only you are the one wearing my prison uniform and you are going back in my place. Joe began yelling muffled obscenities. This of course only made the fake Joe smile, knowing the new gag was much more effective. The fake Joe pushed the real Joe down to the ground. “Now you stay put. The cops are on their way. Should be here in about fifteen minutes. Just enough time for me to get out of here. Fake Joe opened the door, straightened his tie and walked out the door. Joe desparatly tried his best to struggle out of the tape. However it was wrapped way too tight. He saw a fork in the corner and figured he could try to cut the tape with it. So he inched his way over, grabbed the fork and realized that it was not going to help. The fork turned out to be plastic and grey which made it look real. It was a real kick in the groin after being put in this situation. Just then Joe could hear police sirens outside. His only hope now was that the police would believe that he is not the real bad guy. And that's when it hit him. If his company found a way to fake an escape then most likely the prison is under the control of the company. He's boned and there is nothing he can do about it. He could just hear the fake Joe now saying “You're not yet, but you will be!” The End. Model: Rex Ropework by: Nick007 Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:07/01/2013
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Model: Stefano Photography by Zac Date of Production: 10/31/2012
24 photos; 5:20 video
Model: Raphael Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 10/01/2014
26 photos; 4:26 video
Model: Jack Model: Donovan Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 07/10/2014
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Model:Hank Model:Big Dumb Monkey Photography by Slade Date of Production:08/15/2014
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Model:Hank Photography by Slade Date of Production:08/15/2014
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Model:Hank Model:Big Dumb Monkey Photography by Slade Date of Production:08/15/2014
25 photos; 4:16 video
Cont'd from Hell Week There they were, helpless and angry at my hands. My plan worked well. They glared at me with frustrated eyes, making unintelligible grunts from their tightly gagged mouths. They gave one another looks of despair and fear. They tried desperately to reach each others knots; they tugged and struggled against my handiwork. It was no use; these idiots were at my complete disposal. This was now my fraternity and I had three new pledges weather they wanted to be or not. I calculated my next move; I very well couldn’t untie them now, but what next? I decided to sit and revel in my newfound power. They struggled and tried to speak to one another behind their gagged mouth, and seemed angry when they weren’t understood. Dumb jocks, didn’t they know this was the genius of duct tape. They kicked at each other with their bare feet, and bumped at each other with their shoulders. I watched as beads of sweat trickled down their foreheads. I realized I needed to take this whole thing to a new level. Even as angry as I was I realized I was going to be in big trouble once these guys got free. I decided I needed some insurance. I took each one to the living room amidst their struggles and grunts. Once I had them all there I began the undressing. It was a task in itself getting the clothes off these guys while their limbs were so tied tightly, but I managed. I cut the shirt off first using scissors, terrified looks on their faces made me feel a little guilty, but only a little. I untied their feet and pulled down their shorts and underwear. They struggled and fought me in vain. They grunted hard as I retied their feet. They sat bare assed on the floor in near tears. Anger and confusion blanketed their pretty little faces. I bound them tight on the cold floor. Their muscles bulged and flexed with every tug at the ropes. I pulled out my camera and began to shoot. My new pledges seemed less than pleased to have the predicament recorded but I explained it was part of my initiation process. They glared at me with pleading eyes. I wasn’t buying it. After all these weeks of being their idiot errand boy, I was going to take my payment in full. I sXXXXped photo after photo and their grunts of anger turned into whimpers. They tried desperately to untie each others knots, but it was use. They knew this was not going to be over until I said it was. I took several XXXX and even a bit of video. I explained to them that this was only a little insurance for me to make sure that repercussions would be great. I left them to their struggle. The next day in biology class Steve walked in late, his wrists bore rope burn and XXXXed as if he were sore. He gave me one swift angry look and never spoke to me again. The next week I pledged with a rival fraternity and made it. Our parties are legendary, especially since at the end of the night everyone sits around the television to watch a video of certain rival fraternity members naked, bound, and gagged struggling like a trio of idiots. They just should have let me pledge. The End Steve played by Tom Hunter played by Douglas The Last Room Mate played by Jay The Bad Guy played by Rodrigo Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 10/12/2008
16 photos; 3:01 video
Cont'd from Bounda Gaga Kappa I listened as he made his way to the stairway. Steve’s screams of help were contained by the tight gag I tightened when I heard his car pull up. I hid around the corner and listened as walked into the room. Steve tried his best to warn him, but true to for Hunter was being his usual jerk self. He teased and tickled Steve in some weird homoerotic way, and kept asking him how he got into this situation. Poor dumb Hunter was about to find out how. I crept up behind him and wrapped rope around hi neck. I dragged him to the back room and threw him to the ground. He stared at me with the same humor Steve had when his time had come. “What the fuck, are you crazy, I’m going to kick your ass”, he screamed. Then I was upon him. I found it funny how these guys underestimated my strength; after all I was taller and had a good amount of muscle weight on both of them. I jumped on him as he screamed and struggled against me. I was able to pull my rag out and press it against his nose and mouth. After a few moments he was out. I stared at him for a few moments almost feeling sorry for him. He was the most tolerable of the assholes, but still treated me like a second class citizen. I needed to work fast; I didn’t have much time before the other ass got home. I took off his shoes and socks just in case. I tied his hands tightly behind his back in double knots. I wrapped rope around his ankles and coughed at the smell of his sweaty feet. I pulled the bandana tightly between his teeth and secured his silence with duct tape. He was done, now all I needed was to put him in position. I dragged his XXXX body over to Steve. Steve’s eyes got wide and distressed as he saw my handy work. He knew first hand Hunter was going nowhere soon. I sat him down just as he was coming to. It took him a moment to realize what had been done to him. He tried to speak but only inaudible mmmppphhs escaped the gift that is duct tape. He looked at Steve and yelled through his gag. Steve and Hunter struggled like two kittens in a bag. The pulled and yanked at their binds screaming at each other as best they could. They kicked at each other hoping this would somehow free them. They angrily shot looks to me and each other placing equal blame on me and one another. I had to give Steve credit; he did try to warn him. They struggled and moaned uncontrollably. I watched with utter amusement as they tried their best to break loose. Then I heard the final car pull up. My plan was going like clockwork. The two bound and gagged idiots heard the car too. They screamed and struggled hoping to somehow warn their roommate of the impending danger. It’s such a shame that the rope and gags would only allow the slightest of warnings. It was now time to show these boys that they cannot treat people this way. If I was not going to be invited to be in their fraternity I was going to start one of my own. A fraternity where I call the XXXX, and rope and tape are a requirement. Unfortunately for these guys it’s a fraternity they are going to be XXXX to join. To Be Continued Steve played by Tom Hunter played by Douglas The Last Room Mate played by Jay The Bad Guy played by Rodrigo Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 10/12/2008
25 photos; 4:31 video
“Hey! Anyone here?” Jim didn’t understand. He was certain that today was the day he and Tony were supposed to go rock climbing. But Tony was no where to be seen. “Hello? Anyone here...Mmmmmm! Mmmpphhaawwaa?”, Jim was stunned as a masked man came out of no where and grabbed Jim, his glove hand wrapped tight over Jim’s mouth. Jim’s eyes went wide when he saw the glove hand tightly grabbed at his face! The man didn’t say a word but his meaning was clear. Before he knew it, Jim’s hands were XXXX behind his back and quickly tied together. Tape was slapped over his mouth, gagging him. Jim was shoved out the back door and into the trunk of a car. When the car stopped, Jim was taken out and marched into the garage where Tony was on the floor, bound and gagged! “Mmm?”, Tony moaned through his tape gag, his eyes wide with fear when he saw his friend being led in. The unknown man pushed Jim to his knees and tied Jim’s ankles together with more rope. Jim had no idea what this guy could want but it was clear he had been taken. Desperately Jim tried to talk through his gag but only unintelligible moans escaped from behind the gag. Both young men rolled around helplessly on the ground, fighting their bonds. Tony had already been tied up for most of that day and was worn out. Jim didn’t hold out much hope that he would have any better luck. It also didn’t help that the unknown man was still in the room, watching his captives. The unknown man took out a camera and set it up on a tripod. He then got out a current news paper. The camera began to beep, faster and faster, the timer about to go off. The unknown man knelt down in front of his hostages, holding up the paper as the camera went off. The unknown man seemed to take pleasure in tormenting his captives. Both Tony and Jim were kicked and fondled and grabbed. The man even shoved the two men together. Jim didn’t like the way the brute fiddled him with his gloved hands. Jim was rolled over towards Tony. He was then pushed up onto his friend. Both of the tied up men could hear their captor laugh as he manipulated his captives for his own sick pleasure. The ropes made sure neither could stop the man from doing whatever he wanted to do with them. They couldn’t protest while they were gagged. Tony and Jim could only look at each other, hoping that somehow they would get out of this. To be Continued. Tony played by Garrett Jim played by Zac The unknown man played by Cliff Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 09/26/2009
20 photos; 4:21 video
“What the.. Mmmpphh!”, Tony let out a moan of surprise as the gloved hand came down over his mouth. Taken by surprise, Tony barely put a struggle as the masked man took out some rope and bound his victim’s hand’s behind his back. Tony was XXXX out the back door and into the trunk of awaiting car. Tony couldn't’ tell where he was going or how long he was in that trunk. It seemed like hours. When the car did finally stop, the unknown man opened the trunk and pulled Tony out. Tony was pushed along to a lonely house in the woods. He and the unknown man went into the garage. The masked man didn't’ say a word as he XXXX Tony to sit on his ass and then proceeded to tie his captive’s legs together. “Mmmm!”, Tony moaned as tape was used to gag him. The unknown man seemed to take special glee as he made sure that his prisoner stayed quiet. Confident that Tony wasn't’ going anywhere, The unknown man left his prey alone for a while. With this is his first and possibly only chance to get away, Tony began working furiously on freeing himself. He rolled and squirmed, trying to get some slack in the ropes that bound him. “Mmmpphh!” Tony grunted as he put all his strength into freeing himself. But it was useless. The ropes were too tight. and struggling only seemed ot make them even tighter. Tony couldn't’ find any knots to try to undo. Tony only managed to get himself sore and dirty rolling on the filthy concrete. Tony gave a shudder when the door opened and the unknown man came back in. Tony could almost imagine that the man was smirking at his captive from behind his mask. The unknown man sat down on a chair and stared at Tony. “Mmmm?” Tony begged through his gag. The unknown man only continued to watch Tony. In desperation, Tony continued ot roll around and struggle, to his unknown man’s bemusement. When Tony tired, the unknown man encouraged him by giving him a quick kick on the ass or legs. “Mmmm!”, Tony protested for all the good it did him. The man seemed to enjoy tormenting him, though why Tony had no idea. After what seemed several minutes of this, the unknown man took out a current paper and dropped it near Tony on the floor. The man then snapped a picture and left. To be continued The Prey played by Garrett The unknown man played by Cliff Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 09/26/2009
25 photos; 2:38 video
"MMMPPHHHNOO! GGGGMMWHATCHADOINGMME?" I wiped the sweat from my brow as I surveyed the helpless private, lying trussed, gagged and helpless at my feet. It had been a bit of a struggle to get him down and tied, but the fight had been worth it. I feasted my eyes upon his muscular young body, and was literally salivating as I eyed his bare feet. He had fought me as I had stripped off his boots and socks, but I had prevailed in the end. Mmm, this young man was going to be in for a real treat. "This is what you get for insubordination, soldier. When I give you an order, I expect to be obeyed, instantly! Phew, insubordination and poor hygiene. When was the last time you changed your socks, soldier?" I picked up one of his boots and took a heady whiff. Yum, I couldn’t get enough of that smell. I had one of his socks tucked away safely in my pocket, for future sniffing use, while the other sock…well, the young private was chewing away on it. A sturdy strip of tape made sure that he couldn’t spit it out; I wanted to keep this party private and his frantic squeals would bring unwanted attention. "Now what shall I use on you to teach you a lesson? How about some electricity applied to those feet of yours? What do you think about that?" "MMMNOOOOOOOOOOO! GGMSARGENNOOOO!" The poor lad’s eyes nearly popped out of his head. Ha, as if I would damage those precious feet! No, I had much better things in mind for those tempting tootsies. I almost shot my wad then and there as I anticipated the delights that lay in store for us. As I advanced upon him, I pulled a long feather from one of my pockets. Those damn geese did have their uses. Soldier boy started to wriggle away from me as I hunkered down next to him, and pulled his feet up. I leant over and took a long sniff, inhaling the fragrant odour. Oh, such bliss. I couldn’t help myself as I took a little nibble on one of his twitching digits. I rolled it around in my mouth, savouring the taste. Then the ungrateful wretch jerked away from me, desperately trying to crawl across the floor. I couldn’t have that, not before the real fun had begun. I flipped him onto his stomach, and sitting down on his back, I commenced to work on those luscious naked feet, feet that were just begging to be tormented. "MMMMOOOHHNNOO! GMMSTHOPTOHMMPLLLLLEEEEEZZZZ! SHTTTTOOOOPPPPP!" It was like riding a bucking bronco. Soldier boy heaved and struggling beneath my weight, trying to throw me off as I put that feather to good use. He squealed, he shrieked, he hollered - the sound delightfully and effectively muffled by the fetid sock and tape gag. This was heaven. And to think that this was just the beginning. I had so many plans for my studly friend. "There, that wasn’t so bad, was it? Hmm, what do you say, soldier boy? What about this? A nice electric toothbrush. This should clear away some of that toe jam, before I give you’re a feet a nice soothing tongue bath." My helpless private managed to heave himself into a sitting position. Somehow, he was able to scoot backwards, until his back was against the wall. "GGGMGOMAWAY! GGLEAVEMMALONE! MNNNOOOO!" The look of sheer terror on his face as I loomed over him was priceless. However, I wasn’t amused when he tried to lash out at me with his bound feet. "More insubordination? You know that I’m going to have to deal with that. You will have to be punished. I’ll break you yet." I listened to his soft moans as I hog-tied him, making him into a great big muscular military package. How often I had wished that I had something like this under my Christmas tree. It was far too early for Christmas presents, so I decided that he would be a pre-Thanksgiving gift. He tasted even better than turkey and pumpkin pie. Now it was time to get down to some serious business. With the bristles whirling, I started working away between his toes, determined to remove every single bit of filth. The delicious aroma would remain – at least it would remain until I washed it away with my tongue. His helpless feet were a joy to behold, and to hold. They were almost perfect, beautifully formed and with such a delicious ripe smell. I could feel myself leaking as I scoured away. "GGGGGAAAAGGGHHHHHH!!!!! NOGGMMMOORE!" I was impressed, despite the blow that I had taken to my chin. Soldier boy had managed to tear free from my grasp, and was arching his back as he struggling against the ropes, vainly attempting to get loose. I smiled at him indulgently. NO ONE got away from my ropes. He was here for the duration. ‘There, there, don’t you fret. The good stuff is just beginning. I’ve got quite a few tricks up my sleeve. What do you think about this one?" As I flipped him back onto his stomach I started laving his freshly brushed toes with my tongue. I had the kid in my power for the rest of the day, why wait? THE END The Foot Soldier played by Clark Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 05/26/2006
18 photos; 3:12 video
“MMMGGGPPHHNNOOOOOOO!MMPPLEESSSHMMMNOO!” I took a good swig of cold beer and watched the rookie squirm while he squealed. Damn, but he was a cute one. I had lucked out this time – I wouldn’t be standing here stroking the bulge in my jeans and chugging a cold one if the cop I had XXXX had been one of the fat middle-aged cops that the city seemed to have in abundance. Those union rules were driving all of the cute young ones out of town. I licked my lips as I listened to him gurgle through his gag. “How does that old jock strap of mine taste, rookie. Ripe enough for you? It’s a good thing for me that I had my dirty laundry in the van. It’s a bad thing for you that I’m so far behind in my washing that I had to wear that one for three days. It’s providence, don’t you think?” I had to chuckle as the rookie’s face turned green. I could see him making a redoubled effort to spit out the rancid jock strap, but I wasn’t a dummy. I had put enough tape over his mouth to put make sure that that wad of stinking material stayed in his mouth for a long, long time. Listening to him moan through the gag, watching him struggle against the cuffs and ropes was making me harder by the minute. My jeans were getting uncomfortably tight. I finished my beer, and opened another. A little buzz always helped me to get into party mode, though the rookie had already got me ready to enjoy myself without the help of alcohol. “What do you say to me seeing more of that cop body, rookie? I’ve got your duty belt and badge already, your hat is gone, what should be next? How about that cop tie? That should make another nice souvenir.” The rookie squealed as I yanked off his cheap clip-on cop tie. I stuffed it into my pocket as I grinned down at the terrified cop. I could see the beads of sweat glistening on his forehead. It was time to get the rookie ready for some hot action. “MMMNOOPLEESSHH! GMMWHATCHAMDOIING?” “Gee, the rookie isn’t wearing an undershirt. Isn’t that against the regulations, rookie? It just means that it is easier to do this, and then this!” The cop squealed like a stuck pig as I slurped on his rookie nipples. Yum, it was just like sucking on candy. Here was an interesting development. The cop’s nipples were getting nice and hard. This was an incentive for me to chomp on them some more. Still hard. This was getting very interesting. I shoved his opened shirt down his arms to give myself more access to his humpy cop body. My hands and tongue were all over his cute cop body. He was shrieking and moaning as I worked over his torso. Yum, it was like having a big cop lollipop. By the time I was finished with him, he was heaving and panting through his gag, his body covered in sweat. I had to take a break; I was working up quite the sweat myself. I opened another cold one and started to chug it down. The cop was looking at me with those cute rookie puppy dog eyes, whimpering through his gag. I couldn’t help but notice that he had quite the package – it hadn’t seemed quite that big earlier on. Maybe his nipples weren’t the only thing that was getting hard. I was going to have to do some more exploring. I swallowed the last of my brew and got to my feet. I had work to do. “MMMNNOOOOONNOOOO!” “Oh yes, yes, pipsqueak. I’ve gotta see what you have concealed inside those uniform trousers. Yeah, struggle as much as you want to, rookie. You only make me more excited. You’re only going to tucker yourself out. There isn’t any way you can get out of those cuffs without a key, and I’ve got your keys. Hey, what do we have here? Another breach of regulations? I’m sure your sergeant would have something to say about these stripy briefs. “ “GRRRMMMLAUNDRY.” “Gee, we both seem to have laundry problems. That’s enough chitchat, rookie. I want to get a better view. Over we go!” I laughed as I pushed the cop over, and then I caught my breath. Damn, but he filled those briefs nicely. He seemed to have really nice butt. I needed to see more. “MMMPLEESSH! GGDONNN!” Hot damn. I had to wipe away the saliva as I looked down at him. Beautiful, creamy globes. I was groping myself as the rookie stared up at me` with his frightened, pleading eyes. I had to clear my throat before I could speak again. “Real nice, rookie, really really nice. I’ve really gotta see more now. Time to turn you over.” “MDONHURTMMEMISHTER.” I straddled him as I opened my jeans and took my love muscle in my hand. The cop was whimpering and squirming and generally kicking up quite a fuss. Shit, but this pipsqueak rookie was getting me more and more excited. I kept on giving him nudges with the toe of my boot as I started to hit my rhythm. I chewed on my lower lip as I worked myself over. I couldn’t talk my eyes off of that beautiful cop butt as it wiggled beneath. Shit, this was definitely going to be just the appetizer. I was already thinking that the rookie was going to provide me a 4 course meal. I started gritting my teeth as I pumped harder and harder. Fuck, but he was one sexy rookie. I was panting and dripping with sweat as I finally took myself over the edge. The rookie wriggled as the hot, sticky goo sprayed all over his back. I wiped my face off with a sweaty old bandana as I slumped down on the floor and popped another beer. Shit, but the rookie had really got me excited. As he mumbled and moaned and struggled feebly on the floor, I could feel the old joy stick starting to stir again. There was still a lot of life left in it, but I needed to give myself a break. The night was young and I wanted to pace myself. It was time to give the rookie a treat. “Hey, cop, look at me. That’s right, roll over and look at me. Guess what, I believe in fair play. You got me all hot and excited; it’s your turn now.” “GGGNNOOO. WHATMMDOING? OHH! OHHHHHHHH!” The young cop was acting as if I was using an electric prod on him. However, I noticed that he wasn’t rolling away from me. I thought that licking his torso had been like having a cop lollipop –this was far better. It took me about two minutes to get him as stiff as an iron rod. He was making deep-throated grunts as I worked him over with my mouth. I thought that he was going to swallow that stinky old jock strap he was gurgling and moaning so much. I took a break and looked at him. His eyes were glazed over and he gave a grunt of disappointment. That was enough encouragement for me. I took a deep breath and went back to work on him. Forget about lollipops, this was like having the biggest hot dog in Yankee Stadium lodged in my gullet. He was just making me hungrier and hungrier. Finally he screamed into his gag and bucked his hips. Yum, he tasted delicious. I kept on working on him until he was groaning; I could hear him begging me through his gag to stop. I eventually took pity on him. “OK, rookie, that was the appetizer for both of us. You’ve really made me work up an appetite. It’s time for the entrée now.” The end The Rookie played by Niel Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 02/21/2007
25 photos
Why is it I can never find a compatible lover? All I want is a guy who enjoys being tied up as much as I enjoy tying him! The guys I've been out with have all been vanilla boys, not into anything kinky. I used to give a relationship some time to develope before i would mention the dreaded B word because I learned that saying, "I'm into a little Bondage" resulted in a look from them like I had horns growing out of my head and then a swift exit. I met my latest lover in the bookstore where I work, it had been like 9 months since I last got to tie a guy up and all I could think about was how good Lewis would look arms bound, mouth gagged! It was our first date. Lewis was coming over to mine before we headed out to a bar, or at least that's what he thought, I had other plans! At 7pm sharp i got a XXXX on the door. "Hey there!" "Hi Lewis, come on in", I said. He looked so cute. "I got a couple of things I have to do before we go, here have a beer, sit down & relax" "Sure, thanks", he said. As he sat down, smiling, facing the tv as I'd planned I took my rope and stuffed it into the back pocket of my jeans. "Fuck man, I'm sorry, but I can't wait!" I said and pounced on the dude, wrestling him to the floor! Lewis was a little shocked at first but was soon laughing his ass off. "Let's get this t-shirt off", I said and pulled it over his head. I got him lying with his back to me, face down on the floor and pulled his arms behind him. "Cute ass we got here", I said, "sure don't want it goin' nowhere!" And I took out my rope and started binding his wrists behind his back, "Hey man, come on, fuck, what you doin'?" "Changed my mind about goin' out, Lew, I wanna stay in & I want you here with me!", I said teasing him. "Yea, but you don't have to tie me up, Mat, I'll stay in with you!" "That's nice", I said reaching for my tape. "What you gonna do with that.... no, come on, no way, don't you wanna kiss?" "We'll kiss, bro, but right now I want a little bondage fix, hope you don't mind. Listen when I'm done I'll let you do whatever you want to me, how 'bout that?" "Well I guess...Mmmmppphfppfh" I slapped some of my favourite red tape across his mouth and pressed it against his lips with my fingers. "Ok, lets go to the bedroom", I said and led him upstairs. "Mmmmpppfhpfh" "Yea, keep making that sound man, it's music to my ears!" He either must've really liked me or he really wanted to tell me something cuz he kept on trying to speak into the tape, all night long! Boy he looked so good in his ripped cut offs, I sat him on my bed and tied his legs together. "Don't want you running off anywhere now, do we?" I said with a smile. I was a little concerned that by the look on Lewiss' face he wasn't enjoying this quite as much as me, but not that concerned. "God man you look hot like this", I said and I lifted his feet up onto the bed then tied more rope around his body, around his muscular chest & torso. "Woah man this is too much". "MMMMmmmppfphpfphh", Lewie seemed to say in agreement. I was so hard, it took a hell of a lot of concentration not to lose it. "I think we need to get you a bigger gag for that big, sexy mouth of yours, whatta you reckon, handsome?" "Mmmmmppffpfphh, mmmmmpfpfpfh", loverboy pleaded, shaking his head. I wrapped the red stuff right around his head, tightly. "Woah, baby! Yea!" "MPF GRMPF", Lewis spluttered. I gotta get me some relief, Lew, hope you don't mind bro," I said and took out my hard, thick, uncut dick right there and started whacking off slowly and sensuously. For a moment it seemed as if Lew was acting sexy for me, giving me a look, "yea, I thought, you want this!" "One final touch, my man", I said and got out more rope to hogtie his ass! This was beautiful stuff. He was tightly bound ankle to wrists, his body arced, stretched, his mouth sealed tight. Immovable, intense. I shot my load all over the place. What a first date! fin Lewis played by Himself Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 09/07/2003
31 photos; 6:58 video
Friday at the office was a little less "casual" then Dean originally thought it would be. His office has a very tight dress code. The Victim played by Dean Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:08/07/2012
22 photos
When I ask you to fix my shower head, I expect it to be fix and not get a crazy outrageous bill. Next time you learn not to cheat me and do your job correctly.
Model: Monkey
Photography by Slade
Date of Production:07/24/2014
43 photos; 13:21 video
Since when did being nosy become a thing? Well it seems Hank is gonna learn that trepassing is a no no. Model: Hank Photography by Slade Date of Production:06/16/2013
30 photos
Look at at all the fun stuff we can do with a bound and tape gagged Hal! Model: Hal Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 02/26/2006
20 photos; 3:19 video
Business Man played by Happy
Bad Guy played by Dalton
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 02/02/2025
Tags: grabbed, suit, bad guy, hand gagged, chair tied, cleave gag, tape gag, gagging
27 photos; 7:38 video
Gagged Guy played by Patrick aka Tynan Fox
Bad Guy played by Dalton
Rope Work by Dalton
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 01/02/2025
Tags: jock, twink, bad guy, hand gag, stuff gag, tape gag, gagging, chair tied, shirtless, groped, fondled, stroke, exposed, tease
35 photos; 3:59 video
Model: Adrien Folwer
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 12/05/2024
Tags: underwear, plug gag, twink, gorilla tie,
11 photos; 5:29 video
Model: Tonny
Photography Marco Grieco
See More Here
Date of Production: 11/28/2023
TAgs: leather, tape gag, hands in front
20 photos; 3:14 video
Model: Tidus
Bad Guy played by Dalton
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 11/23/2024
Tags: taped up, bear, dominated, bad guy
25 photos; 3:35 video
Bound Guy played by Jack Stone
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 11/12/2024
Tags: cleave gag, shirtless, underwear, socks
15 photos; 4:17 video
Model: Kelven
Photography by Caitiff
See More of Kelven here.
Date of Production: 03/02/2022
Tags: outside, leather, otm gag, twink, muscle, shirtless
20 photos; 3:11 video
Model: JD
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 01/15/2025
Tags: cleave gag, socks, hog tie, grope, gagging, gagged, tape gag, hand gag