17 photos; 3:56 video
Model: Cody JonsonPhotography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 01/16/2024
Tags: tape gag, groped, bad guy, twink
26 photos; 6:15 video
"Crap, Homer! You agreed to this. In fact, you practically DARED ME. Did you think I was kidding? All I want - ALL I WANT - is an hour of peace and quite in this house."
Homer glared at Eddie. He knew that some of it was his own fault. He had agreed too readily, he knew, to this crazy scheme of Eddie's, but as each coil of rope was added, he kept thinking that Eddie would stop, laugh, and admit it was just an extended joke.
No joke, he knew now, and if he hadn't played the smartass crawling around on his knees and pretending to pine out the window, he wouldn't have his ankles, knees, and crotch tied up. And what's with the CROTCH business, anyway? Now THAT had really surprised him. Old Eddie, teenage co-conspirator, long time co-chaser of weed, pills, booze, and tail, touching him like that and cracking jokes at the same time?
An hour? How long could he wonder about that?
"Well, you don't have to stand around looking stupid," said Eddie. "You can sit down, you know."
Homer said something into his gag that Eddie thought sounded like "oh, fire truck" but he suspected that the message might have gotten garbled in transmission. Eddie choked back a chuckle and continued to maintain a stern expression.
This groaning, moaning bull-shit noise had to GO. Eddie surprised himself, and Homer, too, when he reached open-handed for the gag and placed the web between his thumb and forefinger against Homer's nostrils. Then, reconsidering, he pinched Homer's cheeks upward and pretended that it was what he had intended all along.
It was obvious that Homer was going to be a grumpy shit about this. Maybe, Eddie, thought, he should give Homer something to bitch about.
He rolled Homer over and couldn't resist grabbing a cupped handful of ass check. Again, he surprised himself.
Homer, however, was SHOCKED once again. He was totally still for a couple of seconds, and then he bellowed in rage and spewed mangled profanities against the gag.
Eddie was impressed. He was so impressed that he decided to hogtie Homer.
More bitching and moaning ensued. Eddie shook his head. He knew that the ropes had to be uncomfortable. After all, that was exactly part of what he intended. But Homer was being a stupid shit about this. All he needed to do was to RELAX.
Eddie realized he was on his knees. What the hell - he was supposed to be getting an hour of peace and quiet, and now, when Homer was helpless, Eddie found himself helpless to avoid FUCKING with Homer.
So he did. He cupped Homer's ass again, checked his bound wrists, checked the ropes encircling Homer's ankles and sandals, and just for fun (and because it looked neat) he hand-gagged Homer again over the gag in his mouth.
Homer had been trying his best to stay pissed. He was convinced that if he relented, the hour would slow to a crawl.
But something was happening.
He was getting hard. He felt his erection wedged between the fabric of his shorts and the two ropes, and it was becoming taut down there. Experimentally, he tried a back-and-forth wiggle, and it felt GOOD.
Shit! He wondered about this. His old buddy tying him up, touching him in places Homer would never normally allow, and his response was to get a ERECTION.
Would wonders never cease? (And how could he/should he keep Eddie from finding out?)
Too late. Eddie had observed the change in the direction of Homer's struggles, and he definitely knew what was going on.
And he wasn't going to let it happen. If Homer wanted to get off, he could damn well wait until the hour was up and he was untied. He could then go somewhere and take care of it in PRIVATE.
But then again, messing with Homer while he was bound and helpless held an irrestible appeal. When would he EVER get Homer in a position just like this again?
Homer shook his head, partly in annoyance and partly in bemusement. No shit, he thought, what crud luck. He was one helpless, hard camper.
Had he ever been hard in front of Eddie before? Homer looked down that mostly-XXXX, smokey alley of teenage to adult memory and beyond. He decided that he had been, several times, but neither he or Eddie had been the target of each other's ardor. Never. NOT ONCE.
Maybe this was CHANGING, Homer thought.
Thirty-three minutes later, Eddie said, "Times up," and Homer turned his head away so Eddie could remove his gag.
"It wasn't so bad, was it?" asked Eddie.
"Shit," said Homer, "I've been hard so long I think I'm going to bust. Untie my arms, bud, I gotta jack RIGHT NOW.
And then Eddie had an idea. It came out of nowhere and struck him with clarity.
"Let me keep you tied up for a little longer, and I'll jack you off myself."
Homer felt the blood flow returning to his face. It was an interesting proposition, considering the condition he was in. "How 'bout a blow job?" he asked. This time he was not surprised, but could not predict Eddie's response.
"Whatta I look like?" asked Eddie, taken aback. "Suddenly I'm covered in fairy dust?"
Homer shook his head. "Well, no, but you DID THIS TO ME, so you have to FIX IT."
"No shit. I said I'd jack you."
And that's how Eddie found himself unzipping Homer's shorts and unbuckling Homer's belt. He frowned at the precum glistening on the tip, but then he reclined beside Homer, took the shaft in hand, and began his task in earnest.
Homer exhaled noisily, and then he closed his eyes. He thought that it always came down to this: fuck or be fucked. With everything else that way in his life, why not with his old buddy Eddie, too? After all, Eddie had showed him something. Eddie had touched him for his own amusement and to satisfy his own curiosity, and now Eddie was getting him off.
Peace and quiet, MY ASS, thought Homer. If Eddie ever wanted him tied up like this again, the guy was gonna HAVE to learn how to give a good blow job.
Meanwhile, Eddie was thinking that there wasn't anything at all wrong with a little mutual masturbation. Maybe if Homer was happy with the way he'd jacked him, well, maybe he'd accept a direct exchange. Maybe Homer would want to tie HIM up and jack him off.THE ENDHomer played by EricPhotography by CaitiffDate of Production: 07/06/2006
Tags: cleave gag, bear, story
25 photos; 5:12 video
Model: JacePhotography By Caitiff
Date of Production: 08/19/2011
Tags: cleave gag, shirtless, muscle, socks, underwear, hog tie
35 photos; 6:27 video
Model: Drake
Bad Guy played by Connor Kent
Date of Production:03/12/14
Tags, Twink, bad guy, plug gag, bare foot, tying, spread eagle
28 photos; 4:01 video
Model: Ron Jeffries
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 08/29/2013
tags: muscle, butt, tape gag, socks
30 photos; 5:27 video
Model: Kris
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 01/08/2024
TAgs: cleave gag, underwear, hog tie, twink, shirtless, bare feet
18 photos; 4:40 video
Model: Taz
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 12-20-2023
Tags: cleave gag, socks, underwear
27 photos; 3:00 video
Model: Rhett Tucker
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Photography: 10/12/2023
Tags: stuff gag, nude, nudity, butt, shower, muscle, bare feet
28 photos; 3:17 video
It was better to ask forgiveness then permission, that was Dan’s motto. Not that he had any intention of doing either. His neighbour Fred still had no idea that Dan had been jimmying the lock to his basement door these last few weeks and using his washing machine. Dan didn't’ have one and the money he saved by not going to the Laundromat was really adding up.
It also helped that Fred was a trucker and worked weird hours. He wouldn’t be home for another day. Dan put his first load into the machine and then then stripped off his clothes to add to it. He had the house to himself so why not be thorough? He set the hamper down with the rest of his clothe son the washer.
The drum of the machine was like white noise and soon Dan found himself yawning. A little XXXX on the futon in the corner couldn’t hurt.
Dan was soon snoring loudly. So loudly that he didn’t wake up to the sound of the lock being fumbled with. Nor did he wake up when the basement door was nudged open by a burglar. Dan didn’t wake up until the man’s hand was firmly clamped over Dan’s mouth! Dan’s eyes shot open as he saw the man in a ski mask hovering over him with a edge.
“All I want is the stuff in the house. Be quiet and you don’t get hurt!”
Since nothing here was his, Dan saw no reason to put up a fight. As the burglar bound Dan’s hands behind his back, Dan hoped that he would be able to get free. He still had a whole day before Fred came home.
Soon Dan was bound hand and foot in his underwear. He could only stare helplessly as the burglar grabbed some athletic tape from a shelf and came towards him. It didn’t take Dan long to figure out what the burglar had in mind.
“Hey man, I’ll be quiet. No need to gag m...MMmphh!”, Dan’s plea was cut off as layer after layer of tape was wrapped around his head.
Now Dan was really helpless and at the Burglars mercy. But fortunately the man was as good as his word. He really didn’t care about Dan. The man rushed up stairs where the sound of things being thrown about echoed through the house. Meanwhile, Dan struggled to escape. Even if the burglar had no intention of harming him now, that could change. Besides which, Dan wanted to make sure he could get himself free. He had no intention of being here when Fred did get home to see it robbed.
But the Burglar knew his knots. Though they seemed deceptively loose, the knots did not come loose and Dan couldn’t get his hands or feet free of the ropes. He turned. He twisted. He rolled about on the bed and strained his muscles in a vain attempt at getting loose. But he wasn’t getting loose.
Dan had no idea how much time passed but it seemed like only a few minutes before the Burglar came back down, his arms loaded with a DVD player and laptop and television. He set them out of the door and closed it behind it tightly.
Well at least that part of Dan’s ordeal was over. Now hopefully he could work on getting free. Dan was beginning to have doubts about slipping free of the knots. His only real hope was that he still had lots of time.
“What the hell?” Fred screamed from upstairs. Oh shit, he was home early and here was Dan, bound and gagged in his underwear in basement of Fred’s recently robbed house. This might be hard to explain, Dan though to himself.
It didn’t take long for Fred to find Dan still tied up.
“What the fuck?! Dan? What are you doing here?”
“Mmmpphh!” Was all Dan could say, still gagged tightly as he was.
The tape came off painfully and slowly. But at least it was coming off. Dan let out of a sigh of relief as he was at last able to talk again. Dan was already trying to come up with a believable lie. Maybe he had heard a noise and been jumped?
“What are you doing here. What he fuck happened?”
“Uhhh, “Dan stammered, “I heard noise from your place and came to..”
Just then the buzzer on the washing machine went off.
“Wait a minute. Someone broke in, stole my stuff and did his wash?!”
“Uhhhh, well ..uhhhhh”, thinking quickly had never been his strong suit.
“That explains why I keep finding my door open and lint in my dryer. You son of a bitch! You let the guy in here, didn’t you?”
“No! I..uhh I.. I mean..Mmmpph!” Dan’s poor attempt at an excuse was cut off as a rag was shoved into his mouth. Dan then was hog tied. Instead of being set free, he now had even less freedom and was in even more trouble. Dan had been better off with the robber.
“You’re going to pay. “
tags: story, tape gag, socks, shirtless. underwear
23 photos; 4:34 video
The Victim played by Donovan
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production; 04/16/2017
tags: underwear, socks, twink, groped, cleave gag
24 photos; 6:19 video
Detective Wilkes was running late. He was supposed to turn state’s evidence against a local gang of criminals. AT least Wilkes had a good excuse. Those same criminals had just grabbed him, tying the young cop’s hands behind his back with stout rope before bundling him off into a car.
made down into the back seat, Wilkes couldn’t tell where he was being taken. When they stopped, they shoved Wilkes out and he saw a decrepit old house. The men pushed Detective Wilkes into the back door. Once in one of the bed rooms of the abandoned house, they pushed Wilkes into a corner.
Wilkes stared at his captors, not sure what they would do next. Clearly if they planned on killing him right away, they would have done so, not bothered to tie him up.
“You won’t get away with this. They’ll be looking for me..mmmm!”, Wilkes’ threat was cut off when a filthy rag was shoved into his mouth.
“Shut up, Pig!”, one of the captors said as he pressed the rag deeper into the cop’s mouth. To make sure that the rag stayed in, another piece of fabric was tied around Wilkes’ head. Wilkes glared at his masked captors over his gag.
Wilkes was pushed ot his knees on the floor . Desperately Wilkes tested his ropes, hoping to find some slack in the knots of the ropes that had his hands tied. Wilkes couldn’t find any. He was caught. Even the gag seemed too tight to shove out with his tongue. He was helpless, bound and gagged and at his kidnappers tender mercies.
The captors obviously meant to keep Wilkes around for a while. They got out more rope and wound it around the detective’s knees and ankles. Wilkes now had to sit on his ass as his kidnappers laughed at their helpless hostage.
“Mmmm! Mmmpphhmmm”, Wilkes groaned through the thick gag. The kidnappers just laughed.
“See ya later, Pig!” one of the kidnappers said as they began to leave, “We’ll be back to take care of you after we make sure the trial goes our way.”
Damn, those bastards! That meant Wilkes had maybe a few hours to get free. His only chance was that his kidnappers had been so arrogant they hadn't’ posted any guards. OF course as they he lay on the floor bound and gagged, they might have been right. Wilkes didn’t think he could untie himself. The gag meant that he couldn’t even yell for help. Nothing but muffled groans could escape the thick cloth filling his mouth.
Desperately Wilkes began to struggle against his bondage. He rolled and twisted, trying to get free. However it looked hopeless.
“Hey Wilkes You around here?”
Wilkes would have leapt when he heard the voice of his partner if he hadn’t been tied up.
“MMmmph!”, Wilkes tried to yell out.
Wilkes partner, Manny, found Wilkes bound and gagged on the floor. He quickly began to untie him.
“Good thing I was coming over and saw when they grabbed you, Manny said as he began to undo the knots tying Wilkes. “If we hurry we can still make it in time to get those bastards in jail.
The End.
Detective Wilkes played by Sammy
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production:07/30/2010
Tags: story, cloth gag, socks
23 photos; 7:16 video
28 photos; 4:44 video
Bound Guy played by Xavier
See more here
Bad Guy played by Dalton
Rope Work by Dalton
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 01/26/2024
Tags: gagging, bad guy, hog tie, OTM gag, dominated,
20 photos; 5:54 video
Bound Guy played by Patrick aka Tynan Fox
Bad Guy played by Dalton
Photography by Caitiff
Date of production11/24/2023
Tags: socks, nude, nudity, tape gag, twink, fondled, orgasm, bad guy
20 photos; 2:24 video
Bound Officer played by Danny
Bad Guy played by Dalton
Photography by Caitiff
Date of production: 12/09/2023
Tags: uniform, police, taped up, tape gag, blindfold
52 photos; 2:29 video
Model: Arturo
Photography: Caitiff
20 photos; 4:05 video
The Twink played by Nick Armor
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 03/21/2018
Tgas: twink, tape gag, bad guy, groped
25 photos; 5:29 video
Model: Tommy GunnPhotography by Caitiff Date of Production: 10/09/2017
Tags: shirtless, muscle, tape gag, blind fold, tattoos, gagging, cleave gag, hand gag, bare foot, groped, badguy
33 photos; 8:06 video
Model: UriahPhotography by Caitiff Date of Production: 10/14/2011
tags: tape gag, blind fold, groped, stroke, penis, bad guy
21 photos; 3:40 video
Be careful using your computer in strange hotels
Worker played by AndyBad guy played by DaltonRopework by DaltonPhotography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 01/27/2024
Tags: bad guy. chair tied, muscle, tape gag, hand gag
29 photos; 4:54 video
Bound Guy played by Jean LeFaunBad Guy played by TrixsterRope Work by DaltonPhotography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 01/27/2024
Tags; twink, cleave gag, hog tie, bare foot, jeans
20 photos; 3:30 video
Model: TrixsterRope Work by DaltonPhotography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 01/27/2024
Tags: bear, cleave gag, socks
27 photos; 3:56 video
Flat Foot played by Jon StormPhotography by Caitiff Date of Production: 09/27/2017
Tags: uniform, otm gag, hand cuff, police, socks
30 photos; 5:14 video
Model: Mickey O'Shea
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production:09/16/2010
TAgs: cleave gag, tattoos, socks
23 photos; 4:32 video
Model: Christopher Rotten
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 02/26/2025
Tags: gagging, chair tie, cleave gag, tape gag, hand gag, grope
23 photos; 5:29 video
Model: Brian
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 02/23/2025
Tags: plug gag, bad guy, fondled, groped, jock strap, hog tie, socks, otter
30 photos; 4:14 video
Bored Worker played by Holden Cox
Intruder played by Dalton
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 12/04/2024
Tags: grabbed, hand gag, bad guy, hog tie, gagged, tape gag, cleave gag, gagging, socks
20 photos; 6:00 video
Worker played by Mauricio
Photography by Marco Grieco
See More of Mauricio Here
Date of Production: 06/29/2024
Tags: Outside, OTM gag, shirtless, underwear, hand cuff
20 photos; 4:02 video
Librarian played by JD
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 01/15/2025
Tags: cleave gag, socks, hog tie
17 photos; 8:22 video
Cow Boy played by Dmitri
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 04/12/2023
Tags: Otm gag, cowboy, boots, exposed, outdoors
11 photos; 5:33 video
Model: BitchmanSP
Photography by Marco Grieco
See More of BitchmanSp Here
Date of Production: 05/28/2024
Tags: OTM gag, muscle, nude, nudity, tattoo, ankle tie, bare foot
26 photos; 5:19 video
Model: Adam
Photography by Caitiff
Date Of Production: 02/08/2025
Tags: Exposed, plug gag, hand gag, dominated, stroke, twink, socks, hog tie