28 photos
Sidney was in trouble. It was probably the fact that he was tied up in a grungy basement that was his first clue. “We know it was you, Sidney!”, the leader of Sydney’s Gang, Mickey, spat out. “Look, I tell you it wasn’t me. I didn't’ tell the cops nothing!” “I’m sick of this guy!”, Joey the gang’s muscle said as he grabbed Sidney’s head in a head lock and squeezed. “It wasn’t me. I don't know what you think I said but..Mmmmmppphhh!”, Joey’s hand clamped over Sidney’s mouth. As much as he struggled, Sidney couldn’t break free of Joey’s vice like grip over his mouth. His protests came out as mumbled moans. Joey held on tight, cutting off Sidney’s air. Fortunately for Sidney, Joey didn't’ seem to want to actually kill Sidney. Yet. He let go as Sydney’s face began to turn blue. Catching his breath, Sidney tried once more to defend himself. “Look, I can’t be the guy who ratted us out because I..Ooph!, but once again Joey kept him from talking. This time Joey sucker punched him in the gut. Then to keep him quiet tape was put over Sidney’s mouth. Joey then grabbed Sidney by the neck and squeezed just enough to make sure that Sidney understood how fucked he was. “No one wants to hear it. we know you went to the pigs last night.” Last night?! Sidney had been screwing his girlfriend all of last night. She could vouch for him. But tape gagged, Sidney couldn’t tell them that. How the hell did these guys get the idea that he had gone to the cops anyway? Sidney had his legs tied tightly together. Joey stared threateningly at Sidney. “Don't’ even think of going anywhere, punk!”, Joey said. “So what are we going to do with jabber jaws over there?”, another member of the gang asked. ”If my info is right, the cops are waiting for him to give them a signal before they move in. No signal, no cops. At least for a while.” Joey explained. “So we keep him on ice. For now.”, Mickey said. “And after?” “I got some chains and cement in the back. Fishes won’t mind one more good meal.”, Joey said with a sneer. He seemed to be anxious to do Sidney in. Bound and gagged, Sidney was a helpless spectator to the planning of his own demise. His one chance came when the gang went off to another room, confident that their captive wasn’t going to go anywhere. Sliding his ass off the stool, Sidney bunny hopped towards the back door. It was his only chance. The front of the house had his erstwhile partners. Unfortunately his captors weren't’ complete idiots. The back door was barred literally by a large metal pole. With his hands bound behind his back, Sidney doubted he could open the door. But if he didn’t he was fucked. “Going some where?”, Joey whispered. Sidney jumped as mush as his bondage allowed. He hadn’t noticed Joey come down at all. “You’ve been such a good sport, I almost feel guilty.” Huh? What was Joey talking about? and why was she whispering? It was as if he didn't’ want the others to hear. “Funny story. When Mickey found out there was a stool pigeon, I had to get a fall guy and you got picked. It was me that told them you went to the cops last night. But don't’ worry, I’’m not going to kill you. But you will be stuff in a trunk in the garage until the police can find you.” That son of a bitch! But Sidney had no time to contemplate Joey’s confession. Behind them the rest of the gang was coming down the stairs. “MmmmmmmPphh!””, Sidney moaned through his gag right before joey punched him in the jaw. Unable to defend himself, Sidney went down. Then Joey kneed him in the gut. Now stunned as well as bound and gagged, Sidney was meek as a sheep as Joey picked Sidney up over his shoulder and began to carry him out. “Mmmmmm!”, Sidney moaned pitifully as he was carried away. The gag made sure that he couldn't repeat Joey’s confession. “So long. have fun feeding the fishes, you rat bastard!” Mickey said as Joey carried Sidney away. “don’t worry buddy, ”, Joey said mockingly as Sidney continued his vain struggle, “I’ll take care of your girlfriend. In fact, I’ll be hitting that piece of ass up tonight.” And Sidney knew Joey wasn’t kidding. The End Sidney played by Mitch Joey played by Rod Date of Production: 11/15/2007
32 photos; 6:04 video
Model: Ron Jefferies Snatcher: Dean Photography by Nick007 Date of Production: 4-17-2015
20 photos; 6:10 video
Model: Cliff Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:09/14/2013
32 photos; 3:09 video
Damn he was hot, Tony thought. All Johnny Cash in his black shirt and pants. He was a stud. a fucking hot as shit sexy as hell love machine and he was going to get so laid tonight! Tony sprayed on extra cologne with the pheromone musk. Tony had struck out with all the secretaries at his work so he was surprised when one of them recommended a bar where the ladies were all looking to hook up. And if the women were as slutty as advertised, Tony had his little bag of helpers he had bought from his dealer. A combination of roofies and Spanish Fly the guy had said. Tony carefully followed the directions to the bar. It was in a dark corner of town Tony had never gone too before. The whole place seemed somehow creepy. He could almost swear he saw two dudes holding hands and kissing as he drove by but pushed the thought out of his head. Why would a dude want to kiss another dude? Finally he found the bar he was looking for, The MANdate. Weird name for a bar but the music sounded great. Tony could bust a move and impress the chicks. Unfortunately there didn’t seem to be a lot of women here. It was a total sausage factory. Finally he saw a hottie sitting by herself. That was weird because one would think that all the men here would have swarmed all over a hot piece of tail like that. But the other men in the bar didn’t seem to notice her. Oh well, Tony thought, their loss. “Hey baby, what you doing here?”, Tony said smoothly. Or at least it was smooth in his own head. “Uhh having a drink.” “You know that glass ain’t the only thing you could wrap your lips around tonight.” “Excuse me?!” “Does that bar stool have a tongue? Funny, I do!” “What the? Asshole, get away from me!” Damn none of his best lines were working. Time for plan B. “Wait, I’m sorry. I was a jerk. Let me buy you a drink to make up for it and I’ll never bother you again.” “Fine whatever.”, The woman rolled her eyes but went back to her drink. Tony bought a fruity drink, the kind girls liked and before he got back to the table slipped one of the little white pills in his pocket into the glass. He laid the drink on the table. Now it was just a matter of waiting. “Hey Did you slip something into my girls friend’s drink?”, A man accused Tony. wait, that wasn't’ a man, he had breasts. “’What.. No! I don't’ know what you are talking about!” , Tony lied but by this time the bouncer had come over. “This sleaze slipped something into My girlfriend’s drink!” “Is that true sir?” “No. Of course not. “ “Then why don't’ you take a drink. Prove it!”, the disturbingly mannish looking woman demanded. And why did she keep calling her friend her “girlfriend”? Wait a minute! The rusty gears behind Tony’s beetle brow slowly began to churn. Something weird was going on here. “Uhh I don’t drink. I mean, that’s a fag drink. I mean...”, Tony was now drawing a crowd and for some reason they seemed to not like Tony. “Ok I put a little relaxer in there. So what? is that a crime?” “Uhh yes. Yes it is..”, the Bouncer said as if talking to a small XXXX. Sweat ran down Tony’s face. He had to get out of here. Quickly he rushed for the door... and didn't’ make even two feet before the bouncer gut punched him. Tony collapsed to the ground. .... Tony awoke slowly. The first thing he noticed was his hands were tied behind his back. The second thing he noticed was when he tried exclaiming, “What the Fuck.” Instead only incoherent “mmphs” came out. Tape had been wrapped around his head, sealing his mouth. With difficulty Tony managed to get a sitting position. “I’m not sure we should do this.”, Tony heard the bouncer say. Beside him was another man. “I told you, ”, the other man said, “I cant’ afford to have the cops involved. They would love to use any excuse to shut this place down. “Mmmpph!” Tony complained. Ok, so he tried to get laid in a less then ethical manner but that didn’t mean they could just tie his ass up like this. “Tie his feet and then go. I’ll take care of this guy. don’t worry. he won’t say anything. not unless he wants to be dropped off at the police with that little bag of his. He has as much to lose as we do. More.”, the other man said and despite his struggles, Tony soon had his legs bound. The bouncer and his boss then left, leaving Tony alone in the bar’s back room to struggle and moan. He fought against the ropes but they held him tight. Tony tried to scream for help. But somehow he had the idea that even if he hadn’t been gagged, few would all that interested in helping him. Tony stayed like that for hours in agony. Not just from being bound and helpless but because the roofies wasn’t the only XXXX he had purchased. The Viagra was kicking in and his dick rubbed against the fabric of his pants. He was horny as hell and now way to get off. The bar owner came back in to check on his guest. He seemed about to say something but noticed the bulge in Tony’s trousers. “Well, maybe you didn’t come to the wrong bar after all.”. Tony was XXXX to his feet. His eyes went wide as his fly was unzipped and his hard dick flipped right out. But the man did not stop at his penis. Tony’s short was unbuttoned and his hairy chest exposed. “Well, aren’t we the macho one. Always liked the chest hair. Smooth boys do nothing to for me.”, the man played with Tony’s nipple’s. Tony grunted in XXXX and rage as his chest and dick were played with. But bound and gagged, there was nothing Tony could do. His pants were pulled down and Tony’s molester seemed to take special delight in playing with tony’s balls as they flopped around. The man then took each of Tony’s bubble buns in his hands and rubbed them. And to Tony’s XXXX, his dick only got harder. Tony had no interest in being felt up by another guy. But his dick wouldn’t go down. And the pressure was getting worse. The bar owner seemed to know exactly where to put his hands. Except every time Tony was sure he would explode, the bar owner moved to a new spot on his body. Tony grunted in rage at the frustration. Tony was whirled around and his ass slapped hard. “Sorry buddy but I think you owe everyone something before you get yours. But don't’ worry. You’ll get laid tonight. One way or the other. I couldn't’ forgive myself if I let an ass that nice get away.” Tony’s eyes went wide at that statement. he was pushed back onto the table and left alone again. Desperately he struggled again in his ropes and as before he remained as tied up as ever. And any minute a bar full of horny gay guys was going to fuck him! What the hell was he going to do?! Back in the bar the owner sat down to get a drink. “You really going to have fun with that guy?”, the bartender asked. “Good God I’m tempted. An ass like that is wasted on a straight dude. But no. Let him stew for a while, worrying about it though. Serve the bastard right. we’ll let him go in the morning.” The next day Tony almost got fired for being so late to work. But he was a lot more respectful towards woman ever since. The End Model: Mike Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 08/21/2008
26 photos; 2:21 video
There he was, XXXX like a little blond angel. And here I was, in his living room, with a pile of rope and a dirty mind. Patrick and I had become buddies over the past 6 months, and one time after a few (quite a few) beers, he had let it slip that he was turned on by the idea of being overpowered by another guy. He had gone to great lengths explaining how it was not a sexual thing, that he liked chicks, etc. etc., but that he had this weird kink about being jumped and tied up by a strange guy since he was a kid. We had exchanged keys to each other's places, so gaining access was no problem. It was a matter of timing. I wanted to catch him unexpectedly, and help him live out his fantasy. Being a frustrated actor, I knew I'd enjoy playing the role of the bad guy, and he could relax knowing it was me and enjoy his fantasy to the fullest. But I had no intention of playing around with the bondage. That part was going to be real. You see, I get turned on by bound guys, too! My lean, blond friend awoke almost immediately when I clamped my hand over his mouth. The panicked expression on his face was priceless, and I couldn't help smiling as I growled out my lines. "Do as I say and you won't get hurt, got it, punk?" "Mmmpphhh!" A quick flip and he was off the sofa and onto the carpet. Enjoying every moment, I whipped some rope around his wrists and knotted it off. "C'mon, man, what are you doing?" whined my surprised prey when I released my hand from his mouth. "Shut up!" I replied as I pulled a red bandanna from my back pocket and jammed it into his mouth, pulling it as tightly as I could behind his head and double-knotting it. I had to admit he looked as cute as hell lying there in his striped pajama bottoms with the red cloth gag contrasting so nicely with his bright blond hair. Unraveling a few more coils of rope, I took my time hogtying him. I enjoyed the hot grunts he made as the ropes were pulled tight, contorting his body into an arc. He began to roll around, struggling to find any looseness, but there was none. I'd been tying knots ever since Cub Scout days, and he wasn't getting out till I let him out. I took his place on the sofa and watched the show, enjoying every twist and roll and grunt until the poor guy exhausted himself. I taunted him, staying in character as best as I could, and the quizzical look on his face as he struggled in true bondage for the first time was funny and sexy at the same time. "Well, buddy," I said, finally, "I guess you could always break into my place next week." The End Ritchie played by DJ Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:03/14/2006
28 photos
Chad was exhausted, he needed the overtime but all the extra hours at work were taking their toll. He had finally gotten some time off and he was going to get some much deserved XXXX. After stripping down to his boxer-briefs he laid down. Soon his eyelids began getting heavy as he drifted off to XXXX. It was not long before he woke with a start; when he opened his eyes he was staring down the barrel of a concealed item! Behind the concealed item a hefty man in a ski mask was glaring down at him. “Well, looks like XXXX beuty is awake.” “What do you mmmMMffFFFHHHhhh?!” Before Chad could finish the sentence the hefty man was beside him in bed with a meaty hand clamped over his mouth and the concealed item still pointed at him. “You, talk to much. Shut, the hell up!” growled the hefty man. Chad struggled futilely against the mans hand-gag. Even with only one arm holding him Chad just was not strong enough to break loose. “MMmmFFffetMMHHGo” “Keep it up and you will be sorry”, hissed the hefty man as he raised the concealed item and aimed it at Chad. Chad immediately went XXXX and passive. “Good. good I like my guys nice and submissive. Now here is the deal, this is a robbery I am going to have a look around and see if there is anything I want. But right now I don’t want you getting in my way.” From out of nowhere the man pulled out several lengths of rope and began wrapping them tightly around Chad’s arms and legs. Chad started protesting as the hefty man began binding him up. “Please don’t tie that tight rope around me. It really hurts. Chad could feel each coil of the rough rope bite deeply into his tender flesh. “Ouch,” moaned Chad. “I really dommmFFFhhh, MMMMpppHHHH. “ The hefty man XXXX a green bandana beween his teeth and tied the loose ends securely behind his head. “I told you to shut, the hell up. And just to make sure you stay quiet ...”, the man slathered a sticky piece of duct tape over Chad’s mouth also. When the hefty man had securely gagged Chad he finished tying him up. He had tied Chad’s hands behind his back and also tied his ankles and knees together. Chad strained against the ropes as the man walked out of the bed room to look around the house. No matter how hard he tried he was unable to get free. He stretched and pulled and finally manged to sit up on the bed. The rope kept biting deeper into his skin and his muscles throbbed from all the struggling. Chad also could not hide the fact that everything that had happened so far had him so turned on. If it had not been that he was also scared for his life he would be enjoying himself. After taking a break for few seconds Chad staggered to his feet and began slowly hopping towards the door. If he could just reach the door and slip out the back way he would be safe. With each hop the door got closer; just as he reached the door, it burst open and XXXX him off his feet. Chad lay on the floor dazed from the fall and looking up at the hefty man in the ski mask. “So, trying to escape, huh?” “Well guess I will just have to make sure you are not gonna be anymore trouble. “ The man pounced on Chad and using more rope he quickly pulled his legs and arms into a very painful hogtie.” Chad, howled in pain behind the gag. Then the man hefted Chad onto the dresser. “This should keep you out of trouble.” Chad struggle a litle on top of the dresser. The pain was so exquisite, that there was no denying how aroused he was now; even the man noticed. “Well, well nothing else in your house is worth a shit but it seems that I finally found something I want”, he said as he approached and slid his hand down the back of Chad’s underwear. “Yes, that’s nice and tight for me. Good, and maybe you get something you want from me too.” The man slowly began unzipping his pants...” The End Chad played by Andre The Robber played by Sammy Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 04/13/2006
20 photos; 3:54 video
Model:Donovan Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:03/12/2013
22 photos; 5:10 video
Model: Chad Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:07/11/2013
31 photos
Doster loved to tie up men. He didn't dwell on the reasons why or even considerate it an aberration of his. If you asked him, he'd say that there's nothing unusual about men wanting to bound and gagged, tied and helpless, and he was only in the scene to accommodate these fellows. Fellows like Daniel - Daniel, sitting so handsomely on the edge of the bed, already comfortable in his restraints, comfortable in this place, and confident, obviously, in the intentions and gentleness of Doster. Just the way Doster liked to have his friends, in fact. Sounding him out at lunch the previous day, Doster had asked, "So, Daniel, what do you like to do or have done to you when you're tied up?"Do?" asked Daniel, surprised. "Well, I kind of like being helpless, you know." "You into sex during bondage?" Doster asked. Daniel coughed in embarrassment, sending some of his drink up into his nasal cavity. He couldn't believe his brand new friend Doster had asked that so nonchalantly while sitting at a table in a crowded Denny's. Then Daniel found that he simply had no answer. Sensing his discomfort, Doster did not further pursue the question. He decided to just follow the young fellow's lead. And first he had to find out how Daniel took his bondage. So far, so good, thought Doster. Daniel, bound hand and ankle reclined on the bed, cognizant of the vast amount of rope that Doster had not yet employed – on him! Daniel was thinking that this was too easy. Even when Doster added the gag, Daniel thought about his own body in bondage. The XXXX parallelism of his limbs, captured and bound together, incapable of separation, but capable of parallel movements. Doster was not thinking about such technical things. He was thinking that Daniel had a rosy glow that he admired. He did want to have sex with the young man, but he didn't want to rush the guy. If not in this session, he thought, then the next. On his side, on his back, Daniel could have fallen asleep. "Wouldn't you be more comfortable without those shorts riding so high on your hips?" asked Doster. Daniel considered, and then he nodded tentatively. "Great!" said Doster. He pushed Daniel's ankles down, straightening his legs, and placed Daniel's legs over his shoulder. He reached down with both hands and tugged Daniel's shorts down, exposing the twin globes of Daniel's ass. Daniel rolled onto his belly with his ass elevated, granting Doster a good view. "Still okay?" Doster asked. "Sure," or something very similar, Daniel said into the gag. "Great," said Doster. "Let's get your hands behind your back. We'll see how you do with that, and if you're okay, we'll go for a hog-tie." Daniel had not lost the feeling that his fantasies were being made true. He sat quietly while his hands were being untied, and then, without prompting, he pivoted around and offered Doster his wrists, now behind his back. Daniel raised an eyebrow when Doster twisted Daniel's hands around so that they were knuckle-to-knuckle instead of palm-to-palm and secured Daniel's wrists that way. It was simple, but effective, thought Daniel. Doster allowed his willing captive to get comfortable again in his new bondage state. Daniel knew that he was not helpless yet. He could still twist and even, if needed, hop. Daniel needed not worry because Doster soon had him hogtied with another rope from his ankles completely encircling the ropes at Daniel's wrists. And Daniel did not need to consider what Doster already knew and practiced: the wrists are not designed for pulling loads. The hog-tie part of the session would be short, but sweet, he hoped. Daniel tried to relax into his restraints. It was hard not to experiment a little, though, so he did, which delighted Doster. When Daniel rolled onto his back, flexed, and raised his butt off his bound wrists, Doster sighed so hard that his cheeks inflated momentarily. He thought that Daniel was perfect. He wanted this guy in bondage as often as this guy would let him. He liked the looks and the lines of the guy. Doster wanted to get Daniel all stretched out, hoisted on tiptoe, entirely naked. He wanted to feel, to touch every part of this handsome young man. "Hey, Daniel!" he said, and he grinned as his captive, showing his teeth locked around the gag, looked toward him. The end. Daniel played by Kirk Photography by Sammy Date of Production: 06/12/2006
35 photos; 5:09 video
“Forty..Forty one ..Forty two..” Jed’s muscles ached. He had been working out all day in the basement of his frat house. The school gym had better equipment but he liked the privacy. No one ever came to this part of the frat house basement. This was true especially now with summer break. Most of the rest of the fraternity had already gone. Well, almost everyone. Jed was the top jock in the frat, or at least he told himself that. He certainly acted like he was in charge. Unfortunately for him he had made a few enemies. Donald was one of them. No where near as muscular as most of the guys in the frat, he had taken Jed’s abuse for years. Donald had finally had enough. He knew he wasn’t near strong enough to take down Jed. But Donald wasn’t Jed’s only enemy. Five other guys had stayed behind after regretting Jed ot think they had gone. When the six guys came down the stairs, Jed only gave a dumb stare, uncomprehending of his fate. “What’s going on?” was all Jed had a chance to say before his frat brothers jumped him. With practised ease they soon had Jed’s hands tied behind his back. As much as he strained his bulging muscles, Jed couldn’t break free. “What the fuck..mmmm!” “I told you I would get you back.” Donald gloated at his captive after Jed’s mouth had been sealed with a few strips of sticky tape. “What do we do with him?”, Dylan, another of Jed’s traitorous brother, asked. “I got a few ideas.” Said Frankie, another target of Jed’s sadism. “I got a lot of ideas from all the shit he did to me” Jed sat on the work out bench, silenced by the gag. He continued to struggle against his bondage while his frat brothers conspired about what to do with him. Finally they came up with an idea. Jed knew he was in trouble when they stood him up so they could pull hi shorts down, exposing his ass. Jed was then pushed back down onto the bench and then bent over. Jed recognized the polished wooden paddle. Officially the pledge was not supposed to haze. That hadn't’ stopped Jed of course. Now Jed’s captors planned on giving him a taste of his own medicine. “MMMM!”, Jed vainly protested he was about top be paddled. But Donald stopped the first swing at the last moment. “Wait! We cant’ do this!” Thank God! That wussy finally came to his senses, thought Jed. “We don't have a clear path to his ass. We need to retie him.” “Mmmpphmmm!?” As strong as he was, Jed was still sore from his work out and he was up against six guys. So they again had no problem retying his hands, this time in front of him. Then he was XXXX to lie belly down on the bench, his hands secured to the bench leg. A little more rope made sure that Jed’s legs were spread out. His ass was now open to whatever abuses the frat had in mind. “Ok now what?”, a brother asked. “We’ll start with the paddle, get that ass nice and red and tenderized. Then we can have some real fun.” “Mmm?” What did he mean “real fun”? Jed eventually found out. They kept Jed bound and gagged for a number of days doing every thing Jed had ever done to another frat brother. Jed became a lot better person when the next semester rolled around. The End Jed played by Ryan Rockford Photography by Caitiff
18 photos; 5:08 video
Model: Garrett Model: Raphael Model: Cliff Photography by Nick007 Date of Production: 3-28-2015
20 photos; 3:34 video
Model: Jordan
Photographer: Zac
Date of Production: 01/10/2015
23 photos; 5:08 video
Model: Raphael Model: Cliff Model: Garrett Photography by Nick007 Date of Production: 3-28-2015
20 photos; 5:27 video
Ronnie was a dick. He was rude and full of himself and generally a.. well, a dick. But Ronnie also had a lot of money and that had always bought him some leeway with the guys he hung out with. Until now. Partying all night and getting XXXX, Ronnie had managed to insult every single one of his friends, most of the other partiers and one very hurt dog. Then, as if nothing had happened, Ronnie fell asleep on a chair. Ronnie continued to XXXX long after most of the guests had gone home. Ronnie had pretty much ruined the party anyway. Ronnie’s friend’s decided. This time Ronnie would learn his lesson. First they gagged Ronnie with a rag. Then they tightly bound his hands together with black rope. More cloth was stuffed into Ronnie's mouth and then kept there by a cloth tied over his mouth. Then to keep him seated in the chair, Ronnie’s ankle’s were tied to the legs of the chair. Ronnie didn’t begin to stir until after he was well tied and gagged. By then it was too late. “Mmmmpphh!?” Ronnie let out a surprised moan as he found he could not move his hands nor talk. Thinking it a joke, Ronnie was shocked when none of “friends” moved to untie him. Ronnie struggled and twisted in his bondage but to no avail. “Mmmm?? Mmphh mmmm!”, Ronnie tried to plead then threaten but the gag reduced everything he said to incoherent mumblings. “He’s moving around too much.” “Can we fix that? I don’t want this asshole getting away before he’s learned his lesson.” “Yeah we got more rope.” Ronnie soon found himself tied to the chair with more rope around his chest. Ronnie began to sweat. He had no idea what was going to happen to him. “I got an idea.” Somebody said and Ronnie had ear phones put over his ears. “It’s filled with white noise. He wont’ be able to hear a thing. Now we blind fold him. It’ll be like sensory deprivation. Then we have some fun.” The guy was right, Ronnie soon found out. He couldn't’ hear nor see, talk nor move. But he could still feel and what he felt disturbed him. His fly was undone and his dick pulled out. Slowly at first and then faster, he was stroked. Though it seemed weird, having no other sensory stimuli made the sensations of being stroked that much more intense. Ronnie could feel himself getting closer and closer. Ronnie's captors sensed it too because right before he could shoot, they stopped. “Mmmmm!”, Ronnie grunted. He only managed to elicit laughter. Then when he was almost soft, Ronnie felt hands on his junk. The process started all over again, always getting him close and never finishing him off. It would be along night for Ronnie. The End Ronnie played by Matthew Photography by Caitiff
21 photos
The latest heat wave was driving Shawn crazy. It was 103 in the shade, and the only relief he got was jumping in and out of the shower. He sighed happily as he ran the hand-held spray over his steamy cock and nuts..the vibrating, cool water felt so good on his equipment. Feeling nice and fresh, Shawn stepped out and grabbed a fluffy towel. He began to dry himself off with the soft towel, admiring his toned body in the bathroom mirror. A sudden movement in the mirror caught his eye, and before he could even react, a hand was clamped over his mouth. Dropping the towel, Shawn tried to fight the intruder off, but taken by surprise, his arm was twisted behind his back and he felt the cold, sharp edge of a edge against the side of his neck. Catching sight of his attacker in the mirror, Shawn saw it was one of his homeboys, Joaquin, who was holding the edge against his throat. "You still owe me that two hundred, dickwad!" Joaquin hissed. Shawn could tell right away that Joaquin was high, and he realized he had to play this right to avoid getting hurt. Joaquin took his hand away, and Shawn tried to explain. "Hey, man, I haven't got my check yet. I told you you'd get it Friday! C'mon, man, check the edge!" "Shut the fuck up, and put your hands behind your back. I'm gonna take it out of your ass in trade!" "WHAT?" Shawn shouted. "You ain't gay...what the hell do you mean, 'in trade'?" "Naw, I ain't gay," said Joaquin, as he roped Shawn's wrists tightly behind his back. "But I been in the joint...pussy, cock, it's all the same to me!" A chill ran down Shawn's spine as Joaquin wrapped cord around his highly sensitive joint and ball sac, pulling the ropes under his ass cheeks and attaching them to his bound wrists. His cool shower a thing of the past, Shawn's body began dripping sweat as Joaquin knelt down and tied his ankles together. Smiling, Joaquin hugged his bound victim from behind, and roughly stroked his hardening dick. "Fuck, man, don't touch me like that!" Shawn protested. "Shut the fuck up," Joaquin said, tying a thick blue cloth into Shawn's mouth. Shawn winced as the gag was double- knotted behind his head. With a quick push, Shawn tumbled over onto his unmade bed, and was immediately straddled by his horny attacker, who began stroking his lean body, XXXX his unwanted attentions onto his bound and gagged captive. Shawn felt Joaquin's rigid cock brushing against his ass, and moaned loudly into his gag. But Joaquin just teased his bound body til every sense was inflamed, and his cock, pressed beneath him, throbbed agonizingly. After about 10 minutes of this torture, Joaquin climbed off and came back with some more rope. He folded Shawn's legs up and bound them to his wrists in a tight hogtie. Joaquin looked down at his hogtied and gagged prisoner and smirked. "Aight, dude, you dodged the bullet this time. I'll just take this I-pod as partial payment. Show up Friday with the cash or you know what'll happen." Joaquin turned and left, and Shawn began to struggle in his bonds. Panting and grunting into his gag, Shawn found a whole new meaning for"hot summer day". The End Shawn played by Andre Joaquin played by Sammy Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 06/05/2006
36 photos
God I hated that Jerk Tim in Accounting! Always sucking up to the boss, always letting others do the work and then taking the credit! And he only got away with it because he was so eager to wiggle that cute little ass of his. Sure,the guy did have a nice ass, but that just made it even harder to take his bull. Tim needed to be taken down a peg. Fortunately our office has the worst security. The Boss went cheap and bought the fake cameras to scare away potential robbers but save money. and the locks on our aging building were easy to XXXX open. A ski mask and some gloves and I was set. Slacker that he was, even Tim had to work late occasionally and that’s what I found him doing. Well, he actually was playing video games. But he was so engrossed in that that he didn’t see him coming with my fake but real looking concealed item until it was too late. “What the fuck!”, he blurted out, spinning around in his chair. I didn’t say a word. No use ever giving him a chance to recognize my voice if he ever deigned to get off his high horse to talk to lowly old me. I just shoved him against the chair and motioned for him to shut up and stay still. Seeing my concealed item and believing it real, he complied as I quickly tied his hands to the chair. Once his arms were secured, I did the same to his legs. “What do you want?” Tim sputtered when he was finally tied up al the way. I guess he figured that since I didn’t just kill him right away, that wasn’t my plan. Of course I had no intention of actually physically harming him. I had something far worse in mind! “Look, I got money! Take it! I can get you into the safe if you wa..MMMPH!” That choad! He selling out the company’s money! And how did he get the combo to the safe? Only the boss was supposed to have that! I took special glee as I stopped his annoying begging by wrapping duct tape over his mouth and around his head. Silenced and helpless, tim could nothing but give me his infamous puppy dog eyes. Ignoring him I went to work on the computer. Seemed tim hadn’t been just just playing video games after all. There was some kind of program running that was transferring ever so small amounts of money to an account. Not a lot to make a dent in the profits. But when it was added up over time... I soon found the account it was going to and did a little programming of my own. Soon all that money was bouncing around blind accounts until I decided to grab the money. “Mmmaaa! Mmmnnnnmmoooo!”, Tim shook his head and struggled violently in the chair to which he was bound. Inside I chuckled. Who knew how long tim had been working on this little scheme. and now I had gotten rid of it all as he looked on, Bound and gagged and helpless to stop me. And he could never even report what had happened without incriminating himself. But I was far from done with out cute little embezzler with the nice ass. and Tim knew it as he looked into my eyes. I wanted to see just what the Boss saw in this guy. So I began to loosen his tie and unbutton his shirt. “Mmm? Mmmffaammmaammmffph!?”, I heard Tim say through his gag. Didn’t understand a word of it but he sure understood me as I ripped open the shirt of his expensive suit and tugged the pants down around his ankles. Tim was an even bigger slut then I had realized. He had no underwear on, totally free balling. Undoubtedly he was used to having his pants down around his ankles at work. To really bring the point home, Tim’s dick was saying hello. Well, who was I to turn down an invitation? “Mmmm! Mmmmmm!!” Tim’s dick responded to the touch of my hands rather nicely. It was rather well trained and Tim’s hips began to jerk in time to my tugs. The little he-whore! Even bound and gagged and at the mercy of (to him) a total stranger, he was putting out! My handiwork was quite good. Tim was soon panting through his tape gag and I could tell he was about to explode. So naturally I stopped. “Mmmm?” Tim moaned. Apparently he wasn’t used to anybody giving him the cold shoulder before. I waited until he was just soft enough and then started up again And again stopped just as he was about to get off. Start and stop, start and stop. and each time, like a sex crazed pavlovian dog, tim’s manhood took the bait despite himself. After about doing this six times, I stopped one more time and looked at him, motioning to ask if he wanted me to continue. “Mmmm! Mmmmaaph!”, Tim nodded desperately. I smiled under my mask. Under different circumstances I would have happily taken his guy all the way and kept going. But I had a job to do and needed ot get back to it. So instead I took Tim’s rather nice and certainly expensive tie and tied one end around his engorged dick. The other end went around his neck, XXXX him to stare down at what had gotten him into his mess. I wondered if he would ever ge the lesson. I then closed out of the program that had transferred the money (lest it be discovered by whomever discovered Tim) and gave him a look that he immediately knew meant. You aren’t worth it. Of course, he was, with that smooth muscular chest and the boyish face and the body that obviously could go on and on. But no use in letting him know that. Tim’s ego was unbearable already. So I left him, tied up tightly and gagged into silence, his dick still hard because of the tie knotted around it’s base. And me properly revenged and about 1.2 million richer. When I came back to work the next day, no one even suspected I had anything to with it or even about the missing money. That was the good news. The bad news was when the Boss had discovered out little bondage boy still all tied up and gagged tightly the next morning, he didn’t fire him at all. Instead he got a raise for the “emotional distress”! There ain’t no justice! Of course, given what I now know about Tim and how he handles restraint, I was sure if he ever go too cocky again, I could fix that. Maybe next time a little XXXX would be in order. The End? Tim played by Troy Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 06/18/2005
43 photos; 5:49 video
Model: Raphael Model: Cliff Model: Garrett Photography by Nick007 Date of Production: 3-28-2015
20 photos; 5:00 video
I couldn’t believe the nerve of this cop. I wasn’t bothering anybody. All I did was pull into a parking space, drop a quarter in for fifteen minutes so I could order a latte at my local café, something I do every single damn day. The only problem was there was a particularly long line today…and what does this cop do? He pulls his pig wagon behind me to wedge in my car, parking at a fire hydrant, mind you, and proceeds to smugly enter the café and skip the line so he can get his coffee. I can’t stand cops who abuse their power for something so mundane like that. It’s not like he had an emergency call or anything…he just wanted his caffeine fix like the rest of us in line. So I finally get my coffee and head back to my car, and there’s one minute left on the meter. I jump into the car and get ready to peel out, but this pitiful excuse for a police officer is casually sitting in the driver’s seat XXXX his coffee, refusing to move his cop car so I can get out. As I sit there fuming at what’s going on, Officer Dumbbell gets out of his car and approaches my window. I roll it down and try my best to put on a smile. “Morning officer,” I say through clenched teeth. “Morning, sir. I’m afraid I’m going to have to write you up.” “For what?” “Your meter is expired.” I did my best to explain that I couldn’t pull out of my spot because he wedged me in, but he just stood there silently writing up a ticket with a grin on his face I wanted to rip off with my bare hands. “Have a good day, sir,” he said with a smile, then returned to his car and drove off. This is why good, honest Americans don’t respect the law like they should, because idiots like this guy are taking advantage of the system they’re trained and paid to protect. While looking over the ticket, I made a decision that I wasn’t going to let that happen to me. So I pulled off and followed the pigmobile. It was pretty easy to follow this jerk since he only went around the corner to a nearby park, pulled over and proceeded to go to XXXX. This guy is supposed to be protecting the innocent? He needed to be taught a lesson, and I was the perfect guy to do it. I went into my trunk and pulled out a soaked rag (what it was soaked with isn’t important). I quietly approached the oinker, reached in with the rag and covered his nose and mouth. He woke up immediately, but by the time he started fighting back, he was already on the way. Seconds later he was fast asleep once again, but this time he wasn’t going to wake up. I grabbed a bag from my trunk and locked up my car. Then I opened the cop’s car, pushed him over to the passenger seat and got in. As I pulled away, I looked around to make sure nobody saw anything, and as far as I could tell, nobody did. As impromptu as this was, I felt somewhat liberated by what I was doing. It was about time somebody took matters into their own hands to clean up the trash in this city, even the trash that wears a uniform and badge. I pulled up to a warehouse that I get paid to clean on the weekends. It happened to be a Sunday, so nobody would be there except me. I got out of the car, unlocked the warehouse door, the proceeded to carry Officer Obnoxious inside. I returned for my bag of goodies, locked up the cop car and entered the warehouse. There were numerous rooms inside I could use, and the one that stuck out the most was this barely used room that had very little furniture inside it, which was perfect. All I needed was a chair. I propped the pompous policeman in the chair, then opened my bag of goodies: rope and bandanas galore. I kept this bag in my car for trips to the lumber yard; you never know when you’re going to need to tie some wood to the roof, and bungie cords just don’t cut it. I removed a length of red rope from the bag and proceeded to tie the cop’s hands behind his back. I grabbed another and secure his feet. Everything was going perfectly. I reached into the bag and blindly grabbed an American Flag bandana…how fitting! It felt like I was doing a service for my country anyway, so what better gag for a corrupt cop than that. As I stuck the bandana in the cop’s mouth, he began to stir. By the time he was fully conscious, I had that sucker tied tightly behind his head. I looked down at this poor excuse for an authority figure and gave him the same grin he gave me when writing that bogus ticket. “Guess writing that ticket wasn’t such a good idea anymore, was it,” I said. “Mmmmpppphhh! Mmmmmppph!” “Sorry, that didn’t’ sound like an apology. Besides, I’m not looking for one.” I pulled out a longer stretch of rope and began wrapping it around his torso, ensuring he wouldn’t be able to break away from the chair. As he watched me with concerned eyes, the pleasure inside me grew to new heights. I was enjoying this far too much. I mean, here I was XXXX an officer of the law, a serious felony in every state, and all I could do was smile. I’d never broken the law intentionally in my life, but there was something thrilling about this. I felt like some kind of hero…a vigilante protecting the people of my city from dastardly, corrupt men like Officer Entitled. As I stood back and watched my captive struggled like crazy to no avail, I started thinking about different ways I could go into business. I mean, I could definitely see myself working days at the lumber yard, cleaning the warehouse on weekends and protecting the innocent at night. I would need to wear a costume…only the coolest superheroes had costumes. But first I needed to teach my captured villain a lesson...one he wouldn’t soon forget. “People like you take advantage of their position in society and don’t understand that the badge they wear on their chest is a symbol of trust, honor and integrity. You proved earlier that you have none of those qualities.” “MMMPPH!” “I want you to remember what happens here the next time you decide to abuse the power given to you by the people you’re paid to protect.” I reached out, unbuckled his belt, and yanked it off. The cop looked down at his pants as they loosened and quickly became aware of my intentions. He began to thrash about, which only made my knots more restrictive. I knelt down beside him, grabbed his pants and began to pull them down. Suddenly, the door burst open and two uniformed officers rushed into the room. I immediately threw my hands up in the air. Apparently, my vigilante days were already over. THE END Model: Dante Photography by Nick007 Date of Production: 3-22-2015
29 photos
Dennis jumped on top of Brad. Even though Brad was quite a bit bigger then Brad, he went down to the ground in surprise. “You’re mine now.”, Dennis said as he pulled Brad’s hands behind his back and bound them. “Mother fucker! You had better let me go of I’ll...mmmm”, Dennis covered Brad’s mouth with his hand. Brad continued to moan into Dennis’s hand as it covered his mouth. Even through his friend’s jeans, Brad could feel Dennis' dick getting hard. “Time to shut you up”, Dennis said as he produced a rag and tied it in Brad’s mouth. “Mmmpphh! Mmmm!’ Was all Brad could say as the bandana was tied tightly behind his head. Now bound and gagged, Brad was meek as a sheep. Dennis thrilled at having total control over the much larger man. His dick got hard just thinking about how Brad was totally under his control. Even if Brad hadn’t been tied up, Dennis knew he would have done whatever Dennis told him to do because Brad had lost the coin toss. “Now for those big ass feet of yours.” Dennis said as he grabbed Brad’s feet and tied them together. Brad was now bound hand and foot. Dennis admired his friend’s large feet. He knew his friend was ticklish. But first things first. Dennis laid Brad down over the steps. With practice skill, Dennis had Brad’s pants unfastened and pulled down over his ass. With a WHACK!, Dennis slapped Brad’s tender ass. If Dennis loved the sound of Brad moaning while gagged and being under his control, he loved the sound Brad’s ass made when properly smacked. “Ok up you go.” “Mmuff muuu!” Brad cursed. Of course, Dennis knew he didn't’ mean it as an insult. They had played this game before. Brad had lost the coin toss and so was Dennis's bitch until Dennis said otherwise. And down deep, Dennis knew Brad liked it. Otherwise why would Brad keep wanting to play? There was no way Dennis could tie up and gag a big guy like Brad against his will. And to prove that, Dennis made only token resistance as his hands were untied and then retied in front of him to the stair bannister. Brad tensed. he knew what was coming. Dennis had his belt out and he aimed to use it. THWACK! Brad’s ass made a beautiful sound as Dennis laid into it. Again THWACK. And AGAIN! “Mmmmmmmm!”, Brad protested into his gag. But that only made Dennis hornier and hit even harder. Brad’s own dick was getting hard at this point. His mind was racing, wondering what Dennis would do next. It was ok though. Brad knew he couldn’t lose the coin toss forever. Dennis continued alternating between beating and rubbing Brad’s ass. Poor Brad. He wasn't’ the brightest crayon on the box. Months of playing this game and he had yet to figure out that Dennis was using a two headed coin. The End Brad played by Douglas Dennis played by Sammy Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 01/26/2007
20 photos; 2:24 video
Things did look good for Frank. What had started off as his chance to make the biggest deal of his career had turned into a night mare when a strange man had tricked his way into Frank’s hotel room and attacked him. Now Frank was bound and cleave gagged on the bed, clad only in a flimsy towel and at this man’s mercy. From the rough way the man man handled Frank’s nearly naked body, he wasn’t sure the guy had any mercy. “Mmmmm!” Frank let out along moan as his ass was slapped hard. “Oh yeah, listen to that!. That’s a nice sound. Can always tell a good ass by how it sounds when I slap it.” Frank grunted in frustration and anger. It was bad enough being tied up and gagged but the guy was handling Frank’s body like it was a piece of meat at market. “Lets see what else you have.” Frank was flipped over, the towel brushed aside to expose Frank’s cock and balls. Despite himself, Frank could feel himself getting harder. It might have been the adrenaline from the danger he was in. Or maybe it was the way the man rubbed and fondled Frank’s nude body. Either way, the frustration was getting to Frank. “My my my, you are a cute little thing. And I have you all to myself!” The man taunted as he grabbed Frank’s hair and XXXX Frank to meet his man’s mouth. The man slid his tongue into Frank’s mouth and explored with along deep kiss. “And such a good kisser too! I might just keep you!” The kissing continued while Frank’s nipples were pinched. The man then moved his mouth to the rest of Frank’s chest, licking every sensitive spot. “Mmmmmnnnoooo! Mmmnoomnommnoo!” Frank gasped through his gag as the man XXXX him. Frank was getting hornier and hornier and there’s was nothing he could do about it. As if Sensing Frank was getting into his abuse, the man flipped him over. Frank’s bubble butt was an exposed target. Whap! “MMMMMMM!” WHAP! Whap! Whap! The reddish imprint of where the man’s hand had slapped Frank’s bare ass stood out like a neon sign. Frank could only wiggle and moan, which only seemed to encourage his abuser. To make matters worse, as he wiggled, Frank’s dick was rubbing against the soft bed. Not enough tot get him off but enough to add to his frustrations. “Mmmmm! Mmpphhhaa!?” Frank tried to beg, to off the man money if only he would let Frank go. Or at least get Frank off. Being bound and gagged, horny but helpless ot jack off was unbearable! IF only the man would remove Frank’s gag, Frank would offer him anything to at least let Frank cum. “You want it, don’t you stud?” The man gloated. He knew he had broken his captive. “Mmmmm!” Frank nodded his head vigourously. “You want me to let you get off? “ “Mmmmmmmmm!”, Yes, Frank thought. If he had to go through this ordeal, at least let Frank get some release. “Yeah, I thought so.” The man said and pushed Frank to the side of the bed. The man then took out a book and began to read! “Mmmmmmpphhhmmm!”, What the hell!? How could this guy push Frank to the limit and then just let him hang? “Oh don't’ worry. I’ll get back to you. I was paid ot keep you all week end so you missed that meeting. Hell, I might even take you with me for free. But I cant’ have you getting spoiled, thinking you get to have fun whenever you want. Make me happy later and maybe.. MAYBE I will let you get off.” And with that the man turned back to his book, leaving Frank a seething pile of frustration. The End Frank played by Connor The man played by Miller Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:05/28/2011
20 photos; 5:26 video
Model: Dean Photography by: Nick007 Date of Production: 2-28-2015
23 photos
"Are you sure that these ropes are strong enough to hold me? You don't know what kind of a monster I become when it happens." I had tried everything, gone everywhere, but nobody and nothing could help me. And then I heard about this special doctor. They wouldn't tell me his name, and I wouldn't be allowed to see his face, but they promised that his special serum could help me. And right now I was ready to try anything. "Oh no, it's getting dark outside. You've got to hurry. When the moon comes up, that's when it happens. That's when I get so big, and so hard, and it wants so much that I just have to stick it into something. People, animals, water melons -- nobody's safe from me!" "The Doctor is quite aware of your problem Thomas, but we are going to have to keep you quiet so that you don't disturb the other patients." "Yes, yes, anything, but hurry. You don't know what it's like when it happens, when it just keeps growing and growing until I turn into some kind of Shaft Monster. You've got to help me!" "Please Thomas, you must be quiet now and give the Doctor's serum a chance to work." "Oh no! It's starting! Feel it! Feel how big it's getting!" "Calm yourself Thomas. Now we are going to blindfold you until the crisis has passed." I let him blindfold me. I'd let him do anything for me right now. But I wondered if he knew that, if these ropes didn't hold me, he would be my first. And then I felt the pain a terrible pain that started in my chest and my legs and then all concentrated inward toward my crotch until my whole crotch was on fire. The pain was incredible! And then I felt my private muscles screaming to stretch and grow while they were being held back by some invisible XXXX. And then the pain passed away and I felt this relaxing warmth spreading all through my crotch and relaxing me like when you put your head down on a pillow. They took the blindfold off and let me look. And then I saw it, all soft and XXXX. I was normal again, normal for the first time in years! Oh thank you, Doctor X. You have cured me! THE END Thomas played by Louis Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 03/07/2003
25 photos
It had been a long, hot day at the warehouse, and Derek was glad to be home at last. All he wanted was a nice long shower, then to crash in front of the tube. Tired as he was, his discipline won out, and he decided to do his workout before his shower, so he quickly stripped and dropped down to the floor...50 push-ups, then 50 sit-ups, then a nice cool shower. Derek was proud of his toned body...he wasn't massively cut, but his firm bubble butt and nice flat chest suited him fine. "Seventeen...eighteen...", grunted Derek, when he suddenly heard an odd noise from the vicinity of the kitchen. Sort of a thumping, scraping sound.... "What the...??!!" Before he could get to his feet to investigate, Derek was facing an masked man towering over him. He was dressed in black, and his face was covered with a ski mask. In his hand was a large, concealed item, which was pointed downwards at Derek. Derek was in shape and wiry, but the masked man's black spandex T-shirt accentuated the massive bulk of his upper body...he was at least twice Derek's size. "On your feet, buddy", the masked man growled. Derek kept his eyes on the concealed item and did as he was told. "What do you want?" he asked, surprised at the squeakiness of his own voice. "I want you to gag yourself with this," the stranger replied, handing Derek a long strip of thick white cloth. Derek was so stunned by the order, he didn't know what to say, and he accepted the strip of cloth and placed it between his lips. "Pull it tight and double-knot it", he was ordered. Derek pulled the thick cloth into his own mouth as tightly as he could, then reached behind his head to tie it in place. The gag filled his mouth and dug into its corners when he had finished knotting it. "Hands in front!" Derek watched nervously as the gunman laid the concealed item down on a nearby table and pulled several lengths of white clothesline out of his backpack. For a second, Derek considered making a run for it, but the concealed item lying there convinced him it would be smarter to do as he was told. He stood still as his masked man wrapped the rope around his wrists, tightening it with each twist of the rope. Derek was ashamed to be standing naked in front of a stranger, and as the man bound his wrists, his fingers and the ends of the rope flicked against Derek's cock, causing an immediate, embarrassing hardening of his easily aroused shaft. The masked man didn't seem to notice as he ordered Derek to raise his hands behind his head and worked an intricate rope web around his chest and upper arms, pinning his hands back behind his neck. Derek froze as he felt a long rope being worked down from over his shoulders, and down his chest. Suddenly, the masked man grabbed his swelling cock and bound off Derek's ball sac, working the other end back up and behind his neck. The roping on his cock and balls didn't exactly hurt, but the cords dug into his tender, swollen flesh and Derek was shocked to feel himself swell to his full length. His balls felt hot and tight as the rope pressed around the top of his sac and the base of his shaft. "Down, buddy...on your butt", was Derek's next humiliating order. Derek was relieved to feel the ropes holding his cock in bondage loosen slightly as he bent slowly down and landed on his ass. "All the way down on your back!" Derek moaned as the cock-bondage ropes tightened up as his body was extended. He lay patiently as the masked man bound more rope around his knees, ankles and feet. He wished he could sit up again so the ropes around his jewels would loosen. Once his legs were tightly bound, the masked man stood up, looked down at him, grunted in satisfaction, and left the room. Derek, now helplessly tied and gagged, tried to ease the pressure on his balls by pulling up his legs and rolling onto his side. He lay there listening as the burglar trashed his bedroom. After about ten minutes, the studly burglar re-entered the living room and looked down at Derek. "OK, gym rat, you like to work out? Let's see some full-extension sit-ups. Gimme fifty.......NOW!!!!" Derek played by Andre Photography by Caitiff Date of Production 7-10-2005
20 photos; 5:33 video
Model: Dante Photography By Nick007 Date of Production: 3-22-2015
23 photos; 4:32 video
Model: Christopher Rotten
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 02/26/2025
Tags: gagging, chair tie, cleave gag, tape gag, hand gag, grope
23 photos; 5:29 video
Model: Brian
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 02/23/2025
Tags: plug gag, bad guy, fondled, groped, jock strap, hog tie, socks, otter
30 photos; 4:14 video
Bored Worker played by Holden Cox
Intruder played by Dalton
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 12/04/2024
Tags: grabbed, hand gag, bad guy, hog tie, gagged, tape gag, cleave gag, gagging, socks
20 photos; 6:00 video
Worker played by Mauricio
Photography by Marco Grieco
See More of Mauricio Here
Date of Production: 06/29/2024
Tags: Outside, OTM gag, shirtless, underwear, hand cuff
20 photos; 4:02 video
Librarian played by JD
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 01/15/2025
Tags: cleave gag, socks, hog tie
17 photos; 8:22 video
Cow Boy played by Dmitri
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 04/12/2023
Tags: Otm gag, cowboy, boots, exposed, outdoors
11 photos; 5:33 video
Model: BitchmanSP
Photography by Marco Grieco
See More of BitchmanSp Here
Date of Production: 05/28/2024
Tags: OTM gag, muscle, nude, nudity, tattoo, ankle tie, bare foot
26 photos; 5:19 video
Model: Adam
Photography by Caitiff
Date Of Production: 02/08/2025
Tags: Exposed, plug gag, hand gag, dominated, stroke, twink, socks, hog tie