26 photos; 5:23 video
Model: Donovan Photography: Caitiff Date of Production: 01/09/2015
31 photos; 7:20 video
“Ok so how long do I have to stay tied up?”, Doug asked. It was embarrassing being the too small jock strap. His dick kept threatening to slip out. And he certainly didn't’ like having his hands tied up behind his back. But a bet was s abet and Doug had lost to Jerry. “No talking!”, Jerry said as he shoved the first thing he could find into Doug’s mouth. Doug glared at Jerry in disbelief a she chewed the leather glove stuck between his teeth. Jerry was taking this master slave thing a bit too far, he thought. Not as far as Jerry was going to take it. Wanting to make sure his new “toy” stayed quiet, Jerry got some tape and taped the glove into Doug’s mouth so he couldn't’ spit it out again. Ahh Doug didn't’ like that at all. He had lots of hair on his head and neck. Taking off the tape would not be comfortable. “Ok see if you can get out. You have ten minutes.” , Jerry commanded. Wanting desperately to get free, Doug complied. He struggled and twisted but didn’t get any traction nor slack. The knots remained secured as did Doug. After thirty minutes of watching his nearly naked friend struggle uselessly, Jerry took out more rope and bent one of Doug’s knees back. The legs was tied ankle to thigh with coils of thick black rope. Doug paused in his work long enough to give some playful pinches to Doug’s sensitive nipples. “Mmmmmffaammm!”, Doug protested, eliciting a laugh from Jerry as he began to tie up Doug’s other leg the same as the first. Once that was done and it was clear Doug could do nothing to stop him, Jerry took a few more liberties with his bound and gagged buddy. That hairy chest of Doug’s was so inviting. As were a few other things. Over Doug’s gagged protests and empty unintelligible threats, peeked under the jock strap at Doug’s goods. Not too shabby. And the jock strap would be coming off soon anyway. He had only had Doug wear one to put him at ease. Straight guys were always so self conscious. Jerry hugged his new bondage teddy bear, rubbing his fingers across Doug’s hairy chest and down his stomach to where his cock began to grow despite Doug’s frantic wishes otherwise. Just what how far was Jerry going to take this bet thing? As far as he could. Jerry had rigged it so he would win just for this reason. Poor clueless straight boy Doug never had a clue what a crush Jerry had for him. Now he would have Doug all to himself for the next week end. And from the way Doug’s dick kept trying to pop out everytime Jerry’s hand came near, Doug was enjoying this more then he wanted to let on. Jerry knew how far he could go. He also knew how to make sure Doug enjoyed himself as much as Jerry planned too. It would be a good week end. The End Doug played by Wolfric Jerry played by Garrettjan Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:04/26/2012
24 photos; 5:17 video
Three days ago, Dante had been subjected to one of the most frightening experiences of his life. While visiting his old stomping grounds in Peoria, his overly possessive ex-boyfriend, Logan, had snagged him outside a coffee shop and left him bound and gagged inside a warehouse for hours. Thankfully, Dante was able to make his way to a window and get the attention of a couple of construction workers, Dante was freed. However, when the construction workers started calling the cops, Dante implored them to stop. As much as he despised Logan for his actions, he didn’t have the heart to send his ex-boyfriend to jail. So, Dante crafted a quick story, explaining he lost a bet with his friend and needed to find a way to escape. He even thanked the two men and tossed them twenty bucks for their help. Since that day, Dante hadn’t heard a word from Logan: no phones call, no surprise visits, no strange vans pulling up near him. Considering what happened, Dante assumed Logan would be avoiding him at all cost in fear of Dante reporting him to the authorities. So, Dante went about visiting old friends and family, returning to the vacation he planned originally. It was a warm afternoon, and Dante and some of his old buddies decided to head to the park and play soccer for a bit. Dante was always a soccer fan and had played the game since he was a kid, so he was always up for a round. His friends played shirts and skins, and Dante always managed to find himself on the skins team, mostly because one of his friends, Greg, loved seeing Dante with his shirt off. Dante didn’t mind; a little ogling in his direction was a nice boost to his self-confidence. After the game was over, Dante and his friends decided to head home, shower and hit a local bar. Dante got to his car and instinctively reached out and pulled the door handle. Dante got inside the car and tossed his shirt onto the passenger seat. He looked at the ignition, and it was then that it suddenly dawned on him…he hadn’t used his keys to unlock the door. Dante never left his car unlocked, and before he could reach into his pocket for his keys, a smelly rag was placed over his mouth. “MMMMPPPHHHH!” Dante screamed as he looked in the rearview mirror and saw Logan’s creepy grin staring back at him. “Hi, honey,” Logan said, “You left without saying goodbye last time, and that was very rude.” As Dante began to lose consciousness, he mentally kicked himself for not reporting Logan to the authorities. Logan’s mental issues were clearly far more severe than Dante had thought. And then all went black. --- As Dante slowly opened his eyes, the first thing he felt was his head pounding like a jackhammer on overdrive. The room slowly swirled into view, and Dante’s heart immediately sank. He was back at the warehouse, in the room he had escaped from three days earlier. Not a good sign. Dante found himself bound hand and foot to a chair. He was surprised to discover he had not been gagged, which was fortuitous because there was no way he’d be able to walk or hop to the window now, so all he had to do was scream and hopefully be heard by someone…anyone. “Hi, XXXX-head,” a voice echoed from behind Dante. Dante thought he was alone, but he should’ve known better than that. As a hand reached around his mouth and covered it, Dante looked up, his hat falling off his head, and looked into Logan’s eyes. “Mmmpppphhh,” Dante pleaded. “You know, I was really hurt the other night when I came back with dinner and saw you were gone. What kind of boyfriend just leaves without saying anything? I swear, if I wasn’t so sure how much you loved me, I’d think you were trying to run away from me,” Logan said. Dante tried speaking, but Logan had his hand firmly clamped over his mouth, so anything he said was completely inaudible. Logan picked up Dante’s hat and put it back on his head, brushing back Dante’s long, thin hair so Logan and look at his face. “You know, I dunno why you let your hair grow so much…and that beard. What has Los Angeles done to you?” Logan questioned as he ran his hand down the side of Dante’s face. Logan leaned the chair back and Dante struggled, resting the chair on his chest. Logan continued running his hands down Dante’s bare chest. Dante lay still; a wrong movement could send the chair sliding to the floor, and with his hands tied behind him, he would risk injuring himself. At last, Logan rested the chair upright and removed his hand from Dante’s mouth. “Logan, please, you need help,” Dante managed to say before a knotted rag was stuffed into his mouth and tied tightly around his head. “You’re right, I do need help,” Logan said as he reached into his pocket and revealed a roll of white athletic tape. “I need you to understand just how much I love you.” Logan wrapped the tape around Dante’s head, securing the cleave gag in place even more. Logan pulled a pair of scissors out of his pocket and cut the end of the tape. “Now, all I want is for us to have a nice, quiet dinner together…like we used to. Is that too much to ask?” Dante looked into the creepy eyes of his ex-boyfriend. He was in serious trouble now, and he knew it. “Is that too much to ask,” Logan repeated, waiting for a response. Dante realized if he had any chance of getting out of this, he needed to play along for the moment. Dante shook his head. “Good. Now, I’m going to go out and get us some dinner. I’m gonna pick up your favorite from Le Grande Cuisine. Remember? Where you took me on our first date. I’ll be back in a couple hours. Will you wait for me?” Dante nodded in compliance. “God, I love you,” Logan said as he leaned in. Logan placed his hand on Dante’s chest, feeling his racing heart, and then proceeded to kiss Dante on his taped mouth. Without a word, Logan slowly backed up and out of the room, never taking his eyes off Dante, until the door the closed and locked. Panic set in as Dante frantically started struggling. He had two hours at best to escape, and this time, he was going straight to the authorities to report Logan. Logan needed serious mental help, and as much as Dante didn’t want to see him put away, he knew it was best for him. Dante twisted and turned his wrists with all his might, but it was no good. The knots were secure. He could’ve shifted the chair over to the window, but the window was too high for him to look out from a seated position. His feet were tied loosely and separately to the chair legs, but not loose enough for Dante to slide one free. As the minutes passed by, Dante worked himself into a sweat, flexing and pulling every muscle he had to near exhaustion. Every so often, a random sound would echo in the warehouse, and Dante would do his best to scream in hopes of getting someone’s attention. “MMMMPPPHHHH! MMMMPPPHHHH!” But nobody answered. As his long hair began sticking to the sides of his face, Dante started losing hope. He wasn’t going to get out of this. Logan was going to come back…and what would happen after dinner? Dante shuddered as different scenarios ran through his head. As the sweat ran down his back, a single, desperate idea came to Dante. He pressed his wrists against his back and started to thrash about as much as he could. His perspiration increased, and beads of sweat began running down his back even more. The sweat made its way to Dante’s hands, dampening the rope and skin on his wrists. After several minutes, Dante felt a little slack. His left wrist was coming loose. Dante continued, slowly rubbing his wrist up and down the ropes securing it, feeling it gradually loosen with every pull. After what felt like hours, Dante’s wrist slipped free of the ropes. A shot of adrenaline rushed through Dante’s body as he rushed to untie himself from the chair. As he loosened the ropes, Dante kept wondering how long it had taken him to get out. Thirty minutes? An hour? Two hours? Logan could be back any minute, so every second counted. At last, Dante was free. He ran over to the door. Locked. However, Dante remembered how the construction workers broke the door down three days ago. Surely it was still looked enough to pull open. Dante yanked on the door several times with all his might. The door broke open, sending Dante flying back into the room. Dante fell to the floor, hitting his head. The pounding was even worse now, but he didn’t care. Dante rushed out of the room into the dark hallway, on his way to freedom. THE END? Model: Dante Model: Logan Photography : Caitiff Date of Production: 12/13/2014
25 photos
"Woohoo, guys, c'mon! It's New Year's Eve! Time to party!" Sheesh, what a bunch of stiffs these guys were. Matt took another swig from his beer - good thing that he had brought some brewskis with him. Otherwise he would be stuck XXXX some crappy wine from little crystal glasses. This was no way to spend New Year's Eve! He was pissed off that he had allowed Rich to persuade him to come to this boring party. Rich had made him wear a suit and tie, and had even made Matt change his tie. That ticked him off - what was wrong with his Mickey Mouse tie? And now - these jerks were just sitting around and talk, talk, talk. Stocks, partnerships, mutual funds,internships......Yadda, yadda, yadda. They looked at Matt as if he was something that Rich had dragged in from the barnyard, as if he smelled funny. He had to liven this party up somehow. Matt sucked down the rest of his beer and opened another. This was better - he was getting quite a buzz now. Mmm, he could use some real food now - some pizza and wings would go down just right. Why couldn't Rich have something besides those tiny little pieces of toast and smoked salmon and salty fish eggs? Matt finished his beer in one satisfying swig. Time for another one! Damn New Year's hat wouldn't stay on! How come no one else was wearing a hat? Boring old jerks. Didn't know how to have fun. Matt staggered a bit. That nice cold beer was going down just fine. He would have to have his own party, that's all there was to it! Liven things up a bit. Stupid hat. Fell off. Ooops, he'd kicked it behind the couch. No matter, he would wear something else. How bout that lamp shade over there? That would do. Shit. What the hell. Matt had told Rich a hundred times how ugly that damned lamp was- it looked better all smashed up. Now Matt wouldn't have to look at it again. Hey, who turned out the lights? Oh shit. That was the little table with all those doodads that Rich had spent years collecting. Stupid place to put a table in any case. Hmm the rug was soft. Gee, good thing that beer hardly stains at all. Rich was going to be pissed about his rug.....Zzzzzzzzzz. Wha..what? What the hell? Why couldn't he move? Oh boy, Rich really looked pissed. Standing there with that look on his face. "MMMMMMMPHHHH" What was going on here? Uh oh. This was bad, really bad. "Matthew, since you don't know how to behave, you can stay here by yourself. We are going into the den to enjoy the rest of our evening like civilized people. I hope that you take this time to think about the folly of your disgusting behavior tonight. Enjoy yourself." Geez, Matt hated it when Rich talked like that. He must be really ticked off. Wait, he wasn't really going to leave Matt like this for the rest of the evening was he? NOOOOOO. He wouldn't do that, would he? Leave his Matt all tied up and gagged and alone on New Year's Eve? GGGMMMMMMMCOMEBACK! Nope, Matt wasn't going to be left alone. He would get to the den if it killed him. No way was he going to miss the ball in Times Square. Rich was just being a spoilsport. Whew, this was hard work. Rich sure knew his ropes. This crawling around all tied up and gagged was really pooping him out. Mmmm, but....something down there liked it. Just a little rest, just for a minute. OK, time to move. Damn, the stupid couch was in the way. This rug wasn't so soft anymore. Matt's butt was killing him. Let's see. If he could use the couch for leverage, he could get onto his feet. Hopping would be much easier than rolling and crawling all the way to the den. Now those stiffs sounded like they were having a good time. Laughing away. Good, he'd made it onto the couch OK. He'd just catch his breath and try to get on his feet and hop on over to the den. One, two, three. UP. Ooops, down again. One, two, three. UP. Goddamn it, why couldn't he stand up? Why was the room spinning like that? Hmm, better lie down for a minute. That was better. Everything had stopped moving. "Ten, nine, eight, seven..." NOOOO!!!!! He was going to miss it! That bastard Rich had been serious. Matt was going to see in the New Year all by himself, tied up and gagged on Rich's couch. It wasn't fair! But...so tired. Just close the eyes for a few minutes, and then.....the couch was quite comfy. Just 40 winks....ZZZZZZZZ. The End Matt played by Himself Photography by Caitiff From all of Us at Bound Guys, have a Happy New (Bondage Filled;-)Year. And remember if you are going to drink, don't drive!
23 photos; 4:53 video
Model: Derek Photography: Caitiff Date of Production:
28 photos; 3:31 video
I know it was wrong, but I couldn?t help myself. My buddies Orlando and Steve and I had a standing poker night every Tuesday night, it was tradition. Ever since we each married we decided to keep this night open for the usual buddy talk and a good game of poker. I have never been what you might call a card shark, and I suffered for it. The overall winner go to decide the other two’s fate. It usually consisted of someone streaking, or a shooting down half a bottle of liquor, all innocent. However it always seemed that I was one of the two made to humiliate myself. Sure Orlando and Steve had their turns but it was always I who was consistently beaten. This particular night it was my turn to host the game, and I had more than cards up my sleeve. I decided that the only way I had a chance to win was to cheat. I had purchased a deck of marked cards for the game. I hoped that they would be discrete looking enough to fool them. In my head I planned my humiliating scenario for my two unsuspecting buddies. They came over around six o’clock and the game or should I say games began. I purposely lost the first couple of hands so not to evoke suspicion. As usual they commented on how bad I was and the real competition was between them. I chuckled and agreed with them. After this I decided to throw my plan into action. Hand after hand I began to bridge a gap between the three of us. Losing the occasional hand just for sport. The two them sat in frustration at how I was winning. With the final hand I was done, and had won ten out of twenty hands. In pure excitement and vindication, however false it was, I flipped them both the bird and told them to get ready. It was my turn to choose their humiliation and I was ready. I began by making them strip from the waist down. “Come on man, I don?t feel like streaking ?, Orlando whined. “ Fair is fair jackass, off with the jeans”, I yelled. Orlando complied. “You are a natural red head, aren?t you buddy?” “Drop Dead” Steve on the other hand was easier to persuade. Before I knew it they stood before me half naked, barefoot and ready to beat the crap out of me. I loved it. “You guys see the beam over there, I want each of you to lay on either side of it”. For a second I thought they were going to over power me, but they just looked at each other and complied. “Just hurry up and get this over with”, Steve mumbled. I instructed them to stretch their legs on the beam with their backs on the floor. After a few dirty looks and ramblings they both did as I asked. The humiliated look on their faces was priceless. Then the fun began. I retrieved white nylon rope from my utility closet and got to work. I proceeded to bind their ankles together and then around the beam tightly. With a piece of rope I secured their thighs to the beam and to each other. “What kind of kinky game is this man?” “Yeah what are you doing?” I said “Shut up guys, fair is fair!”. I decided that I?d better secure their hands as well just in case. On each side of the beam I secured their wrists to one another’s. “Not so tight asshole”, Orlando whine “Okay you’ve had your fun, now let us go”. “ I just got started guys, your not going anywhere”. “ I’m serious let us go now!”, Steve yelped. “Enough of this boys, if you two wont shut up, I’ll shut you up.” I brought out two bandannas from my hallway closet and walked towards them. “What are you doing with those?” “Don’t you dare man, your dead when we get loose!”. “Who says you’ll get loose bitches?” As I pulled the green bandanna through Steve’s teeth an inaudible sound left his mouth. “Mmmpphhh, Oomph?. Orlando struggled with me a bit but I was finally able to silence him despite his many protests. I stood there and reviewed my handy work.. The boys stretched limbs fighting to no avail, their puffed cheeks from the gags keeping them quiet. “Nnmmpphh...Lemmmppphhh, mmmppphhh!”, they cried. With their feet exposed in such a helpless position I began to wonder. “ Are you boys ticklish? Lets see.. I began to glide my fingers over the arch and bare soles of their feet. The tips of my fingers hovering over the delicate skin they were touching. As I did this I watched as they struggled helplessly bound and gagged. Their toes wriggled in defiance. The skin on their arches scrunched making wrinkles and faces. They held each other’s tied hand hoping to sooth the pure agony of their tickled feet. “HHmmpphh....Aaarrgghhmmpphh!!! Noommmmmm....MMPPHH”, they screamed. I couldn’t help myself. I continued in utter amusement. The balls of their feet knocking against the beam, the red faced humiliation I was inflicting was intoxicating. They fought and mumbled, screamed and wriggled, clenched and moaned, I finally finished. “Okay boys I’m done”, “Mmpphhasmmpphh”, they replied. I decided that after all this I’d better let them cool down before I untied them, I walked slowly out of the room with a smile on my face bigger than the beam the were bound to. It was a great day, I hope I win again next week. The End The Tickler played by Troy Orlando played by Patrick Steve played by Rod Photography by Caitiff
23 photos; 7:01 video
Dustin, Jeff and Pablo had been best friends since high school and knew each others’ deep, dark secrets. Both Jeff and Dustin knew Pablo had a thing for bondage, and they often took advantage of it by tying Pablo up in various positions, and they would leave him for hours on end while they stayed upstairs playing video games and getting high. However, one day, Dustin and Jeff went one step too far, and Pablo had been plotting revenge on them ever since. It was a typical Saturday night, and Dustin and Jeff were already stoned out of their minds. Pablo, half-stoned himself, begged Dustin and Jeff to tie him up in the basement of Dustin’s house for an hour. Dustin and Jeff had no problem doing it, and soon Pablo was bound and gagged in his underwear to a chair. Everything was fine, but after an hour passed, Dustin and Jeff didn’t come back down. Pablo watched the clock in the basement slowly change minute-by-minute. Pablo began to worry why his friends weren’t coming down to release him. Little did Pablo know, Dustin and Jeff had gotten so stoned, they XXXX while playing Call of Duty. It wasn’t until eleven o’clock the next morning, nearly twelve hours later, that Dustin and Jeff awoke and realized Pablo was still tied up in the basement. Weeks passed as Pablo plotted his revenge. He wanted to ensure Dustin and Jeff had forgotten about their little mishap. Pablo wasn’t great at video games, but he concocted the perfect plan to get Dustin and Jeff back, so he spent the ensuing weeks mastering Call of Duty. Finally, Dustin invited Jeff and Pablo to stay over his house while his parents went skiing in Vermont. Pablo was quick to say yes. As the three best friends sat down to play Call of Duty, Pablo spoke up and said, “What do you say we place a little bet on the game?” Dustin and Jeff laughed heartily at Pablo. Dustin said, “Are you crazy? You suck as video games.” Assuming Jeff knew what Pablo wanted, he replied, “Pablo, if you just want us to tie you up, you don’t need to lose. We can do that right now if you want.” Pablo responded, “I know that guys, but I’d rather we compete to see who wins. And the winner gets to do whatever he wants to the losers. Deal?” Dustin and Jeff both accepted in unison, and the game was on. It didn’t take long to realize that Pablo had been practicing his Call of Duty skills, because less than ten minutes later, both Dustin and Jeff had been defeated by Pablo. “Holy crap,” Dustin said in shock, “When the hell did you get that good?” “I’ve been practicing,” Pablo said with a cocky grin. “I think we’ve been hustled,” Jeff admonished, slightly annoyed. “Guess so, but a deal’s a deal,” Pablo said, “now take off your shirts.” Dustin and Jeff did as they were told and removed their shirts. Pablo reached for the gym bag he brought with him and unzipped it. Inside were several hundred feet of rope, bandanas and duct tape. “Oh hell no,” Jeff shouted. Jeff had never been tied up before, and the sheer thought of it unnerved him. Dustin, on the other hand, would let Pablo tie him up on occasion when Pablo was in the mood. It didn’t excite him in any way, but Dustin was the kind of friend who would go along for the ride. “Come on, man, we agreed,” Dustin said. “No way,” Jeff replied defiantly, “There’s no way I’m letting him tie me up.” “Okay…then I guess I’ll have to help him,” Dustin said, and immediately pounced on top of Jeff. Jeff fought valiantly, but it wasn’t long before Dustin had Jeff pinned down. Jeff was a lot smaller than Dustin, and Dustin worked out regularly. As Jeff struggled fruitlessly on the ground, he wished he would’ve gone to the gym more often. As Dustin held Jeff down, Pablo went to work tying Jeff’s wrists behind his back. Jeff tried to thrash about, flailing his legs violently, but it didn’t do him any good. Once his wrists were properly secured, Jeff began to panic. “Guys, come on. This isn’t cool, This isn’t MMMMPPHHH!” Pablo tugged the bandana tightly around Jeff’s head and tied a square knot in the back. As Jeff dribbled some inaudible curses at Pablo and Dustin, Pablo grabbed the duct tape and wrapped it around Jeff’s head several times. With a proper gag in place, Jeff’s frustrations were muted to the point of inaudibility. Dustin stood up and wiped the sweat off his brow. “That was way more work than it should’ve been.” Dustin looked down at the angry glare Jeff shot at him. Dustin gave him a playful kick into the ribs and laughed. “Okay, Dustin. Your turn,” Pablo said. Dustin nodded in compliance, then turned around and put his hands behind his back. Since he wasn’t fighting back, it took no more than a couple minutes before Dustin’s hands were tied behind his back and he was gagged in the exact same manner as Jeff. Pablo reached down and pulled Jeff to his feet. Jeff’s complaints were muffled completely, and Pablo laughed in spite of them. “I’m sorry, Jeff, I can’t hear a word you’re saying. Now, want you guys to take a good look at each other…because we’re just getting started.” An angry Jeff and a content Dustin stared at one another. Jeff was livid at the situation he was in: bound a gagged wearing nothing but his shorts, and worse, XXXX into this position by his so-called best friends. He had felt completely betrayed, even though a small part of him was blaming himself for agreeing to the best. Dustin was completely comfortable in their situation. In fact, the sight of Jeff bare-chested, bound and gagged, was actually turning him on. As the flashes went off with Pablo’s camera, Justin turned in his direction and turned red with embarrassment. “MMMMPPHHH! MMMMPPPHHH!” “Sorry, Jeff. All part of losing the bet,” Pablo said. “Now for the next part.” Pablo approached Jeff and XXXX him to sit down. He then went about wrapping rope about Jeff’s ankles. Jeff fought back as best he could, but it was a losing battle at this point. Dustin sat down willingly and watched as Pablo craftily tied his ankles to his thighs. “Looking good guys,” Pablo said as he sat back and admired his work. After taking several more pictures, Pablo reached into his bag and pulled out an extremely long piece of rope.” “And now for the coup de grace.” Pablo positioned Dustin and Jeff so they were sitting back-to-back. Pablo took the long piece of rope and wrapped it many timed around their chest and arms. Jeff continued his muffled complaining, but that only fueled Pablo’s fire. Pablo was used to being on the receiving end of rope, and it was particularly thrilling for him to not only being tying up Dustin again, but to be tying Jeff as well. “Okay, I think that’s good enough, don’t you agree,” Pablo asked. Dustin and Jeff both looked up at their best friend, and now captor, in acknowledgement. Jeff struggled against the ropes, but he couldn’t get free. Dustin sat there, still enjoying the situation he was experiencing. “Now, I have a little confession to make,” Pablo said to his captives, “Jeff, you were right. I did hustle you guys. I’ve been playing Call of Duty for weeks to make sure I could beat you, and for good reason. I’ve wanted to tie you guys up ever since that night you got stoned out of your minds and left me in the basement all night and morning. By the time you guys untied me, my muscles were screaming from pain and exhaustion. Tonight, you guys are finally gonna get to feel what that’s like. Good night.” The enjoyment in Dustin’s faced washed away like wave on the shore. Surely, Pablo wouldn’t leave them like this all night. Dustin tried to speak up, but the bandana and duct tape firmly kept him from doing so. Pablo shut the light off, and the last thing Dustin and Jeff heard were the sounds of Pablo ascending the staircase. Jeff began to thrash about immediately, but Dustin remained calm. Pablo was the nicest of the three of them, so Dustin was confident Pablo wouldn’t leave them bound and gagged to one another all night. But as the silence of the night crept on, Dustin began to lose faith in his theory. As the twilight continued outside the windows, Jeff exerted every ounce of energy he could trying to get free. He twisted his fingers every which way possible without breaking them, desperately looking for a knot. However, Pablo had hidden them so well that there was no way for Jeff to reach them. Dustin began to search as well, but he knew Pablo was a master at rope and wouldn’t leave them such an easy escape. As the sun began to peek over the horizon, Jeff and Dustin were drenched in their own sweat and exhaustion. Their hands and feet were still tied perfectly, and even though the rope around their chests slid down to their stomachs, thanks to their struggling and sweating, it was still holding them together. With no strength left in his body, Jeff did the only thing left he could. “MMMMPPPPPHHHH!!! MMMMMMPPPPPPHHHHH!!!” Jeff shouted, hoping and praying someone outside would hear him. Of course, since it was winter, all the windows in the house were closed and properly locked, leaving no chance for anyone to hear Jeff’s cries. Dustin continued trying to escape, but his muscles were sore beyond belief, worse than any workout he’d ever done. Still, Dustin wasn’t a quitter, and even though he knew him and Jeff were getting what they deserved for what they did to Pablo, Dustin didn’t want Pablo coming downstairs to have the satisfaction of finding him and Jeff still bound and gagged. However, as eleven o’clock rolled around and Pablo came downstairs, he found Dustin and Jeff exactly as he left them. “Wow, you guys look completely exhausted,” Pablo said, “Kind of like I did when you finally came around to untying me in the basement. I guess it’s safe to say you guys have learned your lesson.” Both Dustin and Jeff nodded. They were completely spent and would agree to just about anything so Pablo would let them go. “Good. So…I’m gonna head out and meet a couple friends for brunch. I hope you don’t mind staying that way for a little while longer. Don’t worry, Dustin, I’ve got your house keys. Oh…and I’m borrowing your car. See you in a bit.” Dustin and Jeff protested in unison as they watched Pablo walk out the front door. As they heard Dustin’s car pull off, they both lie on their sides in complete frustration. Jeff was convinced his friendship with Pablo was over. Dustin, though, began imagining his revenge, and he was more than confident that Jeff would want to be a part of it. THE END Model: Chad Model: Uriah Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:05/11/2011
24 photos; 3:05 video
Texas Turner set his beer down on the family bible on the credenza and reached for the phone. He belched once and said, "Hello?" "Hey, Texas!" "That you, Snow-Cone?" "Yeah, man. I got it all arranged." Turner lowered his head, raised his eyes, and slowly blinked three times. Then he looked back down. "Tex, you there?" "Uh, yeah. You talking about what I THINK you're talking about, Snow-Cone?" "Yeah, man. I'll pick you up about nine in the morning, okay?" "You DO talk me into some crazy shit, you know? I ever tell you that before?" "All the time, man, but this ain't crazy. You'll see. It's gonna be COOL." "See ya, cuz." "Later, dude." And that was that, thought Texas Turner as he hung up the phone. He'd better hold down on the beer XXXX tonight and think of something convincing to tell Carol and the kids about what he was doing in the morning. *** "I ain't taking my shirt off," said Texas, as he watched the slender, goateed man bind Snow-Cone's hands behind his back. Snow-Cone shrugged. He had removed his shirt and applied his own tape gag before submitting his wrists. He know that "Master" Waynon wouldn't care if Tex wanted to stay entirely clothed. Waynon wasn't even much of a master, anyway. The dude just got off on wearing bad ass leather clothes and tying up folks in his basement. He didn't ask for anything in the way of payment, didn't mess with the folks he restrained, and wasn't into anything sexual, at least not while his "clients" were there. Texas raised an eyebrow and looked at Snow-Cone's baggy jeans. The area below the hips was wider than Snow-Cone's shoulders, and Texas thought it might be easy to hide an erection in there. He still didn't buy that there was nothing sexual in this for Snow-Cone. The kid had been going POOF every Saturday for weeks, and to think that this strange little man with the goatee was the reason . . . "You can keep the shirt if you want," said Waynon. "But turn around and put your hands behind your back now." "Okay," said Texas. He looked at the floor as he felt his wrists being encircled by compliant rope. He was still looking down when Master Waynon knelt and bound together his ankles. Then Waynon carefully tape gagged Texas. When it was done, Texas huffed experimentally through his nostrils and then exchanged a long glance with Snow-Cone. Damned, he thought, if his cousin didn't look handsome bound hand and foot. And damned if the chatty boy didn't HAVE to keep his mouth shut now! Studying Texas's face, Waynon said, "You okay?" Texas could only nod. He thought that being bound was not uncomfortable, at least if the dude doing it knows what he's doing, and apparently, Waynon did. Snow-Cone sank down to his haunches against the wall. At a nod from Waynon, Texas did the same. He noticed Waynon watching Snow-Cone, and he couldn't prevent himself from doing the same. He felt that he had encountered something extraordinary, but that he'd also have a hard time explaining it to anyone who had not experienced it. Being bound was . . . Texas, who had a good vocabulary, found himself groping for the right words. Sexy, okay, but how? Relieving, soothing, trusting, what? "Now I'm going to tie you TO each other. Snow-Cone, face your cousin and get close." Texas saw Snow-Cone's cheek muscles lift beneath the gag, and he knew his cousin must be grinning. Ha! thought Texas. This was just too wierd. If he looked straight ahead, he was looking at his cousin's mouth gag. It was funny that he'd never noticed how much taller than himself his cousin has become. Then Snow-Cone waggled his hips, and Texas raised an eyebrow. Just contact, he told himself, just touching, just an animal response. It doesn't mean anything. And, oh, he could do without the annoying boy giggling behind his gag! Snow-Cone waggled his butt again, and this time the motion drew Waynon's attention. "Hey," said Waynon. "I thought we agreed we were all gonna be straight boys today." Oh, boy! thought Texas. Who in their right mind would guess that he, Texas Ursinus Turner, could get tied up to his cousin in a basement and then inexplicably get horny? And if we all agreed to be straight boys today, what were Waynon and Snow-Cone OTHER DAYS? "Don't worry about him," Waynon said to Texas, "but he ought to have warned you. Being tied up ALWAYS gives Snow-Cone a woodie. In fact, it's one of the things I like about him." Waynon removed the ropes binding the men together, and then he loosened and retied the ropes so Texas was bound to a support pole and Snow-Cone to a large drainage pipe. Waynon hitched up his leather jeans. "I'm gonna leave you guys like this for a while. Don't be running off." With that, he left the room. Snow-Cone noticed that Waynon had not retied Texas's ankles. He nodded at his cousin, and then he leaned out to look around Texas to make sure that Waynon was truly gone. Snow-Cone thought that his cousin's eyes above the gag were enigmatic. He could tell that Snow-Cone was thoroughly enjoying himself. He and Snow-Cone then made a mutual production of looking at everything in the room but each other. Finally, Texas could stand it no more. He looked at Snow-Cone and ennunciated, "Mmpphh?" Snow-Cone answered, "Mpphh-huh!" The two cousins understood each other perfectly, and, as such things go, Texas thought being tied up with Snow-Cone beat the hell out of mowing the lawn . . . and maybe even bowling. The End Texas played by Sammy Snow-Cone played by Andre Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 06/05/2006
31 photos; 4:36 video
You know that phrase, “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas”? Well this story is just too good not to tell. It all started when Rex found an awesome deal on some anime cosplay costumes. The catch was that the seller did not want to ship the costumes since the fabric was delicate. The deal on these costumes was just to bad for Rex to pass up. So Rex told his buddy Jack about the costumes and head for Vegas. Jack did not really care about the costumes that much. He was just excited about going to Vegas. He was going to get some bitches and make his millions there. Of course as we all know, this is the one thing that never happens in Vegas. And Jack was about to meet the real Vegas. The two got off the plane and headed straight to the seller's house. They wanted to get business out of the way before the pleasure begins. The house they went to was off the beaten path just outside of the city. “I'm getting a bad feeling about this.” Jack confessed. “You worry to much. The guy makes cosplay costumes. He doesn't work for the human slave trade.” Rex said. “I'm sure we will be fine.” He then XXXX on the door to a rundown house. The door slowly opened and revealed a man. “You must be Rex. Great to meet you.” the man said as he shook Rex's hand then looked to Jack. “And you must be Jack. Heard so much about you. Come in, come in. I got your outfits all ready. The name's Nick.” The two walked in to a very nice living room. You never would have thought it looked this nice from the outside. “Make yourself at home. Let me get you two a couple of beers.” Nick said as he disappeared into the kitchen and reappeared a moment later with two bottlenecks already opened. Rex and Jack each took big swigs of their beers. “So not to be rude, but where are the costumes? Can we take a look at them?” Rex asked. “Sure sure. Thanks to your measurements that you gave me, I was able to make the modifications so that the costumes will fit perfectly. I even gave you the extra room in the crotch for Jack's costume since you said he's rather large down there.” “Ummm,” Jack started, “How do you know what my sizes are, Rex? And how do you know how big I am down there?!” “Well remember that night you XXXX at my place? Well I had to get the measurements for everything that Nick asked for.” Rex explained. Jack turned to Nick. “Why do you need to know how big I am?” he asked. Jack was starting to feel a little dizzy, as was Rex. “It's quite simple really. My clients want to know the size of everything on the man they are buying.” Nick explained. He got up and walked over to Jack and started to undo Jack's pants. The XXXX beer had now taken it's full effect and Jack and Rex were unable to move or do anything to stop Nick. “Now let's just see if Rex was lying or not.” As he pulled Jack's pants down, revealing his 11 inch member. “Woah! You weren't lying Rex. And he's not even hard yet! I am going to make a lot of money off of you! Now let's check you Rex.” Rex, try as he might, could do nothing but let this pervert do as he wished as his pants, too, were pulled down. Both Rex and Jack's consciousness started to fade. “Very nice! Well I better get you two wrapped up and ready to be picked up. Have a nice XXXX.” The last thing Jack and Rex saw was Nick leaving and coming back with coils and coils of rope. “I do love my job!” Nick said. “I get to tie up unsuspecting men and play with them until I sell them. Life doesn't get any better than this.” Nick beXXXX tying up his packages and copping a feel every now and then. Soon he had two handsome men all tied up and ready to go. “Now don't you two go anywhere. I'm going out to go get your new masters.” Nick said as he walked out the door. The End... Model: Jack Model: Rex Ropework by: Nick007 Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:04/15/2013
25 photos; 3:30 video
Model: Mike Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 10/23/2007
30 photos; 3:03 video
The name of the band was JASPER. And they were making it big time. Youtube had been their main outlet and it was only by chance that the kid of one of the execs at NBC had mentioned this group to his father. His father made some calls and, done! Jasper had a recording contract with a tour starting in New York. They would be an opening act for “The Who…” a great way to get known. Twenty-two year old Tony was the lead singer and writer for the group. A hell of a nice guy, Tony would not hurt a fly. Tony had one fall from grace: he stole every word he wrote! Tony would research online little know garage bands and find their lyrics, and write his music to them. It would be his downfall. “Punch” was a grunge rocker who had a small garage band that would play at some local clubs and parties in Philadelphia. He had put his music on Youtube, and was surfing when he came to the Jasper site. He froze as he read the lyrics to their first album. “That shithead stole my fuckin work!” Punch read carefully to be sure. “Yes, this Tony fraud is making it big time with my words.” Punch planned to make Tony pay. Checking the tour dates for the Who tour, Punch and his band members realized that Tony would be near Madison Square Garden. There would be tight security for the Who, but who gave a shit about Jasper. It was easy to get into the caverns of the Garden before the concert started. A sweet smelling rag, and Tony was out cold. Dragged down into an opening in the subway, they kept him out until 3 AM when they dragged his XXXX form up a subway escape tube, into a van, which speed away through the Lincoln Tunnel to an old house in Jersey. Tony was out cold when he was dumped on a bed. “Bind and gag him,” Punch ordered. “No problem,” said the drummer. The stripped off Tony’s shirt. “Want these ropes on his skin!” They proceeded to rope his wrist, arms, legs and feet nice and tight. Shoving a rag down his throat, they tape gagged him. Then, taking a pail of cold water, the splashed it in the bound man’s face. Tony awoke with a startle. He bucked and soon realized that he was all tied up. He tried to speak, but also found he was gagged. With the drummer holding Tony by his tied arms, Punch lashed his fits into Tony’s gut. “Steal my fuckin songs and make money off them did you?” Punch lashed away as Tony tried to harden his gut and take the abuse. He was never tied up before, and tried feverishly to break his arms and hands free, but the drummer was good at his craft. Finally, the stopped their gut punching, and hogtied Tony. “We have some plans for you!” They left him hogtied on the bed. Tony tried with all his might to break free of his bounds. He jerked and rolled and pushed and only increased his rope burn and numbness. Rolling off the bed to the ground, he tried to sliver his wrists under his but to his front, but the ropes binding his arms made the leverage needed impossible. Finally, exhausted, he laid there, breathing heavy, awaiting his fate. His captors returned and untied his arms, moving his hands in front of him and retied them. He was placed in front of a laptop, his Youtube site on the screen. “Its simple,” Punch said to his sweating victim. “You type in your blog that you are a fraud, that you stole all the lyrics from us, and that your group is history, and email it to ALL your fans. Then, you sign this promissory note and we get the money you made on our work.” “NEVER,” Tony moaned, showing his macho, yet wondering what they would do. Tony began to scream and mpffed, “OK YOU WIN.” Tony wrote the blog and signed the papers. The chemical smelling rag returned. Tony awoke, again hogtied, in a puddle of dirty track water on a subway siding. It took his nearly six hours to brake free of the ropes. He could not go to the cops: he was guilty himself of fraud. The Who went on stage early and played latter, one of the greatest concerts at Madison Square Garden. And Tony….. He shaved his head, got a business suit and looked for a job on Wall Street. The End Model: Hal Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 05/17/2006
26 photos
Struggling against his tight ropes, Peter thought, “How the hell did I get into this mess.” His hands, elbows, legs, and toes were tied very securely with no hope of escape. “God damn it” Peter screamed into his plug gag. He should never trusted that “salesman”. This all started around 5pm; Peter was laying down on his couch after a hard day of work. He was in his favorite casual clothing: an orange wifebeater and a pair of jeans. He was about to drift off to XXXX when he heard a XXXX on the door. “WHAT?!” , Peter yelled at the door. “Who is it?” No one responded so Peter didn’t get up and closed his eyes. A few seconds later, there was another XXXX on the door, but this time there was a voice “Is anyone there?” Peter got up and opened the door. There was a guy about 20 to 25 wearing a black suit and black pants holding a briefcase. “Good evening sir”, the mysterious man said. “Can I have a moment of your time?” “What is it?” Peter sounded pissed and was about to slam the door. “Can I come in for a minute my good sir? I want to sell you this great cleaning product that will save you hours of cleaning time”, the salesman sounded pleasant. Wanting to end this quickly Peter decided to let this guy in, let him do his pitch, and then kick him out. Peter motioned the salesman to come in and he followed Peter into the house. “Nice place you got”, the salesman smirked. “Uh thanks”, Peter responded. “So, what’s this thing you are selling now?” Suddenly Peter heard a click and felt a sharp pressure on his back. “What the hell is this?!” he yelled. “What do you think this is dumbass?” the salesman smiled. “I’m going to rob you.” “Not if I have anything to do with it!” Peter turned around. “Sigh” the salesman dropped his head. “You muscle-bound lunk heads are all the same. No brains.” The salesman lifted up the concealed item right between Peter’s eyes. “Now, can you guess what will happen next? I suggest you think VERY carefully about your next move.” Peter’s face contorted with suppressed rage, but he just lifted up his arms and put his hands in the air. “You are not as stupid as I thought. As long as you do what I say, this will be a very quick and simple robbery”, the salesman motioned Peter to the couch. Peter put down his arms and sat on the couch. He rolled his eyes and asked, “Now what?” “Now all I want you to do is put your hands behind your back. Simple even for you” the salesman pulled out some white rope from his briefcase. “Call me Sal by the way” the salesman said while tying Peter’s hands. Sal was no novice when it came to tying someone up; his knots were very tight. He even had the presence of mind to tie Peter’s upper body too so in case Peter’s hands were free, he was still tied up. After a minute, Sal stood up and looked at the tied up Peter. He tried to move his hands, but could not. “Tight enough for ya?” Sal chuckled. “Shut up” Peter grunted. “Well” Sal looked insulted. “Don’t we have an attitude today?” Sal looked through his briefcase and grabbed a plug gag. “Now, open wide”, Sal held the gag over Peter. “No!” Peter refused and clamped his mouth shut. “Ok so it has to be this way huh?” Sal sighed. “Ok fine.” Sal went over to Peter and pinched his neck. Peter let out a loud yelp which gave enough time for Sal to shove the gag in and tie it behind Peter’s head. “MMMM!” Peter shook his head in protest. “Shut up.” Sal smacked the back of Peter. “Now all I have are the legs. Can’t have you kicking me now can we?” Peter hearing that tried to kick Sal with his strong powerful legs, but Sal managed to grab both of them and hold them together in his left arms. “Ugh” Sal kept restraining Peter’s thrusting kicks. “Why do you ALWAYS have to fight back.” Sal got the white rope on the floor and managed to get the rope around Peter’s ankles. “This isn’t going to be enough for you” Sal pushed Peter’s knees together. “I have to cover all of my bases.” Sal literally went through the rope as if it was on fire. He was sparing no expense to rope in the fact that he just kept wrapping and tying Peter’s knees, ankles, and feet. He even tied Peter’s big toes together. “Ok”, Sal panted. “You are FINALLY tied up. Be a good boy and stay here while I look around this dump of a house.” Sal left the room which left Peter all alone on his small couch. He tried to break the ropes by pushing against them, but it was no use. Again and again he tried to escape, but the ropes were too tight. No matter how many times he tried to pull, push, or break the ropes, it was completely pointless. Finally Peter thought he could escape so he managed to prop himself up and get to his feet. He thought if you could just reach the door, he would be in the clear so he started to hop towards the door. Just as he was about leave the room and hopped right smack into Sal and fell. “There’s nothing here worth stealing AND you were trying to escape?” Sal angrily said. Peter just stared up at Sal as Sal was just standing there thinking. “OK, new plan” Sal started to pick up Peter. Peter tried to scoot away, but Sal picked him up and threw him over Sal’s shoulder. “I might as well take you and maybe get a random out of it or something.” Sal carried Peter out the front door and threw him into the trunk of his car. “I just hope you got some rich uncle who will pay me to get you back”, Sal snickered. “Enjoy the ride.” Sal slammed the trunk door shut and drove off into the distance with his way too trusting muscle-bound lunk head. The End Peter played by Darien Photography by Caitiff Date of Production : 02/04/2009
24 photos; 5:37 video
Ugh. He should have avoided pissing off the guys in his command during this weekend National Guard stint. Dave struggled against the chair he was stuck to. He really shouldn't have told Todd that he was getting paunchy in the gut. He shouldn't have made cracks about what a limpwrist Pete was acting like. And nevermind telling Corey not to show up next weekend because he was an embarrassment to the Guard. Which is why he was currently tied to this chair, stuck in the basement of the guardhouse, with Corey's sweatstained hankie tied into his mouth. They had jumped him after drills. A pillowcase had been yanked over his head, hands slapped his camo'ed butt, and he was manhandled down into this basement. They had shoved his ass into a chair. TIed his hands behind his back. His legs were securely bound to it. The pillowcase was ripped off his head. "Cut the shit!" Dave growled. "Get me outta this!" His four soldiers merely laughed and high-fived each other. Dave had had this coming for a long time. He started to growl some more orders, when Corey approached him and tied his gross handkerchief into his mouth. They had used rough hemp rope, which was biting into his wrists. It seemed the more he struggled, the tighter the ropes got! He mmpphed angrily into his humiliating gag. "Well, Sarge. We had to humiliate you and run but we think you could use a little alone time. Seeing as you find us to be such shitty Guardsmen. Maybe this will give you time to think over how to approach things in the future." With coarse laughter, his guys exited the basement. He could see them crossing the parade field back to barracks. Damn it! He shoved himself around in his bondage chair. The gag was drying his mouth out. He was stuck, helpless, and starting to regret his action. And Monday was very far away The End. Model: Wolfric Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:09/25/2011
24 photos; 2:36 video
Nick had always been the "tough" guy. At least that is what he wanted everyone to think. He had to prove himself to his buddies when they dared him to taunt Big Jim. Big Jim lived in what seemed an abandoned house down the street. He was the weirdo of the neighborhood. Nick thought it would be a good way to boost his reputation by scaring the crap out of this creep. He slowly crept into the house through the back door. This was going to be easier than he thought. The dummy didn't even lock the doors. He slowly walked into the room and didn't notice the figure creeping up behind him. Before he could turn around, he was hit with something that turned everythign black. Nick slowly came to. He tried to rub his head but couldn't do it. It didn't take him long to realize that he had been tightly tied up with rope. A piece of tape was slapped over his mouth to keep him quiet. Nick thought of the reputation he would be give if his buddies found him like this. The only option was to get loose and get out of here by himself. He started to roll around and try to get himself in a position where he could undo the knots. As hard as he tried he could not figure out where to start. This guy knew his knots and knew them well. He tried rocking side to side to see if he could feel for something sharp that could help him out. All of a suuden he heard some footsteps heading his way. He turned towards the door and saw as Big Jim walked into the room. "You damn thugs! Why can't you just let me live in peace! I called the police but since it was not a life threatening emergency, they will come as soon as they attend to those matters instead. And I see that you are trying to get loose. Well just to make sure that you stay put...." Big Jim walked over to him with a piece of rope in his hand. Nick noticed that Big Jim rubbed his crotch with his hands. He bent down closer to Nick and rubbed on his crotch. Nick's eyes widened when he realized that Big Jim now knew that his dick was hard as a rock. For some reason or another, being all tied up and gagged aroused Nick. He tried to control it but just couldn't do it. Big Jim stroked himself and Nick for quite some time. All of a sudden he let out a big sigh like some sort of relief. He rolled Nick to his stomach and hogtied him tightly. Hell this is going to be harder then I realized, thought Nick. "That ought to hold you. At least it will give me some time. You better hope the police get here before I am done." said Big Jim. He walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. Nick was really mobilized now. Struggling only made the ropes tighter. He decided to just lay there and do his best, hoping that the police got there before Big Jim came back. The End Nick played by Johnny Photography by Caitiff
17 photos
30 photos; 1:32 video
Hunter knew that he had gotten into more than he had bargained for. He showed up for his regular “modeling” session on this Saturday morning. But when he XXXX on the door, it was open, so he walked on in. After he got into the entry way he saw a note on the floor. He picked it up and it read…”Take the duct tape on the table ahead and wrap it around your head and your mouth, gagging yourself. Then take your shirt off and proceed to the study and wait for me.“ Hunter was a bit confused, but as he knew that he was getting paid to be a model he did as he was told. After sitting in the study waiting for the photographer he was suddenly grabbed from behind….not by his photographer, but by his photographer’s EX-boyfriend. Hunter was confused. The EX (a.k.a Bobby), grabbed his arms and duct-taped Hunters wrists together behind his back. OUCH! Hunter said as the tape pulled on some of his arm hair. Bobby pushed Hunter to the ground, grabbed his legs and quickly wrapped his legs with the duct tape securing them together. Hunter didn’t know exactly what was going on. He thought that this might be like a hidden camera kind of thing that he was being filmed and so he didn’t struggle to much to “escape”. He knew that Bobby and the Photographer (a.k.a. Dustin) did bondage together all the time. After a few minutes of searching the room with his eyes, Hunter didn’t see any cameras or any sign of Dustin. He then started to panic, after about 15 minutes of not seeing Dustin he really started to struggle against the duct tape to try and break free. But the damn duct tape wouldn’t give way and he couldn’t get out. Bobby came back in the room after he heard Hunter yelling and said, “You can scream all you want, but no one is going to hear you buddy.” He then picked Hunter up and threw him in the closet. Hunter wouldn’t stop yelling, so Bobby put duct tape over Hunter’s eyes so that he couldn’t see what was happening. As Bobby slapped him around a bit, he then closed the closet doors and said “Good luck getting out boy, Dustin had to go out of town on an emergency this weekend and won’t be back until Monday night. I hope you didn’t have any plans until then!” Bobby laughed and then walked out of the house leaving Hunter all alone in the closet. The End Hunter played by Himself Photography by Caitiff
40 photos
Brad always knew that his boyfriend Rob had been cheating on him, and he wasn’t going to take it anymore. One night Brad decided to go over to Rob’s apartment and surprise him. “Hey Rob, I bought a bottle of your favorite rum and put it in the fridge for you!” Rob being excited about this eagerly went over to the fridge and started XXXX straight from the bottle. “Damn this is some good shit Brad!” Rob yelled across the room. Brad thought to himself...just keep XXXX it bud. “Oh man, I don’t feel so good” Rob said and fell to the ground XXXX. Unaware that Brad had dropped a little bit of "fun" in the rum, he had just gulped away at the sweet nectar. “That should keep you out for awhile so I can work some magic on you.” “First we have to get you into your naturally slutty state so let’s just remove all these clothes.” Brad proceeded to strip off all of Rob’s clothes until he was completely naked, laying on the bed, unaware that anything was happening to him. “Now just in case you wake up we have to get you helpless.” Brad then ripped the t-shirt that Rob had been wearing and tied his hands behind his back. Then Brad thought…”Don’t want him being able to say anything else or lie to me anymore, so better make sure he can’t speak” and with that, Brad shoved a wad of the cloth from the t-shirt in Rob’s mouth and then used another strip to tie it securely in place around Rob’s head. “There we go, but we’ve only begun this fun little night!” Brad smirked with an evil grin on his face. “Wake up Rob!” Brad yelled as his soon to be ex-boyfriend came to. “Mmmrrrmppffff” yelled Rob as Brad quickly covered his mouth with his hand. “Can’t have you screaming too loud….the neighbors will hear you.” “Now to make sure you don’t go anywhere, I think I’m gonna make you just a little bit more secure” as Brad pulled out his duct tape. “MMMNNooooooorrrrr” yelled Rob as he struggled to get loose. “But to be a warning to your trick you have coming over tonight…oh yes, Rob, I found your little appointment book...I bought some special colors to warn him of your shadiness.” Brad then proceeded to wrap Rob up in the colors of the traffic light, starting with Red as a BIG indicator to would be tricks coming over after he was long gone. Soon after yellow followed and Brad thought as he wrapped Rob’s ass and cock and balls in yellow how this was DEFINITELY the “caution” area. Brad finished off with the green and thought “you know…that white over your mouth doesn’t quite fit with the color scheme” and so he wrapped Rob’s head in the green as well. “No use in you trying to get away, cuz you won’t be able to see where you are going!” as Brad put the last strip of duct tape over Rob’s eyes. “AAAAAhhhhhhhgggg” “Wow”, thought Brad, “I do some pretty good work, maybe I should become an artist, what do you think Rob?” “FFFFFFFuuuuuuuccccc” “Oh, and yes, this does mean our relationship is over” Brad said with an evil smile as he walked out the door! “Have a good night!” The End Rob played by Drew Photography by Caitiff
30 photos; 2:20 video
I snuck into this random guy’s house without a hitch. “Yea, he should really get a security system”, I commented. I decided to turn to a life of crime specifically robbing and stealing so I picked a random house to practice since this is my first time. I jimmied the back door lock and went inside; “I hope there’s something good here”, I thought as I slowly went about the house. I turned a corner and there I saw the owner standing there fixing a picture frame; “Oh crap”, I panicked, “What the fuck am I going to do now?” As soon as I finished that thought, he turned around and saw me; his eyes widen and he looked like he was about to scream. I couldn’t go to jail without at least committing ONE successful job so I pushed him against the wall. “Yo man, what the hell are you doing here?”, the scared guy trembled. “Just get on your knees and put your hands behind your head”, I ordered as I pulled out my rope. “Look man, just take what you want and leave. ”, the guy pleaded. The truth is that I was just as scared as he was; I didn’t know what to do. I just tied his hands together with many layers of rope until I thought of something to say.“Ok ok, look”, I tried to soothe him “I don’t want to hurt you ok? Just tell me where the money is and you won’t get hurt”. “I don’t have any hard cash in this house. Just some crappy stuff like clothes and a TV”, the guy shamefully said. “God”, I started to yell “Out of every fucking house on this damn street, I pick the guy without any money!” “I sorry, but…”, he tried to console me; “Shut up”, I hissed as I pulled out a red bandana from my pocket, “Just shut up”. I stuffed it in his mouth and tied it tight around his mouth; “MM!”, the guy retracted in pain. After a few minutes of thinking, I thought I would give this place a once over and try to find SOMETHING of value to take. I took my rope and proceeded to tie his legs; “Ok, here’s what’s gonna happen”, I continued, “I am going to go through your place and see if I can find something. Remember, if you try anything, Iyou'll be sorry, got it?” He nodded and after a few seconds, I finished with his legs. I was about to leave the room when I heard him crying and scooting across the floor; that just broke the last straw on the camel’s back. I turned around with the most rage-based glare ever and he almost wet his pants. He jerked backwards, trying to get away from me as I came closer until he hit the wall; “OK, THAT’S IT!”, I pulled a white bandana out of my other pocket, “No more crying and no moving”. I shoved the white bandana in his face and tied it even tightly than the red one; this time, he let out a muffled yelp. “No, this couldn’t have been simple”, I slapped him, “You had to make this very difficult”. As I finished pointing and scolding him, I saw a roll of black duct tape out of the corner of my eye on a table. “Oh, what do we have here?”, as I reached for the roll. He just stared at me with his big green eyes and said nothing. “You know what”, I started to tell him, “I have had just about enough of you”. He cringed and just kept staring at me with puppy dog eyes. I took the duct tape and wrapped a few layers around his mouth; he tried to resist, but it was futile. “There”, I stated, “Now, I am going to MAKE sure you don’t try to flee again”. I held out my rope and quickly hogtied him and tied his feet together; this time, however, he did not resist. “Good”, I petted him on the head, “You’re learning”. “Now one last thing to make extra sure you don’t do anything stupid”, as I ripped a long strip of duct tape. I wrapped one layer around his mouth and connected it around his feet. After I was finally done with him, I realized that this life of crime is not for me; I mean, you have to break into a house, search everywhere for valuable stuff which there may not be, take care of the owners, and leave without getting caught. “Yea, I’m giving up this crime business for good, it’s too much work”, I told him. I sighed and stood up, heading for the door. “MMM!”, he tried to get my attention; “Look”, I turned around, “I am WAY too tried to untie you after I spent SO much energy tying you. I’m sure you’ll get yourself free… eventually”. I closed the front door and left hearing the sounds of him struggling to get free. Model: Patrick Photography by Caitiff Date of Production 12/29/2009
24 photos; 5:55 video
It had been a hard week at Primdale Prep. But now finals were over and several of the students had been up all night partying. Dean was one. He had snuck some booze onto the campus. He and his friends had gotten XXXX in an empty dorm. Dean passed out on the futon, still in his school clothes. His friends had not been quite as XXXX so they decided to have some fun at Dean’s expense. Gathering clothesline and cord and every bit of rope they could fine, they bound their friend to the futon. His hands were stretched out to each end of the bed and tied tightly to the frame. His feet were likewise stretched and bound in rope, pulled taut over the frame. But they didn’t stop there. They used more rope to strap the young man to the bed. From his chest to his legs, Dean was soon covered in rope. To finish the job, they gagged the young man with a dirty cloth. They also blind folded him, first with a hat but then with another cloth. They had finished by the time Dean began to stir. Dean stirred and eventually began to struggle against his bonds. “Mmmpphh!”, Dean moaned through his gag. He strained but the ropes gave him no slack. Satisfied their friend wasn't’ going anywhere, Dean’s comrades left, laughing all the way. They probably shouldn't’ have done that as Dean did not remain alone for long. “Mmmm? Mmmpphh!”, Dean begged for release. He knew someone else was in the room with him. He could hear them. But whomever they were, they didn’t untie Dean. Instead Dean felt hands feeling his body. They tickled his socked feet and pulled on the ropes. The ropes were pulled even tighter around Dean’s body, restricting him even further. Dean struggled against his bondage. He could find no release. Worse the friction was giving Dean a massive boner. It must have been obvious. The mystery hands reached up to Dean’s crotch. Dean heard his fly being unzipped. He felt his dick being pulled out and gently rubbed. “Mmmm... Mmmmmm!... MMMMMMMMPPPHHHMMMM!!!”, Dean shot after only a few minutes of stimulation. He had never been handled by another guy before. With all the studying he hadn't’ even been able to jerk off. Dean hadn't’ realised how horny he had been. Dean breathed heavy though his gag as he heard the mystery hands walk out the room. The End Model: Matthew Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:02/17/2012
22 photos
Models: Hal & Hector Photography by Sammy Date of Production: 11/06/2006
28 photos; 6:34 video
20 photos
It had happened on the way home from the store. John was normally a very honest person but as he was walking out with his groceries, he spotted a wallet laying on the ground. John wasn't a thief but he picked up the wallet. HE was even about to return it when he noticed it was filled with several hundred dollar bills! Well, the store owner would just pocket the money anyway, John thought as he put the wallet in his pocket. As he walked away with the money filled wallet still in his back pocket, he convinced himself that he would see that the wallet got back to it's rightful owner...eventually. And get back to it's owner it did, though not in the way John had planned. A week and a couple of hundred dollars from the wallet later, John was taking it easy at home when he heard a XXXX. Answering it, he found himself face to face with the biggest man John had ever seen. "Excuse me. But I was told you were at the Save a lot on Chipewa a few weeks ago. You found a wallet. It's mine." The man said in a gruff voice. " A wallet?! No no, you've made a mistake. I didn't find any wallet." John lied. John had not only not made any effort to return the wallet but had 'accidentally' used some of the money to pay bills. But there was way he was going to tell this guy that. "I see." Said the man, his tone not betraying a hint of emotion, "So you are saying you didn't find a wallet filled with money? Because I really need to get that back. " "No, sorry. never saw it.", John tried to quickly close the door. He would have succeeded too, had not the man at his door put a huge hand out. "I hate dishonest people." The man said with a snarl. John gave a small gulp as he stared up at the huge hulking man bearing down on him. "Mmmm!" John grunted incoherently. The several layers of duct tape plastered over his mouth made anything John tried to say an unintelligible moan. He would've taken the tape off if the man at his door hadn't also tied John's hands and legs with clothesline. Bound and gagged on his bed, John could only groan helplessly as he glared at the man. "You've caused me quite a bit of trouble, taking my wallet. I think I'm due a little compensation." The man pushed John over on the bed and made him lay on his stomach. He then began to feel up John's body! "You know, you're not a bad sort. Not too pretty. But my kind of not too pretty. Maybe I should make up for my time with you." "Mmmm!", John moaned frantically. "Maybe later." The man said as he headed out of the room. "let's see what else you got here to make up for my time". And with that the man left John alone. The way John figured, he had better do something fast or else he was going to become this guy's new play thing. And John didn't relish the idea of being a crazy person's bondage sex toy. Wiggling and twisting his bound body, John inched toward the window. If only he could attract one of his neighbor's attention. John was nearly at the window and was about to put his head under the blinds when he heard the man's voice behind him. "Now this is what I get fro trying to make you all comfortable." He said as his hand clamped over John's mouth. "There, now you can't wiggle away so much." John's captor said as he finished hog tying his prisoner. Tied so his feet were bound to his hands, John couldn't do more then roll uselessly from side to side. Something John's captor seemed to watch with no small amount of glee. "You look so cute like that, almost a shame to leave but I got your T.V. and DVD player and I figure that should be a good compensation. if not, I'll come back and take something else." The way the man said 'something else" left no doubt in John's mind he meant taking him! "Oh, I almost forgot" the man said and reached into John's back pocket, taking out the wallet that had gotten John in so much trouble. "Like I thought. You took some of the money. Well, maybe I'll be coming back after all. You hang tight while I pack away your stuff. Got to make room in my trunk." The man then left though John knew not for long. Desperately he strained at his bonds, even though he knew he would never get free in time. The End John played by Anthony Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 05/23/2002
22 photos; 5:29 video
Model: Donovan Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 10/10/2014
32 photos
“Mmmmpphh mmmmeeemmmooo!”, Cliff yelled through the tape gag over his mouth. Cliff struggled against the tape that bound him hand and foot to the chair in his apartment. In the other room Cliff could hear his stuff being thrown around. The burgler who had tied up Cliff was not being gentle with Cliff’s possessions. If Cliff hadn’t been so tired from mowing the lawn, he might have had the strength to fight back when the Burglar sneaked in and jumped him. But despite his struggles, the man had managed to XXXX Cliff out. When Cliff regained conscienceless, it was too late. “Mmmm! Mmmm!”, Cliff grunted again as he strained against his bonds. His shirt, unbuttoned while he had been doing yard work, slipped down over his shoulders while streams of sweat ran down his chest. Cliff had had no idea that duct tape could be this strong. Even his attempt to break the chair he was in was in vain. All he could do was jerk around and grunt as his place was ransacked. Just then Cliff could hear the outside door to his building open. Someone was walking up the stairs to Cliff’s apartment. Someone was coming! Before Cliff could make another sound through his gag, however, the burglar was on him. He wrapped his hand tightly over Cliff’s already taped mouth, making sure Cliff understood just who was in control. “Hey Cliff, you there?”, Dave yelled from behind the door. Cliff had forgotten Cliff had said he would come over today. Cliff’s heart jumped. If he could get Dave to understand he was in trouble, he was saved! “Be quiet!”, the Burglar whispered. Cliff wanted ot yell out and he would have. Though gagged, Cliff could have made enough noise that even a chowder head like Dave could figure out something was up. But the Burglars hands clamped painfully tight on Cliff’s face made the promise of violence clear. “Hey Cliff. i hear you in there. Open the door!” Cliff let out a quick grunt despite his captor holding him. Cliff felt rough hands squeeze his throat. “Hey You ok in there?” NO I am not ok. I’m bound and gagged and being XXXX by a robber you moron! Cliff heard the door begin to open. Cliff had almost forgotten he had given Dave a key. The Burglar, realising that Dave was coming in, silently ran tot he kitchen, signalling Cliff to be quiet if he knew was good for him. Dave entered the apartment and stood for several minutes, his moth agape. Finally Dave seemed to get that His friend was bound and gagged before him. But his reaction after that made no sense. A broad smile spreading across his mouth, Dave sauntered over while Cliff franticly tried to warn him of the robber in the other room. But instead of getting the clue that something was really wrong, Dave instead sat his ass down on Cliff’s knee. What the hell? “Well isn't’ this sweet! I knew you’re girlfriend was kinky but sheesh! You would think she could untie you before she left.” I wasn't’ tied up by Ally, you idiot!, Cliff thought. Wait! What did Dave mean he knew Cliff’s girlfriend was kinky?! “You know, I think maybe I should go over and see Ally while you’re busy here. You don’t mind do you, buddy? Just say so.” Dave was so into his teasing his now enraged but helpless friend, he didn’t even see the burglar as he sneaked up behind Dave. Cliff, also was to preoccupied by his friend’s stupidity to notice. “Yeah, you’re girlfriend is hot! And it’s not really cheating if we let you watch, right? Wow, that would be kinky! Dave didn't’ see the robber until he was upon him. Dave let out a brief yelp before he was taken down. A few minutes later and Dave was no longer in any condition to tease anyone. His hand bound and his mouth taped, he could only stare at Cliff and the Robber while making pathetic moans through his gag. Cliff looked over at his best friend . What an asshole, Cliff thought. To Be Continued Cliff played by Clark Dave played by Stan Date of Production: 10/02/2006
20 photos; 3:19 video
Business Man played by Happy
Bad Guy played by Dalton
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 02/02/2025
Tags: grabbed, suit, bad guy, hand gagged, chair tied, cleave gag, tape gag, gagging
27 photos; 7:38 video
Gagged Guy played by Patrick aka Tynan Fox
Bad Guy played by Dalton
Rope Work by Dalton
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 01/02/2025
Tags: jock, twink, bad guy, hand gag, stuff gag, tape gag, gagging, chair tied, shirtless, groped, fondled, stroke, exposed, tease
35 photos; 3:59 video
Model: Adrien Folwer
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 12/05/2024
Tags: underwear, plug gag, twink, gorilla tie,
11 photos; 5:29 video
Model: Tonny
Photography Marco Grieco
See More Here
Date of Production: 11/28/2023
TAgs: leather, tape gag, hands in front
20 photos; 3:14 video
Model: Tidus
Bad Guy played by Dalton
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 11/23/2024
Tags: taped up, bear, dominated, bad guy
25 photos; 3:35 video
Bound Guy played by Jack Stone
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 11/12/2024
Tags: cleave gag, shirtless, underwear, socks
15 photos; 4:17 video
Model: Kelven
Photography by Caitiff
See More of Kelven here.
Date of Production: 03/02/2022
Tags: outside, leather, otm gag, twink, muscle, shirtless
20 photos; 3:11 video
Model: JD
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 01/15/2025
Tags: cleave gag, socks, hog tie, grope, gagging, gagged, tape gag, hand gag