29 photos; 4:57 video
32 photos
25 photos; 5:59 video
Model: Mickey O'Shea
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 12/15/2010
28 photos; 6:17 video
“Fuck You!” Todd yelled at his asshole of a boyfriend.
“No, fuck you!” his asshole of a boyfriend yelled back.
And so it went, each screaming at the other louder and louder. Finally Todd ended it like
he always did, by running away. He practically jumped out of the car while it still moving.
Fortunately his boyfriend wasn't’ such an asshole that he didn’t hit the breaks, probably saving Todd from breaking his neck.
Todd got out of the car, slammed the door and stormed off. Having had enough of his bullshit, Todd’s boyfriend drove off.
Great what now? Todd asked himself as he looked up and down the long deserted country road. He tried his cell phone only to get no bars at all.
“Shit!”, Todd yelled at no in particular. This was not the first time his temper had gotten him in trouble, Just an hour before he had insulted a guy at a bar where he and his boyfriend had been drinking. The guy had been livid. Good thing for Todd that his friends had been there.
Todd heard a car coming up from behind. Great a ride, Todd thought but soon changed his mind when he saw the driver. It was that guy from the bar. Oh great, this day was just getting better and better.
“Hey!”, The guy said as he got out of his car.
“Hey what?”, Todd retorted. Admittedly neither was going to win any come back awards.
The smart thing would have been to leave it at that, to walk away. However, Todd’s temper had already flared up again and he was not going to back down. In a display of bravado, Todd threw his jacket onto the ground.
And so the cycle continued. Todd gave a snide comment, the guy retorted and on it went. What Todd did not expect however, was how quickly it got physical. The guy grabbed Todd. Despite his best efforts, Todd couldn't’ break loose. Then things got worse when his attacker took out some rope.
Todd had never been tied up before and couldn’t believe how quickly he was made helpless. Before he knew what was going on, Todd found his hands bound tightly behind his back and more rope around his chest. Now tied up Todd began to realize how screwed he really was.
“Help! Somebody help me..mmmmpphh!”, Todd’s plea for help were cut off as the guy covered Todd’s mouth with tape. Soon nothing could be heard from Todd but incoherent moaning through his tape gag.
“Not so smart mouthed now, are you?”, Todd’s attacker gloated as he shoved his captive around to the back of his car.
Todd did not like where this was going. Clearly he was now being XXXX. The guy was forcing him into the back of his car. Unfortunately Todd had even less power to resist then he had before, being bound and gagged.
Though he tried to fight, Todd soon found himself stuffed into the trunk.
“Mmmpphhaammmm!”, Todd tried to make the guy see reason but the gag made everything he said into pitiful moaning. Desperately Todd tried to struggle to get free from the ropes but the ropes held him fast. Todd’s attacker seemed to really enjoywatching his hostage squirm in the bondage.
Hope you are having fun because you’re going to stay bound and gagged for a long time. I have got so much planned for you and there’s nothing you can do or say about it.”
“Mmmm!”, was all Todd could say before the door of the trunk was slammed shut. Todd could hear the car start soon after and begin driving off to who knew where.
In hindsight, Todd’s boyfriend had not been such an asshole after all. If only Todd had kept his big mouth shut. Now he had a gag to do it for him. Too bad Todd had learned that lesson too late.
The End?
Todd played by Andrew
The Angry Guy played by Zac
Photography by Zac
Date of Production:04/14/2010
20 photos; 3:57 video
28 photos
22 photos; 6:37 video
Model: Uriah
Model: Chad
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 05/11/2011
25 photos
By SoftTouch
"You know what's gonna happen to you now?"
"I didn't do nothing, Boss."
"You got diarrhea of the mouth, Louie."
"I just told my brother-in-law, that's all."
"We know, and now you gotta pay. First we're gonna shut that big mouth of yours. And then we're gonna ship you out to the farm."
"Mmhat marm?"
"You don't know about the farm, Louie? That's where we plant all of that hazardous waste stuff out in the swamp. Got a crew of guys just like you. We feed them turnips, cabbages and grits. Turnips, cabbages and grits every day until they get too skinny to work. "
"Mmo! Mmou man't moo ghat goo me!"
"'Course you don't want to work, we can plant you right away. Now you stay right here. I've gotta make a couple of calls."
The Boss was crazy. I was crazy. This whole mess was crazy. I had to get out of here!
There wasn't anybody watching me. If I could make it out to the kitchen?
Yea, so far so good. Now I just needed something to cut these ropes with. It wasn't easy all tied up like this, but I managed to get a drawer open. And then I fished around inside until my fingers came up with A dipper? No, you idiot! You need something sharp!
A knife! Yes, that was it! Now if I could just cut these ropes?
"Louie, you're just about the dumbest slob I've ever seen!"
"Mmo mease, Moss. MmI mon't mike mabbages."
"Shut up or I'll stuff you in a barrel right here!"
"Now get down on that floor and roll over on that big belly of yours. I'm gonna have to tie you up like one of those turkeys."
"Mmease, Moss! Mmon't met ghem make me!"
"Now Louie, don't worry. You see you've got it all wrong. It's not the cabbages you have to worry about. It's all those grits. They taste terrible!"
"Now you just lie real quiet now. Pretty soon now the truck will be here to take you away, and then all of your problems will be solved."
Louie played by Anthony
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production 05/23/2002
25 photos; 5:08 video
Model: GarretJan
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 04/11/2013
24 photos
There was this hot fucking guy in the football team at my college, Drew, I always wanted a piece of him, but could never get my act together to hold a decent conversation with him, since I wasn't into football there wasn't a lot we could talk about. He must have noticed my eyes on him in the corridor and in the classroom, but he never acted on it. I'm a straight acting, well built guy myself so I guess either he wasn't interested or he never worked out why I looked at him. Lucky for me I have a good friend in the football coach here on campus, he's only a few years older than me, we grew up together. He knows I'm gay and enjoys teasing me with stories of the boys in the team. And he knows I have a major soft spot for Drew. As we're in most of the same classes, sometimes Barry, the coach, tells me to pass on messages to Drew, reminding him of the times of training, whatever I can find to use as an excuse to talk to the dude basically! But this one time as we were getting to the end of our final year in college, I thought I'd keep this little piece of information to myself. I was supposed to tell him that training for that afternoon was canceled, but I had a better idea! This would work if he didn't get to talk to anyone else in the team, so it was a longshot. I'd dreamed of him bound and gagged for so long, I was at boiling point and this seemed like my last opportunity before he disappeared out of my college and out of my life. By 5 pm, the football ground was desolate. The kids had all gone home from school and I was waiting in the shadows for my beefy prey. My car was parked just the other sides of the stalls, well not mine but an old thing that had been left at the janitors for months that I happened to know was not being used. I was dressed in black and wearing a black balaklava. At 5.10 precisely Drew appears, Barry always told me Drew was infamous for his lateness. He takes a seat in the stalls with his bag, I have to act quick at this point because I know the dumb guy ain't so dumb that he'll figure out there's no practice soon. With my replica .45 I move towards the dude and grab his shirt, mmm, he looks so good. "You're coming with me, punk, no arguments", I say and wave the "XXXX" in his face. Naturally he obliges and I push him onto the back seat of the car. He's looking at me with bewilderment, but before he can say anything I tape his mouth shut, tight across his lips. Then I say "Get your hands together in front of you, kid" and he obliges and I tape them together tight too! His ankles are next, taped tight together. MMMMM, my dick is BIG in my pants! He slouches down in the seat, WHAT A FUCKING PICTURE, gotta remember this scene forever! This hottie bound & gagged in the back of my car? Not in a million years! Yet here he was! I savored the moment and added another strip of duct to his mouth for good measure, then I grabbed his gagged face and said, "Don't worry kid, I ain't gonna hurt you, we're just gonna go for a ride and if you behave I may even buy you an ice cream!" "MMMMMWWWWWWAAAAA?" "Behave boy", I said and flashed the replica again. Ah, control! I ripped off a strip of duct and sealed it across his eyes, "This is a mystery trip, dude", I said. I'm surprised we got to our destination in one piece because my eyes spent much more time looking in the rear view mirror at my squirming, buff captive than they did on the road. I was only driving the dude back to his place, I knew where he lived and knew there wouldn't be anyone around and I thought I could just leave him there without worrying as he was only tied with tape he'd soon wrestle himself free after i was gone. We pulled up and in my husky bastards voice I told him "We're here" and I got out and dragged him out of the car. His body language was all kinda dejected as he stood, all taped up and defeated, against the car and if my cock weren't so hard I might've felt a bit guilty. I pushed him to the ground so he was sat on his derriere. "I'm gonna untie your hands for a moment kid, but any funny business and you'll face the XXXX, ok?" "Mmmmpppppffff", he said, wasn't he a good lad? I ripped off the duct and pulled his hands behind his back where I taped them together tightly at the wrists. Mmmmmm that looked much better. "Bet you're wondering why the hell I'm doing this to you, hey boy and where the hell you are?" I asked. "MMMMMMMMMMPPPPPPFPFFFF!" Well, I'm just a horny gay guy who's had my eye on you for awhile, I'm a Leatherman and a bondage master, you know what that means, boy?" Silence. I pulled him up to his feet and pushed him up against the wall. "Thinkin' I want you for my boy, my sub, my slave, kid." "MMMMMPPPPPPPPFFFFFFFFF!" Drew kinda went crazy at this point and threw himself to the ground where he proceeded to struggle and roll around. The sight was fucking' erotic! "It's cool kid, relax", I said. "Your pretty gorgeous and I'd love you for my boy, but I'd never seriously do that to you, like TAKE the rest of your life." Drew was still for a moment then as I started to walk away he started getting more agitated, as if calling me back. "You're just outside of your house, bro", I said, "you'll get that tape off in no time, chill out!" Still, as I got in the car, he continued to scream into the gag and struggle with the tape and I couldn't help wondering, as I drove off, if he was screaming to be set free or screaming because he wanted to be my boy. Or maybe he just wanted his ice cream. Guess I'll never know. fin Drew played by Himself Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 03/15/2003
33 photos
29 photos
I was just waiting for the pizza boy so when the doorbell rang I just opened it. My major mistake. Todd was there and just pushed his way into my apt.
"What the fuck do you want asshole" I yelled.
He just smiled and grabbed me by the wrist. "You know why I am here, don't ya? Fag Boi", "What do you do Fag boi Cliff with my jock staps and filthy gym socks, HMMM? Do you sniff em? Do you wank off in them?HMMMM, Do you lick up you own cum off my sweaty jock strap boi. I want them back get it, Fag Boi ! Understand, but first I am going to have a bit a FUN" He barked still smiling.
He proceeded to cover my mouth with his sweaty hand, I could taste the salt off his palm.
"Two jockstraps and three pair of dirty worn white gym socks. You stole them from my locker" He twisted my right arm behind my back and roughly handgagged me closing the door with his size 12 foot.
I didn't think anybody had seen me break in to Todd's locker. The basketball team was practicing and it was late.
"You forgot the video camera, Prickface, just your luck" I should have gone to the cops with the video tape but I thought this would teach you a lesson in humility and respect for other men's property. He was sickly smiling as he tied a white rope around my shaking body.
" Please don't SIR, not this rope, I have never been tied up before" I cried out. "Please Todd, I will pay you for the jocks and the soiled socks" I yelped.
He said" Yes you will but I have heard enough out off your mouth for the moment" He took out a roll of blue tape and proceeded to tape my mouth shit.
" No don't mmmmpppppppfffffftttthhhh" My mouth was taped and my dick was now hard. I prayed Todd did not notice this. I could feel pre-cum leaking from the tip of my prick. I was barefooted and Todd removed his shoes and white gym socks. I could see the sweat on and between his perfect toes..
The tape was sucure as was the white rope. I was totally trapped. My cock started to throb. I was sitting on a chair and Todd was straddling me smiling. I couldn't utter a word.
"pluzzzzzmmmffff" I moaned.
Todd started to move his large hands under my armpits, pulling on my hair . He was staring at me eye to eye. I know he felt my hard dick as he was sitting on it. He just smiled. He started playing and twisting my tits. All I could do was moan. Pre cum slowly slipping out of my dick hole. He tied my ankles with more white rope, positioned my size 10 feet and tickle torture began. I laughed and cried at the same time. He would not stop. An hour went by, it seemed endless, I was lost. I had shot a load in my trousers as soon as he started the tickle torture and now my cock was hard again.
" I will now tickle you feet till you piss your pants" He exclaimed. "You can clean up the CUM in your shorts with your own piss, Great idea" he barked.
I held on to my piss, I was not going to do this ever, I hoped.He started to lick my ear, telling me how cute I was for a fag boi. He said he was straight and only fucked chicks but that this was different as humiliation was the order of the day. Like in a Frat House. He fucked lot's of freshmen dudes who wanted in the Frat.
He continued to lick my ear. I was delirious, My toes and soles were tingling.
"Well Fag Boi" Todd exclaimed "What have we got here" "You already shot a boi fag load, ready for another?" Todd undid my jeans, slowly reached into my crotch and as his hand touched my cum filled white briefs my dick shot another load. My tied ankles stretching as were my toes. I felt humiliated and degraded.
"You will pay for my Jocks and sweat socks you stole boi and as a punishment you will clean my toilet and wash my sweaty gym clothes for the rest of the term. GET IT?"
I nodded yes, relieved the cops were not called in. I pulled his hand from my crotch, my cum still on his fingers and wiped his hand in my hair.
" I am now going to jerk off on you boi" You will not wash you cum filled hair and go to class tomorrow with my CUM in it" I will tell the team all about you Cliff. He was 100% right. After all I was a THIEF and need to be punished.
23 photos; 3:49 video
20 photos; 4:24 video
The Runner played by Nick Armor
The Catcher played by Adam
Photography by Caitiff
Date of production: 08/06/2018
26 photos; 6:21 video
Victim played by Alex Stone
Bad Guy played by Remy
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 08/06/2018
32 photos
Following the instructions that the Lambda House had left for Tobie was fairly easy. Find the van parked behind the grocery store, go inside, tie the purple bandanna over your eyes, and wait. Tobie wanted to be accepted as a Pledge at the Lambda House in the worst way so he did exactly as he was told.
Now Tobie was sitting inside the van with the soft cloth of the folded bandanna pressing his eyes closed. And then he heard the door of the van open, someone came in and closed the door, and then whoever it was sat down very close to Tobie.
“Are you from the Lambda House?” Tobie asked the darkness. There was no answer. And then Tobie began to smell a strange sweet kind of smell like the guy was wearing some strong cologne or something. “Ooh! What is that smell?”
“Something for you to sniff,” a deep voice answered.
“Sniff…? I don't want to sniff anything.”
Suddenly a big wad of damp cloth was being pressed over Tobie’s nose and mouth and the sweet smell on the cloth was so overpowering that he began to gag. Tobie tried to tell him to stop, and he tried to back his face away from the XXXX cloth, but then another hand grabbed him by the back of his head and began pushing his face deeper and deeper into the damp folds of cloth. And then a strange dizziness and darkness took Tobie away.
By the time the dizziness lifted, Tobie knew that he was in a different place and he was feeling very confused. The Lambda House was devoted to poetry and the arts. Why would they treat him like this? First there was that awful smelling cloth, and now Tobie could feel tight ropes hugging his ankles and thighs, and his chest and his wrists. But worst of all Tobie now had some kind of thick rag tied between his teeth and filling up his mouth up with cloth. And Tobie was feeling like he had made a terrible mistake.
Suddenly somebody’s hands were on Tobie’s head and impatient fingers were yanking the bandanna blindfold off of his eyes. Bright light made Tobie blink his eyes several times before he could see anything at all. Then he looked around at a strange untidy bedroom and realized “This wasn't the Lambda House!”
And then Tobie saw a big guy coming toward him. The guy was dressed in jeans and a dirty sweatshirt and he had one of those rubber monster masks pulled down over his face. And then Tobie saw something else. The insignia on the sweatshirt was the insignia of the Hydras. “Oh no!” The Hydras were a crazy fringe fraternity that you would have to be completely insane to join. People said that they practiced black magic, and they held crazy rituals, and now they held Tobie.
“Let me out of here!” Tobie screamed as loud as he could into his mouthful of rag. That was a mistake.
Immediately the big guy pounced on Tobie and held him by his face while he held a beefy hand over Tobie’s gagged lips and sneered from behind the ugly rubber mask “You ain't be hurt yet, pledge. You want to be hurt?”
Fear clutched at Tobie’s heart and made his insides feel queasy.
“Now lie back on that bed and let me have a look at you.” Strong hands pushed Tobie back onto the unmade bed and the monster mask began circling the bed and making strange chuckling sounds while he looked over his captive from every angle. “Not bad,” the monster decided. “Now roll over, go on!”
Tobie didn't want to, but he didn't know what else to do. So he struggled against the ropes and finally made himself roll over until he was lying face down on top of the smelly bedding.
“You got nice buns pledge. You ever been strapped or birched?”
A moan rose up out of Tobie’s throat and he shook his head from side to side.
“All right, back on your back. Hurry up! I got to get you ready for the other guys.”
What other guys? What were they going to do? Tobie didn't like this at all. Somehow he managed to roll his body over until he was lying on his back again. And then he looked up and saw the monster mask coming toward him .
“No! Don’t !” Tobie screamed into his mouthful of soggy rag.
But the monster mask just laughed.
Tobie was so scared that he couldn't watch so he closed his eyes and tried very hard to ignore the feeling of someone else’s hands on his body and pulling at his clothes until finally he felt a draft and opened his eyes to see where it was coming from. Now Tobie’s pants were all cut and pulled down below his knees and the monster mask was leering at his little green jockstrap and his bare thighs.
“Not bad,” the monster mask decided, “But you need a shave.”
A shave! Tobie screamed inside his frightened mind. They couldn't shave me!
But then as Tobie looked up at the leering monster mask again he realized that there no limits on what these crazy Hydras might do to him.
“Okay pledge, you're gonna lie right here on this bed and I'm gonna make some phone calls so the other Hydras know you're ready to give them some entertainment.”
The monster mask walked out of the room. Tobie tried to pinch himself. Was this some kind of crazy nightmare he was dreaming? No, it was all too real and Tobie suddenly realized that he didn't want to find out what kind of entertainment these Hydras might like. He had to get out of here now!
First Tobie wormed around on the bed and contorted his body in different ways while he tried desperately to get his fingers on the knots of the ropes that were holding him prisoner. But, even when he managed to get his fingers on the ropes, he discovered that the knots were too tightly tied for him to even budge.
Then Tobie became even more desperate while he managed to get his tied feet down on the floor and then levered himself up into a standing position. Then he began to move his feet back and forth as much as the tight ropes would let him and began taking these tiny steps away from the bed. Little by little, Tobie managed to get his bound body almost to the bedroom doorway.
Suddenly the monster mask appeared in the doorway and clamped a big hand over Tobie’s mouth while the monster’s other hand grabbed a handful of Tobie’s shirt and began pushing him back toward the bed.
“You just made a major mistake,” the monster mask informed him. “Now I'm gonna have to tie you really tight, and when the guys get here, we're gonna have to punish you even more than the last Lambda we captured.”
They'd captured other Lambdas? They'd done this before? Why didn't anybody ever tell Tobie these things? These were the kind of desperate thoughts young Tobie was having while his trussed body was being manhandled back onto the bed. Then the monster mask laughed an evil laugh while he began tying more and more rope between Tobie’s wrists and ankles until Tobie's numb fingers were close to his tingling toes.
“Now don't go anywhere,” the monster mask advised. “We’re gonna have us a real party tonight!” And then the monster began to laugh and laugh as he went out the door.
And each laugh was like the cut of a whip on Tobie’s bound body while he felt the tears running down out of his eyes to mix in with the drool that was dripping out of his mouth. He was definitely in the wrong house, and nobody might ever hear of him again.
32 photos; 3:11 video
20 photos; 5:12 video
28 photos; 4:36 video
25 photos
30 photos; 4:04 video
25 photos; 4:48 video
Model: Adam
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 05/02/2018
24 photos; 5:21 video
24 photos; 5:56 video
23 photos; 4:32 video
Model: Christopher Rotten
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 02/26/2025
Tags: gagging, chair tie, cleave gag, tape gag, hand gag, grope
23 photos; 5:29 video
Model: Brian
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 02/23/2025
Tags: plug gag, bad guy, fondled, groped, jock strap, hog tie, socks, otter
30 photos; 4:14 video
Bored Worker played by Holden Cox
Intruder played by Dalton
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 12/04/2024
Tags: grabbed, hand gag, bad guy, hog tie, gagged, tape gag, cleave gag, gagging, socks
20 photos; 4:02 video
Librarian played by JD
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 01/15/2025
Tags: cleave gag, socks, hog tie
20 photos; 4:02 video
Librarian played by JD
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 01/15/2025
Tags: cleave gag, socks, hog tie
17 photos; 8:22 video
Cow Boy played by Dmitri
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 04/12/2023
Tags: Otm gag, cowboy, boots, exposed, outdoors
11 photos; 5:33 video
Model: BitchmanSP
Photography by Marco Grieco
See More of BitchmanSp Here
Date of Production: 05/28/2024
Tags: OTM gag, muscle, nude, nudity, tattoo, ankle tie, bare foot
26 photos; 5:19 video
Model: Adam
Photography by Caitiff
Date Of Production: 02/08/2025
Tags: Exposed, plug gag, hand gag, dominated, stroke, twink, socks, hog tie