22 photos; 5:33 video
Scarlet Streak played by Jesse Daniels
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 10/13/2019
24 photos; 4:09 video
The Jogger played by David
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 10/16/2019
24 photos; 6:10 video
BoundGuy played by Troy
Bad Guy played by Remy
Date of Production: 08/10/2019
29 photos; 4:20 video
Model: Derek Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:11/16/2013
26 photos; 3:32 video
30 photos
24 photos; 2:08 video
32 photos; 5:19 video
Vladdy played by Vladimir
Daddy played by Sammy
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 08/16/2019
21 photos; 2:10 video
29 photos; 3:18 video
25 photos
Frank needed money for his hot new date he asked out last week. She was really cute but Frank was even cuter to me. I simply love the expression of hot men in the time of need they often only think of themselves even though they want you to help them and give you a guilt trip if you don't. He promised to pay me back Sunday but Frank hadn't which put my damn account overdrawn ugh!! I hate being used so now I'm gonna use his cute punk ass for my pleasure hehe... Frank had no idea what's in store for him now I've have his cute ass all nicely bound up and gagged in my “play room” hehe damn he looked so hot taken in that tight sexy black tee shirt and skater jeans! I XXXX him out cold after a few beers wasn't hard Frank can't hold his liquor well. Coils of thick twisted rope bound his hands tightly behind his back, leaving his front body open to whatever I cared to do with it. To keep his pitiful yapping down, I slapped some sticky tape over his lips. That shall shut the pizzy up! That was his weird nickname after his cute messy hair. Truthfully I liked it well but always teased him with saying he's rebellious and should get himself a damn haircut. Hmmm maybe I'll threaten him with a shave from head to toe he like that wouldn't he? Haha perfect! “Mmmm!” Frank moaned pathetically when he finally arose from his hangover, man this boy can't drink like the tough kid he says he is now I'm gonna teach him reality once and for all. He begged to be let go but that only encouraged me further to torment him. I had evil plans for him and if he's not good he'll be sorry when I beat him up while tied up! If Frank didn't have my money he would repay me another way, and it's simply tough love! Desperately Frank struggled against the ropes. It was futile, of course. Frank was hardly the first guy to think he could screw me over. I had him trussed well but the boy wouldn't stop moving. "Mmmmmppphhh! Mmppmmmmmmm! MMPH!!!" ...ah the beautiful sound of a kid at my mercy it's music to my ears! All of them had ended up the same... tied up, gagged and awaiting me to sell them over to some other dude who would pay handsomely for fresh cute new faces. I would have to see if that guy in Singapore would be interested, he loves handsome young slaves with nice beefy muscled bodies and cute little baby faces. Frank was just his type! But I was getting way ahead of myself. Frank was still raw and untrained; he had still had delusions of being in control. There he was still trying to escape, what a restless little pizzy he was! He was bound hand and foot but still he struggled, as if he had any chance of breakin' free? Frank moaned and begged through his sweet taped up lips, apparently not understanding why I had gagged his punk mouth to begin with. Time to put this pizzy in proper time out! "MmmpphH, mmmpphhHH!!" Frank screamed. "I said shut the hell up Frank you're mine now and you will do what I say! Time to bind up those juicy muscles of yours really tight if you make a peep I'll wrap you up tighter so you can't breathe you hear!" Frank sobbed and broke into his subordinate form as I firmly coiled more tight ropes around his beefy chest and arms and squeezed his torso like a snake into a well packaged stud off to the slave market then I bound up his feet and meaty legs too so the boy knows he's owned! Frank tried to resist, of course it didn’t do him any good. Frank didn’t need more rope to stay tied up, but it was good for him to get used ot the idea of being tightly bound. It looked so hot on him like he was somehow made for this. He would be spending most of his time tied up in some fashion. “Mmmppphh Mmmmaaa!” Frank grunted as I shoved him to the ground on his knees. Something else he might as well get used to now. The boy will be manhandled a lot as his tightly bound helpless body is begging to be touched and possibly abused if the kid misbehaves. "Now you be a good litt'l pizzy or I'll really hurt you, now shut up you bad pizzy! Next time I hear you moan and struggle I'm gonna take this sharp edge and slice you up until you're completely butt ass naked!" Frank looked puzzled but believed me and backed down. "mmmmpppphhhmmm... mmmmm?" I watched Frank continue to struggle and grunt, the pure excitment of young boys tied up and at my full mercy gets me so hard! He still couldn't believe that I was going to sell his ass off into slavery. I know my customers would fall in love with his personality; they adore cute litt'l tied up pizzys hehe and I told him that was going to happen to him if he didn't’ pay me. Now he's worthless and fair game to whoever will pay me the highest bid; a handsome young jock like Frank could be worth $10K! However I didn't’ see any reason to get my money back too soon as I'm not through with him yet... I was sure to get more for him if he was properly trained first. Yeah, I was really going to enjoy this... "Now my pizzy let's whip u into shape hehehe..." Frank's eyes opened like cue balls when I cracked the big leather whip out at him, he cried... "Now down on your knees! Or feel my wrath..." WHACK!! "MmMMPHHHhH!!!! MmmpHHH!!" The End Frank played by: Zac Photography by: Zac Date of Production:09/22/2010
20 photos; 5:18 video
Con’t from Urban Cowboy
“Mmmmmppphhaaammmmmm!” Kenny moaned angrily.
Earlier that day he had insulted his neighbour Jose and Carlos. They had responded by nabbing him. Now he was in their basement tied up. A filthy rag had been knotted and shoved into his mouth, gagging him. Then while he lay on a mattress they had pulled down his pants. His ass and dick hung out exposed. More rope was taken out and Kenny was cruelly hog tied. Jose and his buddy Carlos ran their grubby hands all over Kenny’s helpless body. Bound and gagged, he could nothing as they XXXX him.
“Mmmmpphhh!? Mmmmmm!”, Kenny grunted.
Suddenly there was the sound of a XXXX on the door.
“Ahh shit, what now man!” Carlos complained, “I was just getting into it!”
“Well go see who it is, asshole!”, Jose said as he grabbed at Kenny’s dick.
“You do it! It’s your house.” Carlos retorted.
“Fuck. All right. Keep this asshole quiet! And don’t do nothing until I get back.”
Jose pulled up his half dropped drawers and ran up the stairs. Carlos gave Kenny a threatening look and went off into a corner. Taking out a cigarette, he lit up a smoke.
Kenny couldn’t hear what was going on upstairs but he did realise this could have been his only chance to get help. But how? Even if he tried yelling for help, would anyone hear him through the gag? Kenny could hardly move being trussed up as he was.
Kenny didn’t know how long Jose had been gone but it seemed like quite a while. Carlos was obviously growing impatient. He threw his cigarette to the floor and stomped on it angrily.
“Fuck this. And fuck Jose. Your ass is mine.”
“Mmmppphh!” Kenny groaned. He practically growled at Carlos for all the good it would do.
Carlos went to work, squeezing Kenny’s bare buns. Kenny’s nips were bitten and pinched. Carlos' lips went down and Kenny could feel his tongue going up and down the shaft. Despite himself, his dick began to harden. Carlos had already taken out his own growing cock and was rubbing against Kenny’s bare body.
“Uhh hey, Carlos, you need to come up here man.”, Jose said from a top the stairs.
“It can wait.”
“No. Only a minute.”
“damn! Guess he got rid of the guy at the door. Be right back and then you can have both of us.”
Carlos pulled himself off Kenny, pulled up his pants and ran up threw stairs only to be greeted by a man yelling “Police. On the ground!”
Kenny was never so happy as he saw the police rush down the stairs to go rescue him. Apparently when Jose and Carlos had grabbed him, someone had called the police.
As a hunky muscular cop undid Kenny’s bonds, Kenny couldn’t help but notice how hot the guy looked in his uniform.
The End
Kenny the Cowboi played by Jay
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production 10/12/2008
25 photos; 3:46 video
Bound Guy played by Rex
Bad Guy played by Alan
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 08/31/2019
25 photos; 4:55 video
Gagged Biker played by Jon Storm
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 08/18/2019
30 photos; 5:05 video
BoundGuy played by Steve Thompson
Date of Production: 07/24/2019
20 photos; 5:25 video
Model: Patrick (AKA Tynan Fox)
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 01/12/2012
33 photos; 5:58 video
26 photos
30 photos
"I'm sorry!"
"We weren't doing anything!"
John wouldn't listen to me. He just pulled my mouth open and shoved his biggest plug gag deep into my mouth.
"MmmeaseMmohn!" I begged him.
But he ignored the tears on my cheeks, pulled my head down roughly onto his shoulder, and then he buckled the straps really tight behind my neck. It hurt me, but not as much as when he pushed me away from him and I fell back onto our guest bed. He was so angry that he didn't even want me to touch him now.
"Drew, I have had it with you!" he screamed at me, and then he went out and slammed the door shut with a really loud bang. I wanted to cry. This wasn't like the times when I'd forgotten to put out the garbage, or all of the times he had yelled at me for leaving my dirty clothes all over our bedroom floor. No, this was different, and John was really different.
And foolish me, I never saw it coming. When I came home I had kissed him as usual and I guess I got a little excited when he pushed me toward the guest room. John didn't go in for sex anywhere outside of our bedroom so I thought that maybe this was going to be kind of fun to do. And I think I kind of giggled a little when he told me to take my clothes off. I loved it when he was a little bossy. And I didn't even guess that something was wrong when he started to tie me up. He had tied me up lots of times before, usually when he was trying to be nice and give me a reward me for something good that I had done for him.
But then he started pulling the ropes really tight like he had never done before, and then I saw the angry vein pulsing at his temple, and the way he was pressing his lips so tight together, and I knew that something was terribly wrong.
"Who was that boy?" he asked me through his tight lips.
Oh no! That boy was David. David, the boy who wouldn't even look at me when we were in school together. David, the boy who always had two cheerleaders on his arms so that no one would ever guess the truth about him. David, the boy who had finally come out to himself and rushed over to tell me all about it when I was coming home through the park.
I swear I only gave him one kiss. And it didn't mean a thing to me. I was just trying to be friendly and supportive and all of those things that you're supposed to be. But John must have seen that kiss, and now he was like, like I had never seen him before.
"I don't want to hear about it, Drew!" He was screaming at me through the door. "You're going to be in that room all night! You think you can run around on me and make me out to be the fool?"
How could I make him understand? Didn't he know how much I loved him?
I could hear the crashing of pots and the sound of breaking dishes coming from the kitchen. My poor John. My lover could never find his way around my kitchen, and his cooking was just terrible. Maybe I was going to go hungry tonight, but better that than having to eat John's cooking.
I'll wait until the morning when he's calmed down. Then he'll come to untie me. And then I'll give him all of the loving he's going to be missing tonight, and I'll cook him a nice big breakfast, and then he will promise never to hurt me again.
Drew played by Rod
Photography by Caitiff
31 photos; 6:10 video
Model: Dante
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 09/24/2019
20 photos; 3:34 video
Model: Vladimor
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 08/23/2019
20 photos; 5:24 video
Model: Remy
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 07/23/2019
24 photos; 6:31 video
Model: Van
Photography by Caitiff
Date of P{roduction: 12/30/2008
42 photos; 3:01 video
Model: Arturo Photography by Caitiff Date of Production 12/04/2008
23 photos; 4:32 video
Model: Christopher Rotten
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 02/26/2025
Tags: gagging, chair tie, cleave gag, tape gag, hand gag, grope
23 photos; 5:29 video
Model: Brian
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 02/23/2025
Tags: plug gag, bad guy, fondled, groped, jock strap, hog tie, socks, otter
30 photos; 4:14 video
Bored Worker played by Holden Cox
Intruder played by Dalton
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 12/04/2024
Tags: grabbed, hand gag, bad guy, hog tie, gagged, tape gag, cleave gag, gagging, socks
20 photos; 6:00 video
Worker played by Mauricio
Photography by Marco Grieco
See More of Mauricio Here
Date of Production: 06/29/2024
Tags: Outside, OTM gag, shirtless, underwear, hand cuff
20 photos; 4:02 video
Librarian played by JD
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 01/15/2025
Tags: cleave gag, socks, hog tie
17 photos; 8:22 video
Cow Boy played by Dmitri
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 04/12/2023
Tags: Otm gag, cowboy, boots, exposed, outdoors
11 photos; 5:33 video
Model: BitchmanSP
Photography by Marco Grieco
See More of BitchmanSp Here
Date of Production: 05/28/2024
Tags: OTM gag, muscle, nude, nudity, tattoo, ankle tie, bare foot
26 photos; 5:19 video
Model: Adam
Photography by Caitiff
Date Of Production: 02/08/2025
Tags: Exposed, plug gag, hand gag, dominated, stroke, twink, socks, hog tie